Name: _______________ Period: ____ Unit 9: Post-War America Part 1: Truman & The Cold War Missed a day? Links are on my teacher website Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Date Grade NA Assignment Curriculum Map Big Ideas & Guiding Questions; 3/2/1 – The Story of Us: Superpower Vocabulary Walk pt. 1 & 2 Truman and the Post-War World Vocabulary Walk pt. 3 & 4 Truman and the Post-War World Post – War Economic Growth – Prezi Truman’s Fair Deal and Civil Rights Initiative – Prezi Cold War Introduction – Prezi AVID – Storyboard – UN, Potsdam, Iron Curtain, TB p. 603-605 The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan – Prezi Divided Germany, Berlin Airlift, NATO, Warsaw Pact – Prezi China and Korea – Prezi National Security at Home – Prezi Cornell Notes – Second Red Scare – Prezi Cornell Notes – McCarthyism Vocabulary Walk pt. 1 & 2 Cold War and the Red Scare Vocabulary Walk pt. 3 & 4 Cold War and the Red Scare Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Post-War Domestic Affairs in the Truman Years Postwar Politics and Economic Growth 2 days Causes of Economic Growth Lower Taxes and Increased Affluence - Pent up Consumer Demand after WW II Government spending - GI Bill of Rights, Infrastructure projects (dams, roads, power stations), military spending Baby Boom Growth of Suburbs – Levittowns Rise of the Sunbelt The Fair Deal and Civil Rights The Fair Deal Employment Act of 1946, Increase in Minimum Wage, Expansion of Social Security, Civil Rights Legislation, Federal Housing Program, Federal Aid to Education, National Health Care Insurance Congressional Opposition – Congressional bloc of Southern Democrats Taft-Hartley Act, 1947 Fair Employment Practice Commission Truman’s Executive Orders and Civil Rights Created the Committee on Civil Rights, 1946 Strengthened the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department End to discrimination in the hiring of government employees Desegregation of the Armed Forces Presidential Election of 1948 Progressive Democrats – Henry Wallace Dixiecrats – Strom Thurmond Democrat Candidate – Harry Truman Republican – Thomas Dewey The Early Cold War (1945-1953) and the Second Red Scare 2 days Origins of the Cold War Legacy of Mistrust Russian Revolution – Differences in ideology, threat to capitalism WW II – the appeasement policy of the West (seen as a plot by Stalin to weaken the USSR), and US and Britain slow to open a “real” 2nd front in Europe as Russia was fighting Germany for its survival Yalta Conference failures after the war – satellite states in Eastern Europe and Occupation zones in Germany Potsdam Conference – US did not tell Stalin we had an atomic weapon USSR presence in Iran, and meddling in Greece and Turkey – led to the Iron Curtain Speech US Response to Soviet Actions in Europe Containment Policy Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Crisis NATO National Security Act, 1947 – NSC, CIA, NSA, JCS Nuclear Weapons – the H-bomb Expansion of the Cold War – Asia (1947-1953) The fall of China Korean War Truman v. MacArthur Significance of the Korean War Second Red Scare – McCarthyism - American Reaction at Home Causes of the Second Red Scare Loyalty Oaths, HUAC and the Hollywood 10, Hiss Case, Impact of the Fall of China, Rosenberg Case, Soviet A-bomb Rise of Joseph McCarthy and his tactics Fall of McCarthy – US Army Hearings -1Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ “Big Ideas” - Post-War Domestic Affairs in the Truman Years: 1. WW II ended the Great Depression as the US emerged as the world’s strongest economic power transforming industry and society, producing rapid demographic change at home, and increasing American commitments abroad. 2. Truman was the first president to attempt to alter the historic pattern of racial discrimination in the United States since Reconstruction, however his efforts were stymied by Congress and the initial actions of the Cold War. The Early Cold War and the Second Red Scare in the Truman Years: 3. At the end of WW II, a legacy of mistrust and conflicting postwar goals for the future of Europe led to a 50 year ideological struggle between democracy and communism known as the Cold War. 4. The policy of containment and its supporting economic, political, and military strategies led to increasing US involvement in crises around the world. 5. As the Cold War spread around the world, Americans suspected Communist infiltration of their own society and government in a time of much fear and distrust. “Guiding Questions” - Post-War Domestic Affairs in the Truman Years: 1. To what extent did each of the following developments transform American society in the immediate postwar years: Tax Cuts and Increased affluence GI Bill of Rights (The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) The Baby Boom Entry of women into the workforce Growth of Suburbs Migration to the Sunbelt 2. What factors prevented the key programs and civil rights initiatives in Truman’s Fair Deal from being enacted, in what ways did Truman respond, and what impact did his actions have on the Presidential election in 1948? The Early Cold War and the Second Red Scare in the Truman Years: 3. In what ways did a legacy of mistrust between the US and USSR and the lessons of WW II affect postwar goals in Europe and lead to post-war confrontation between the former Allied powers? 4. In what ways did the US achieve its postwar goals in Europe from 1945-1949 and to what degree were US policies, strategies, and actions successful in effectively checking Soviet power? 5. Why were US efforts in Asia to “contain” the spread of communism not as successful as our efforts were in Europe and what impact did the fall of China have on US politics? 6. In what ways was the Korean War different from earlier American wars, how did it challenge the Constitution, and what was its long term significance? 7. What factors combined to create the Second Red Scare, in what ways did Senator Joseph McCarthy exploit the anti-communism hysteria, and were his tactics and allegations justified? America the Story of Us: Episode 11, Superpower 3/2/1 3 Facts 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Questions 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Summary (3 SENTENCES!!!) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ -2Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Truman: Post-War America Vocabulary Part I Part II [work with a partner on both parts] DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK AT ALL! (38 answers) ___ 1. ________________________ – one sign of confidence in the postwar era was the soaring birthrate from 19451960 there were 50 million births. ___ 2. ________________________ – it was also known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944. It provided financial & educational benefits so that 15 million WWII veterans could make the transition to a peacetime economy. ___ 3. ________________________ – located in the suburbs on Long Island, New York. This project contained 17,000 mass-produced, low-priced family homes. ___ 4. ________________________ - residential town or community near a city ___ 5. ________________________ – what the Ohio Valley region was called because of the heavy industry that was prevalent there. ___ 6. ________________________ – A 15 state area stretching in a smiling crescent from Virginia through Florida and Texas to Arizona and California. ___ 7. ________________________ – President Truman’s economic & social program for the country. It called for improving housing, full employment, a higher minimum wage, better farm price supports, new TVAs, and an extension of Social Security. ___ 8. ________________________ – Southern Democrat who left the party in reaction to Truman’s support for civil rights. Also known as the States’ Rights Party. It chose Strom Thurmond of South Carolina as its presidential candidate in 1948. ___ 9. ________________________ – as he campaigned around the nation for the 1948 election, Truman labeled the Republican-led 88th Congress as this for not accomplishing anything. ___ 10. ________________________ – Republican congressional law labeled as “slave-labor law” by Democrats for attacking unions and requiring its leaders to take a noncommunist oath. ___ 11. ________________________ – addition to the Constitution that limited a president to a maximum of two full terms in office. ___ 12. ________________________ – the elimination of laws, customs, or practices under which different races, groups, etc., are restricted to specific or separate public facilities, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, or the like. ___ 13. ________________________ – established by President Truman in 1946, it was instructed to investigate the status of minority rights in the country & propose measures to strengthen and protect them. ___ 14. ________________________ – FDR created it during WWII to promote the fullest employment of all available persons and to eliminate discriminatory employment practices ___ 15. ________________________ – This is a congressionally chartered Hispanic veterans and civil rights organization. Its motto is "Education is Our Freedom and Freedom should be Everybody's Business". ___ 16. ________________________ – This Hispanic GI was killed in action during WWII and was not allowed to be buried in the 'white' section of his cemetery. Because of this, he became the first Mexican-American to be interred in Arlington National Cemetery. ___ 17. ________________________ – federal court case that challenged racial segregation in Orange County, California schools. It ruled that segregation of Mexican and Mexican American students into separate "Mexican schools" was unconstitutional. ___ 18. ________________________ – made the segregation of children of Mexican descent in Texas illegal. ___ 19. ________________________ – was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that decided that Mexican Americans and all other racial groups in the United States had equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -3Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Part III Organize the terms into 3-6 categories & give the categories a title (2 pts each = 38 pts) Work with your partner Part IV (use a minimum of two complete sentences per answer) [work by yourself!!] (62 pts) 1. How is the Baby Boom related to the development of suburbs? (12pts) 2. What inference or conclusion can one draw about who controlled Congress, and why they passed the Taft-Hartley Act overriding President Truman’s veto? (12pts) 3. What is the significance of Hernandez v. Texas (1954)? (12pts) 4. How could President Truman justify the Longoria Incident to white Americans? (12pts) 5. What would happen to the Armed Services today if Congress passed a new GI Bill? (14pts) -4Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Post-War Economic Growth - Prezi -5Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Date: _________________ Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Truman’s Fair Deal and Civil Rights Initiative - Prezi -6Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ The Cold War: Introduction Prezi & Chart Roots of the Cold War Category Soviet Communism American Democracy Political System One political party, the Communist Party. A multi-party democracy. Organization All labor groups and other associations are run by Unions and other organizations openly negotiate the Communist Party. with employers. Economic Industries and farms are owned by the state; Free enterprise system; private ownership of System central planners determine the nation’s economic property; supply and demand determine prices; needs; limited private property; education and people meet their own needs with some limited health care provided by the state. government involvement. Religion Religion is discouraged. Free exercise of religion. Individual Secret police arrest opponents; censorship; no Freedom of the press and expression. Rights free exercise of belief. Using the Chart, Why do you think that the United States and the Soviet Union would inevitably clash? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Joseph Stalin Yalta Conference -7Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Storyboarding – Students sequence a series of events or concepts by writing summaries, creating illustrations, and posing questions that are not directly answered in the text (higher-order). Students develop chronological and cause-and-effect relations between events. Student Expectation – SE – (Framing the Lesson): _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: The United Nations, Potsdam Conference, and the Iron Curtain, p. 603-605 Subtitle: The United Nations & Truman Becomes President Summary: Subtitle: The Potsdam Conference & Bargaining at Potsdam Summary: Picture: Picture: Question: Question: Subtitle: Soviets Tighten their Grip on Eastern Europe Summary: Subtitle: United States Establishes a Policy of Containment Summary: Picture: Picture: Question: Question: How does the information on this page relate to the SE at the top? (Close out the Lesson): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ “A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victory…From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe…All these famous cities and the populations around them lie in…the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and…increasing measure of control from Moscow.” – Winston Churchill - “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri 1) What does Churchill mean by the phrase “iron curtain”? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ -8Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ The Truman Doctrine Act as an Amateur Historian In the Truman Doctrine, President Truman promised to support any country fighting Communism: “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted [conquest] by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. I believe our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.” 1) Do you think the United States should have offered aid to all nations facing such threats? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ A historian, Stephen Ambrose, once wrote: “Truman realized that he could never get the economy-minded Republicans – and the public that stood behind them – to shell out tax dollars to support a rather shabby King in Greece. Truman had to describe the Greek situation in universal terms, good versus evil, to get their support. In a single sentence, Truman defined American policy for the next twenty years. Whenever and wherever an anti-Communist government was threatened by insurgents, foreign invasion, or even diplomatic pressure, the United States would supply political, economic, and most of all military aid.” 2) What is Ambrose’s view of the Truman Doctrine? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I have a plan to help rebuild Europe! Aid under the Marshall Plan Netherlands 8% Great Britain 24% Others 13% Austria 5% France 21% Italy 11% Turkey 2% West Greece Germany 5% 11% -9Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Divided Germany, The Berlin Airlift, NATO, & the Warsaw Pact - Prezi - 10 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ THE COLD WAR HEATS UP CHINA: For two decades, Chinese communists had struggled against the ____________ government of ________________________ The _______ supported Chiang and gave the Nationalist Party $3 billion in aid during WWII However, ______________________ Communist Party in China was strong, especially among Chinese ________________ CHINESE CIVIL WAR: 1944-1947 After Japan left China at the end of the War, Chinese Nationalists and Communists fought a bloody _______________ Despite the U.S. sending $ billions to the Nationalists, the Communists under Mao won the war and ruled China Chiang and the Nationalists fled China to neighboring ______________________ Mao established the ____________________________ AMERICA STUNNED The ___________________ was shocked that China had fallen to the Communists Many believed _____________________ had failed and communism was expanding American fear of communism and communist expansion was increasing KOREAN WAR Japan had taken over Korea in ________ and ruled it until _____________________ As WWII ended, Japanese troops _________ of the 38th parallel surrendered to the _____________ Japanese soldiers ________ of the 38th surrendered to the ____________________ As in Germany, ___________ developed, one ____________ (North Korea) and one ______________ (South Korea) NORTH KOREA ATTACKS SOUTH KOREA On ________________, North Korean forces swept across the 38th parallel in a surprise attack on South Korea With only ____________________ in South Korea, the Soviets figured the Americans would not fight to save South Korea Instead, America sent _______________________________ to South Korea MACARTHUR’S COUNTERATTACK At first, North Korea seemed unstoppable However, General MacArthur launched a counterattack with _________________________________________ Many North Koreans surrendered; others retreated across the 38th parallel CHINA JOINS THE FIGHT Just as it looked like the Americans were going to score a victory in the North, _____________________________ joined the war on the side of the North Koreans The fight between North and South Korea had turned into a war in which the main opponents were ________________________ VS _________________________ MACARTHUR RECOMMENDS ATTACKING CHINA To halt the ______________________, General MacArthur called for an extension of the war into China Furthermore, MacArthur called for the U.S. to ________________________ on several Chinese cities President ____________ rejected the General’s requests MACARTHUR VS. TRUMAN MacArthur continued to urge President Truman to attack China and tried to go behind Truman’s back – Truman was furious with his general On ________________, Truman made the shocking announcement that he had _________ MacArthur Americans were surprised and many still supported their fallen general AN ARMISTICE IS SIGNED Negotiators began working on a settlement as early as the summer of 1951 Finally, in July 1953, an agreement was signed that ended the war in a _______________ ____________________ America’s cost: _______________________________ - 11 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ National Security at Home - 12 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Date: _________________ Name: _______________________________ Topic: The Second Red Scare Questions/Main Ideas Period: ______ SE: Notes Summary: - 13 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Date: _________________ Name: _______________________________ Topic: McCarthyism Questions/Main Ideas Period: ______ SE: Notes Summary: - 14 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Date: _________________ Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Truman: Cold War/Red Scare Vocabulary Part I Part II [work with a partner on both parts] DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK AT ALL! (40 answers) ___ 1. ________________________ – state of hostility between the USSR & USA after WWII that lasted over 4 decades but without any direct military action between the 2 countries. ___ 2. ________________________ – the measures taken by the USA to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries around the world ___ 3. ________________________ – US presidential policy right after WWII of sending aid to any nation trying to prevent a Communist takeover especially in Greece and Turkey ___ 4. ________________________ - the successful program under which the USA gave economic aid to rebuild postwar Europe to keep it from communist takeover. ___ 5. ________________________ – defensive military alliance of the US, Canada, & 10 European nations for protecting all members from outside attack. ___ 6. ________________________ – congressional law that created 1) Department of Defense, 2) National Security Council, & 3) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to employ spies to gather information on foreign governments ___ 7. ________________________ – the CIA’s use of undercover intervention in the internal politics of other nations. ___ 8. ________________________ – smaller countries that are dominated by a larger country (the Soviet Union) ___ 9. ________________________ – military alliance of the USSR & its satellite nations ___ 10. _______________________ – the division of Europe (from the Baltic Sea in the north, all the way to the Adriatic Sea in the south) between free & communist countries ___ 11. _______________________ – the re-supply of West Berlin by US & British planes during Soviet blockade of 1948 ___ 12. _______________________ – The US Cold War policy after the Communists revolution in China forced the (1) Nationalists Chinese to flee to Taiwan supported by the USA and (2) leaving the mainland as “Red” China. ___ 13. _______________________ – conflict started when Communist North Korea invaded US-backed South Korea. After 3 years of fighting and 54,000 U.S. deaths all sides agreed to an Armistice or ceasefire that returned to the status quo before the conflict had started. ___ 14. _______________________ – the United Nations Security Council called upon all U.N members to “render every assistance” to restore peace in Korea. While many nations participated, the vast majority of troops were from the USA. ___ 15. _______________________ – imaginary line that divides Korea between the communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. ___ 16. _______________________ – conflict that France started when it tried to reclaim its former colony of Indochina after WWII. It pitted the communists backed by China & the USSR against the French who received US military support. When the French lost at Dien Bien Phu, Indochina was divided into Cambodia, Laos, & Vietnam ___ 17. _______________________ – Post WWII Communist-led revolutions in Europe & Asia led many in the USA to fear that there were Communist spies in the U.S. State Department, military, & all institutions in American society. ___ 18. _______________________ – refers to a tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without producing evidence, named after the U.S. Senator who accused people of being communists with out having any proof. ___ 19. _______________________ – a joint US & British operation that discovered Americans working as Soviet spies in the U.S. government ___ 20. _______________________ – this group’s job was to look for Communists both inside & outside of the U.S. government. If the accused refused to testify they were tried for contempt of Congress or Blacklisted from working in their industry. - 15 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War Name: _______________________________ Period: ______ Date: _________________ Part III Organize the terms into 3-6 categories and give the categories a title (2 pts each = 40 pts) Work by yourself Part IV (use a minimum of two complete sentences per answer) [work by yourself!!] (60 pts) 1. How is the Korean War related to the French-Indochina War? (12pts) 2. What inference or conclusion can one make about how the policy of containment would affect U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War? (12pts) 3. What was the significance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to a country like Greece which borders Soviet Controlled Eastern Europe? (12pts) 4. How could President Truman justify to the American public the use of mostly American forces in the United Nations’ police action to try to save South Korea? (12pts) 5. What would have happened if the US had a modern day version of McCarthyism after September 11, 2001? (12pts) - 16 Unit 9: The Post War Years, Truman and the Early Cold War