Chapter 23 Reading Guide

Chapter 23
Topic/Objective: Chapter 23: Managing the Great
Depression, Forging the New Deal 1929-1939
Essential Question(s): How did organizations struggle to address the effects of large-scale industrialization,
economic uncertainty, and related social changes? (Key Concept 7.1) Analyze how changes to the role of the
government under the New Deal affected the society and economy. (Key Concept POL-4)
Early Responses to the Depression, 1929-1932
How were the central causes of the Great Depression in the United States and the rest of the
world related?
Enter Herbert Hoover
On what two American principles did Hoover base his response to the Great Depression?
Describe how each of the following intensified the economic problems of the Great
- Adherence to gold standard
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
High tariffs
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (definition and criticism)
Rising Discontent
Demands of the Bonus Army
Why was treatment of the Bonus Army a massive political relations blunder for Hoover?
The 1932 Election
What did Roosevelt claim the country needed?
20th amendment
Fireside Chats
Roosevelt and the First Hundred Days
How did the use of radio by Roosevelt affect citizens’ feelings towards Roosevelt?
Hundred Days
“Alphabet Soup”
What four problems did Congress focus on during the first Hundred Days?
Glass-Steagall Act
Banking Reform
What was the purpose of the “bank holiday”
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Agriculture and Manufacturing
What problems lay in agriculture and manufacturing?
National Recovery
Administration (NRA)
Overall evaluations of the AAA and NRA: (Who benefited? Who lost? Effective?)
Public Works
Administration (PWA)
Unemployment Relief
Criticisms of the “dole” or government welfare programs and the solution-
Civilian Conservation
Corps (CCC)
Federal Housing
Administration (FHA)
Housing Crisis
How did Congress attempt to reform the housing sector?
Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC)
The New Deal Under Attack
Problems with Wall Street
Liberty League
Critics on the Right
Economic conservative criticisms of the New Deal
Schlechter v. U.S.
National Association of
Manufacturers (NAM)
Why did the Supreme Court proceed to strike down other New Deal legislation?
Townsend Plan
Critics on the Populist Left
Why did Townsend Clubs spring up?
Share Our Wealth Society
Huey Long’s beliefs and actions
Father Coughlin
What about these individuals and organizations gave the Republican Party hope?
The Second New Deal and the Redefining of Liberalism, 1935-1938
Why is this time period (1935-1938) known as the Second New Deal
How did FDR respond to the threats of Populist reformers?
Welfare State
The Welfare State Comes into Being
Focus of the First New Deal
Focus of the Second New Deal
Wagner Act
The Wagner Act and Social Security
Three provisions of Social Security
Social Security Act
How could the passage of the Social Security Act be seen as a major shift in responsibility for
the government?
Classical Liberalism
New Deal Liberalism
How does New Deal liberalism and classical liberalism differ? How do these ideas shape
politics in the future?
Works Progress
Administration (WPA)
The 1936 Election
What type of citizens supported FDR in the 1932 election?
Republican strategy for the 1932 election
Roosevelt Recession
Keynesian Economics
Court Battle and Economic Recession
FDR’s proposal for adding new judges to the Supreme Court
After Congress rejected the “court packing” scheme, the text states “If Roosevelt lost the
battle, he went on to win the war.” What do the authors mean by this statement?
How did Roosevelt respond to the recession of 1937-39?
What caused many Americans to accept Keynesian economics?
The New Deal’s Impact on Society
How did the New Deal set in motion a profound change in the relationship between American
citizens and the government?
Organized Labor
What led to an increase in labor union numbers during the New Deal?
Frances Perkins
Women and the New Deal
Why did many New Deal measures not address women’s welfares directly?
How was Eleanor Roosevelt the conscience of the New Deal era?
African Americans Under the New Deal
What led to a shift in African Americans voting solidly Republican since the Civil War to voting
solidly Democratic since the Great Depression?
Scottsboro Boys
Mary McLeod Bethune
Why was the New Deal limited in its approach to African Americans?
How did the AAA fail to help African American farmers during the Great Depression?
Indian Policy
Previous government policies towards Native Americans
What did the Indian Reorganization Act (Indian New Deal) do for Native Americans?
Dawes Act of 1887 (Ch. 16)
Drawbacks of the Indian Reorganization Act
Indian Reorganization Act
Struggles in the West
Conditions drawing immigrants to California and the West
Reshaping the Environment
FDR’s “gospel of conservation”
“Dust Bowl”
The Dust Bowl
How did the government regulate the environment during the Dust Bowl?
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley Authority
Effects of electricity on farmers?
Rural Electrification
Administration (REA)
Grand Coulee
Effects of the Grand Coulee on the West
The New Deal and the Arts
Relationship between the New Deal and artists
The Legacies of the New Deal
How did the New Deal change the role of the U.S. government?
What was the long-term legacy of the New Deal?
Summary: (Use guiding questions)