Name: Date: Ch. 26 Assessment 1. Matching: Match each of the

Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
Ch. 26 Assessment
1. Matching:
Match each of the following term some may not be used
A. To Secure These Rights
B. GI Bill
C. Alger Hiss
D. Bretton-Woods agreement
E. Dennis vs. US
F. Taft-Hartley act
G. Warsaw Pact
I. Employment Act of 1946
J. Rosenbergs
K. McCarthyism
____ Accused of being a soviet agent by Whittacker
Chambers, was questioned by Richard Nixon; unfair
trial and execution
_____ outlawed closed shops, secondary boycotts,
officials sign loyalty oaths, weakened organized
labor in South and West
_____ dramatized Jim crow America, advocated civil
Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer.
2. In which case did the Supreme Court rule that
Congress could curtail freedom of speech to protect
national security?
a. Alger hiss trial
b. Dennis vs. US
c. Morgan vs. VA
d. The Rosenberg case
3. the NSC-68
a. Was rejected by Truman as expensive
b. Was a secret soviet plan to foment a
communist surge in the US
c. Called for a massive US military buildup
to counter the USSR aggressive intentions
d. Called for negotiations with the soviet
union to reach a verifiable nuclear
disarmament treaty
_____ created by Allies, framework for global
economy in postwar world, also created IMF and
World Bank
_____ House Un-American Activities Committee
_____ gave veterans jobs, occupational guidance,
promised higher education and establish vet
_____ A synonym for personal attacks on individuals
with no substantial evidence
_____affirmed conviction despite lack of evidence
and gave congress power to suppress free speech
_____ committed government to ensuring economic
wealth and established the council of economic
advisors, only major accomplishment of the Truman
4. The Cold War led the United States to do all of the
following except
a. Erect military bases on every continent
b. Sign a series of military alliances
c. Abandon its traditional isolation
d. Declare the Monroe doctrine no longer
5. The purpose of the Bretton woods agreement was
a. Widen the good neighbor policy
b. Establish global peace
c. Create a stable international trade regime
d. Establish a military alliance between the
US and Britain
6. In which of these conflicts did American and
Soviet troops clash on the battlefield?
a. The efforts to get supplies to Berlin
despite Russian blockade
b. The Korean war
c. The Indochinese war in which Ho Chi
Minh tried to oust the French
d. None of the above
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
7. The Dixiecrats
a. Bolted the Democratic party to support
Thomas Dewey in the 1948 election
b. Formed the core of Truman’s support in
the South during the 1948 election
c. Were white supremacists who were
determined to protect the southern way of
d. All of the above
12. The Korean War had all of the following
consequences except
a. The decision to give priority to Asia over
Europe in American foreign policy
b. The signing of a peace treaty with Japan
c. The escalation of the anticommunist
d. The admission of Germany to NATO and
its rearmament
8. Alger Hiss was accused of
a. Opposing American involvement of the
hydrogen bomb because of communist
b. Giving secret State Department
documents to a soviet agent in the 30’s
c. Helping China become communist in
1949 by sending secret military plans of
Jiang Jieshi
d. Taking part in a communist conspiracy to
infiltrate the govt. with communism
13. The Berlin Airlift was America’s response to
a. The Soviet blockade of West Berlin from
land communication with the rest of the
b. The acute war-time destruction of roads
and railroads
c. The unusually severe weather of 1947
d. The construction of the Berlin Wall
9. The Marshall Plan
a. Was the codename for the development
of the hydrogen bomb
b. Envisioned a global series of military
alliances for the US
c. Was designed to strengthen the Monroe
d. Provided billions of dollars to rebuild
Western Europe
10. Which of the following was accomplished during
the Truman presidency?
a. A national health-insurance system was
b. A federal anti-lynching law was enacted
c. the Employment act of 1946 establishing
the CEA being passed
d. Labor unions were strengthened by
government backing for the closed shop
11. George Kennan is most closely associated with
a. The theory of containment
b. Spending money to rebuild western
c. The planning of the Berlin Airlift
d. Recommending that the U.S. recognize
14. All of the following statements about the TaftHartley Act are true except
a. It outlawed the closed shop
b. It allowed Truman to have a cooling off
c. It was vetoed by President Truman
d. It had long been a goal of a large number
of labor unions
15. The Truman Doctrine was issued in support of
“free peoples who are resisting attempted
subjugation by armed minorities or by outside
pressure” in
a. Turkey and Greece
b. Poland and Hungary
c. Albania and Yugoslavia
d. East Germany