Chapter 7 Whiteboard Review

»What are ions formed
from a single atom
»Monatomic ions
»Name the following:
»Lithium cation
»Name the following:
»bromide anion
»Name the following:
»oxide anion
»Name the following:
»Cobalt (II) cation
»Name the following:
»Aluminum cation
»Write the chemical
formula for the binary
»Zn and I
»Write the chemical formula
for the binary compound
formed between the
following elements:
»Magnesium and chlorine
»Write the chemical formula
for the binary compound
formed between the
following elements:
»Aluminum and sulfur
»Write the formula and give
the name for the compounds
formed between the
following ions:
2»Fe and O
»FeO; iron(II) oxide
»Write the formula and give
the name for the compounds
formed between the
following ions:
2»Fe and O
»Fe2O3; iron(III) oxide
»Name the following:
»Carbonate ion
»Name the following:
»phosphate ion
»Name the following:
»ammonium ion
»Write the formula for:
»Tin(IV) sulfate
»Write the formula for:
»Calcium nitrite
»Give the name of the
following compound:
»Calcium hydroxide
»Give the name of the
following compound:
»Potassium hypochlorite
»Give the name of the
following compound:
»Diarsenic pentoxide
»Give the name of the
following compound:
»Sulfur trioxide
»Write the formula for:
»Dinitrogen trioxide
»Name the following
»Sulfuric acid
»Name the following
»Hydriodic acid
»Name the following
»Nitrous acid
»Write the formula for
the following acid:
»Hypochlorous acid
»Write the formula for
the following acid:
»carbonic acid
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»H +1; Cl -1
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»C +4; F -1
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»S +4; O -2
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»H +1; Cl +5; O -2
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»Assign oxidation
numbers to each atom
in the following
compounds or ions:
»Name the following
compounds first using the
prefix system, then using
the stock system:
»Carbon dioxide;
»carbon(IV) oxide
»Name the following
compounds first using the
prefix system, then using
the stock system:
»Phosphorus trichloride;
»phosphorus(III) chloride
»Name the following
compounds first using the
prefix system, then using
the stock system:
»Dinitrogen monoxide;
»nitrogen(I) oxide
»Find the formula mass
of the following
»98.08 amu
»Find the formula mass of
the following compound:
»164.10 amu
»Find the molar mass of
the following compound:
»261.35 g/mol
»How many moles of atoms
of each element are there
in one mole of the
following compound:
»1 mol Ba; 2 mol N; 6 mol O
»How many moles of atoms
of each element are there
in one mole of the
following compound:
»1 mol Na; 1 mol N; 3 mol O
»What is the mass in
grams of 0.257 mol of
calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2:
»42.2 g
»How many moles of
compound are there in
6.60g (NH4)2SO4:
»0.0500 mol
»Find the percentage of
water in sodium
carbonate decahydrate,
Na2CO3 10H20:
»62.98% H20
»What is the empirical
formula for a compound
that contains 32.38% Na,
22.65% S, and 44.99% O?
»Determine the molecular
formula of the compound
with an empirical formula
of CH and a formula mass
of 78.110 amu.
»A sample of a compound
with a formula mass of
34.00 amu is found to
consist of 0.44g H and
6.92g O. Find its molecular
»The empirical formula for
trichloroisocyanuric acid, the
active ingredient in many
household bleaches is OCNCl.
The molar mass of this
compound is 232.41 g/mol.
What is the molecular formula?