English II H - Summer Reading World Literature Night

English II H - Summer Reading World Literature
1. Be sure to obtain a copy of this text.
2. While you are reading, keep a double-sided journal (two entries for each chapter) in which you record
significant quotes on one side and your response on the other (separate with a line down middle of page). Be
sure to address themes, symbols, and other literary devices as well as your personal responses in these
3. A good source for background information on the World War II Holocaust can be found at the website for the US
Holocaust Museum at http://www.ushmm.org/.
Select from the list below a SECOND novel to read
While you are reading, keep a double-sided journal (two entries for each book/chapter) in which you record
significant quotes on one side and your response on the other. Be sure to address themes, symbols, and other
literary devices as well as your personal responses in these notes.
Allende, Isabel -- The House of the Spirits
Alzarez, Julia -- In The Time of the Butterflies
Camus, Albert -- The Stranger
Coelho, Paulo -- The Alchemist
Garcia, Cristina -- Dreaming in Cuban
Victor Hugo – Les Miserable or The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth or Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Koestler, Arthur -- Darkness at Noon
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia -- One Hundred Years of Solitude
Rudolfo Anaya – Bless Me, Ultima
Sophocles -- Theban Plays
Yoshimoto, Banana – Kitchen
NOTE: please do not copy your notes from online sources. These notes should come from YOUR OWN
THOUGHTS. We’re not interested in what sparknotes, or monkeynotes has to say. We’d rather read YOUR
ideas. 
Summer Reading Assignment 10th Grade Honors:
1-3 pages typed, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, and 12 Point Font.
4-6 paragraphs
Finish both Night and your Independent Reading Book
Choose a character from your independent reading book
Write an in-depth character analysis of the person you have picked using the “characterization” chart
In particular, explore how the character changes and develops as the text progresses.
How does the character contribute to the overall work/what role doe s/he play in the lives of the other
Use quotes and textual analysis as support.
Questions relating to the analysis of CHARACTERIZATION
Use some of the following questions to help you organize and compose your essay
1. Discuss the protagonist (or another character) in this novel in terms of flatness (one dimensional) or
roundness (multidimensional). What purposes are served by her/his flat traits, if any?
2. Evaluate the moral structure of the character):
a. To what degree is her/his morality defined by other characters and their actions and words?
b. Discuss the character’s specific virtues and vices and analyze how those virtues and vices affect his/her
c. Discuss one or two important actions in which her/his moral stature is apparent.
3. Describe the psychology of the protagonist (or other character):
a. What are her/his dominant traits or desires? How did these traits or desires apparently originate? Do they
support or oppose one another? Explain.
b. Is the character more rational, emotional or intuitive? Explain why and give specific textual support.
c. How does the character handle change? In particular, how does s/he handle emergency situations?
4. Based on the above questions, what do you think the author wants the reader to feel about the character?
Walter Williams High School
10th Grade Honors Summer Reading Rubric
Name: ________________________
Date : ___________________
Title of Work: ___________________
Thesis statement
focuses on and
includes most
Thesis statement is
Thesis statement is
Thesis statement is
purposeful and
vague, unclear, and/or
Thesis statement
focuses on and
fails to cover subtopics.
includes all subtopics.
Paper presents all
Paper is missing one or
Paper includes all
Paper includes all
components in a
more major component - components, but does
components and
logical order and
introduction, body
not present ideas in a
presents ideas in a
includes strong
paragraphs, or conclusion.
logical order.
logical order.
transitions between
paragraphs and ideas.
Paper includes
Paper includes well
Paper does not include
Paper includes 1 or 2
quotations in each integrated quotations
Use of quotations
quotations and uses little to quotations and some body paragraphs and
and uses textual
and textual
no textual support.
textual support.
has sufficient textual support to enhance
the argument.
Paper exhibits
mastery of sentence
Paper has minimal Paper exhibits control
Paper lacks control over
control over sentence
over sentence
demonstrates fluency
sentence structure and
structure and sentence structure and sentence through sentence
sentence variety and has
variety and has a
variety and maintains variety and exhibits
little to no sense of author's
limited sense of
a consistent author's
mastery of an
author's voice.
authentic and
consistent author's
Paper exhibits minimal
Paper exhibits
Paper exhibits
Paper lacks control of
control of standard
consistent control of mastery of standard
standard usage including
usage including
standard usage
usage including
agreement, tense and case agreement, tense, and including agreement, agreement, tense and
and lacks control of
case and mechanics
tense and case and
case and mechanics
mechanics including
mechanics including
capitalization, punctuation
and spelling.
punctuation and
punctuation, and
punctuation, and