Student End of Year snapshot - Colorado Department of Education

Data Pipeline Town Hall
May 8, 2014
Webinar Etiquette
 Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) ; many
phones have a mute button on them.
 If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the
webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music!
 We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation:
 Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR
 Raise Your Hand:
• A presenter will call your name
• After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your
 Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate
conversation later to best help you
Today’s Agenda
Student End of Year
TSDL (Teacher Student Data Link)
Safety and Discipline
Directory - Request for School Code
Summer Town Hall Schedule
Town Hall - New Data Submitter Training
for 2014-15
11th Grade Alternate Assessment
Special Education End of Year
Student End of Year is open
 2013-2014 End of Year is open
 Identity Management groups are available.
 Acronym is SEY
 Examples:
 SILVERTON_1 PIPELINE-2820-SEY~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role
 Work with your LAM to get the role assigned
 Only assign one role
 Role needs to be assigned by May 15th
End of Year
 Student End of Year snapshot
 Student Profile
 Snapshot
 Select Student End of Year and fill drop downs
 Press the create snapshot.
 Please create snapshots
 All districts must create an End of Year snapshot by
June 5th
End of Year – Screen Shot
End of Year resources
 End of Year (EOY) website
 Data pipeline site -> snapshot -> End of Year
 Schedule posted on EOY snapshot page
 Document on how to assign EOY groups posted
 Document on EOY process posted
 File layout and definitions are posted
 Known issues are posted – updated weekly
Common defects
 Please reference the known issue document
 Posted on Data Pipeline -> snapshot -> End of Year website
 Summary field shows status
 Not working means known issue
 Resolved means has been fixed
 Weekly updates – every Wednesday
 Check release notes in Data Pipeline
Common defects
 Multiple defects in End of Year collection
 Performance issues on snapshot
 Please assume the system is in error before changing
 Developers are working on resolving these issues
End of Year trainings
 Upcoming trainings
 Tuesday, May 20th from 9:00 to 10:00
 Wednesday, May 21st from 12:00 to 1:00
 Thursday, May 29th from 3:00 to 4:00
End of Year trainings
 Agenda
 Overview of the Student End of Year collection
 Review Student End of Year documentation available on the web
 Data Pipeline Interchange Files required
 Data Pipeline Student End of Year snapshot
 Student End of Year Cognos reports
 Question and Answers
Identity Management Rolesnow available
 Teacher Student Data Link INTERCHANGE:
 TSL~LEA Viewer (can review the interchange data files)
 TSL ~ LEA User (can upload and view interchange data files)
 Teacher Student Data Link SNAPSHOT:
 TLS~LEA Viewer (can only review snapshot data and reports)
 TLS~LEA Submit and Modify (can view and create the snapshot)
 TLS~LEA Approver (can view, create and finalize snapshot data)
 If you have not already started working on submitting one of
the two TSDL Files AND you have not already notified CDE of
your delay (i.e., due to vendor products) –
 PLEASE start working on the files and submit or notify CDE
 As with other interchanges, there are defects, and the earlier
we find these, the earlier we can have them corrected in the
General Information
 Webinar training is now available online at:
 FAQ documentation – available now, with updates being
 Contact for help:
 Chris Vance at or
 Annette Severson at
Safety and Discipline
Indicators (SDI)
 Data Pipeline Interchange
 ADE Collection
 Student Level Data
 School Level Data
 ONLY Students with
disabilities are included
 Districts submit data in
pipeline; AU’s create and
finalize Discipline
Snapshot data
(count of incidents and
count of students)
 ALL Students counted
 Districts Submit data and
finalize data within ADE
2013-14 SDI Data Collection
 2013-2014 Data Collection remains in ADE
 File layout is the same from 2012-2013 and posted in ADE
 CDE maintaining the user id and passwords- if a new one is
needed, the Respondent Form would need to be completed
SDI Submission Timeline
 Monday, May 5th 2014: Collection opened!
 Friday, May 23rd 2014: Submit at least once
 Monday, June 9th 2014: Pass 1st level edit if not more
 Thursday, July 3rd 2014: Collection is closed- all districts must
finalize before or on this date
Resolved Issues
 Earlier this week, there were issues with some existing edits
referencing Student October enrollment counts – these have
now been resolved
 If you received these errors, you will need to submit the data files
again in order to clear those errors in the system
General Information
 Contact Annette Severson at for
 ADE Website:
 Documentation – includes file layouts
 News and Updates –
 Safety Accreditation Report
 Respondent Form
 and will have training information posted soon
READ Collection
4 th grade Cohort Data
 RD022 glitch in Pipeline has been corrected and tested (moved
to production Tuesday evening). RD022 will now help you
determine your cohort, and RD202 should only fire on a
limited basis.
 The cohort is comprised of current 4th graders who were
identified as having a significant reading deficiency last spring
as 3rd graders. Next year the cohort will contain 4th and 5th
graders, and so on.
To identify 4 th grade students
 Districts will need to load all of their 4th grade students in their
file. (Include first name, last name, gender, SASID and READ
status in this file)
 If the district does not know the student’s read status, they
should use a value of 0.
 The system will trigger an RD022 for these students if the
student is in the 3rd grade cohort.
 The edit is looking at all students from the prior year.
Reporting READ Plan Support
 Optional this year
 Summer School-only report if the student has already
 Full-day Kindergarten-only report if this service was provided
as an intentional READ plan support
Error 99999
 Related to RITS
 Not a READ specific error
Contact Information
 Dian Prestwich – 303-866-6150 –
 Donna Bright – 303-866-6002 –
 READ Collection Resources
 Please make sure you have a READ respondent assigned to this
collection. We will be sending out updates, future training
dates, and other information through our list serve for READ
respondents in pipeline.
School Code Changes
 CDE needs school code changes for the 2014-15 school year by
June 30th.
 School code change forms are available at:
 If you have questions about school code changes contact:
 Dennis St. Hilaire or 303-866-6840
Town Hall Summer Schedule
 Town Hall will meet:
 June 12, 2014
 June 26, 2014
 July 10, 2014
 July 24, 2014
 Town Hall will NOT meet on June 5th & 19th and July 3rd &
New User Trainings in Town Hall
 Starting in August at the end of the Town Hall webinars we will
set aside time to give new users introductions into Data
11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT
The Collection is Finished….
Now What?
 Please keep your green score reporting sheets until
the regular ACT posts in August and you release
results (just to make sure there were no data entry
 Shred all testing materials
 Determine what types of reports are needed within
your district
 Generate Individual Student Reports in August
Cognos Reports
Cognos Reports
Create Reports for Your
District as Needed
Cognos Reports
Cognos Reports
Cognos Reports
11 th Grade Alternate Assessment
September - Assign roles and access
January – Preliminary Snapshot - Verify roster
Order Materials
March – Update Snapshot
Train Test Administrators - Distribute Test materials
April - Administer Assessment - Enter Student Responses
May - Approve and submit data to CDE
August- Report results when ACT scores are released
You are welcome to call or email
with questions!
Linda Lamirande
Accommodations & Assessment Senior Consultant
Exceptional Student Services Unit
Colorado Department of Education
This material was developed under a grant from the Colorado Department of Education. The content does not necessarily represent the policy of the
U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Discipline Interchange and Special
Education Discipline Snapshot
Please contact Kristi Gleason with any questions:
Special Education End of Year
IEP Interchange errors
 1st deadline Wednesday June 18: Date by which 90% of your
total record count must be passed IEP Interchange (level 1)
 Please focus on fixing your IEP Interchange (level 1) errors now
 Remember the Child and Participation files record count need to
 Don’t forget to add in the additional records for the:
 Part C children
 Students evaluated and found not eligible
Known Defects
 A Known Defects spreadsheet will be posted by this afternoon
to the Data Pipeline website under Snapshots/Special Education
End of Year.
 SY057: fixed and working
 SY168: fixed and working
 SY241 & SY242: Both errors should resolve after you run your
next snapshot (unless you are a part of the sample this year
and required to submit the contact info)
 SY250: needs more work
Other Known Issues
 Snapshot email message record and error count totals
inconsistent (even though data did not change between
 Issue with Cognos Error Reports refreshing
 Error count totals not matching between email, status
dashboard, and Summary Report
SPED EOY Exceptions
 5 Exception types for SPED EOY:
1. Grade to Age: error SY250
2. Primary Disability of 11 or 12 and outside acceptable age range: errors
SY111, SY112, SY113
3. Student dropped out prior to age 17: error SY247
4. Student reported in error on December Count: errors SY107, SY109
5. Student reported in error on previous Sped End of Year: error SY108
 You will need to submit an exception request spreadsheet to CDE to
resolve these errors. See exception template/instructions at this link:
Next Huddle
 Will be Tuesday, May 13th @ 11
 Special Ed. EOY and Discipline updates (those with SPI role should
see the snapshot option now)
 The collection specific webinar for SPED EOY has been pushed back
to the May 20th huddle.
 Can you please send me an email listing who the main contact is for
your AU along with a phone number. Thanks!
Contact Information
 Lindsey Heitman- Collection Coordinator
 303-866-5759
 Additional SPED EOY Team Members:
 Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620 –
 Orla Bolger 303-866-6296 –
 Kathy Baca 303-866-6989 -
Next Data Pipeline Town Hall:
Thursday May 15th We hope you can join us!
Inspiring words from the world of sports:
Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. --Wayne
Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The
opportunity to play - Mike Singletary , 2014
We didn’t lose the game; we just ran out of time. -- Vince