Pre-Algebra Lesson Plans Dates (5 Days) Sept. 22-25 2014 Learning Goal This unit introduces the real number system and how real numbers are used in a variety of contexts. Students become familiar with irrational numbers (especially square and cube roots), but also learn how to solve equations of the form x² = p and x³ = p. Incorporating the Equations and Expression standards with the Number System standards provides context and motivation for learning about irrational numbers: for instance, to find the side length of a square of a certain area. Measureable Daily Objective Students will learn how to take the square root of a number and will be able to identify perfect squares. Essential Question(s) What is the difference between a rational and irrational number? What is the purpose of the radical sign? How do we estimate irrational numbers? Benchmarks MAFS.8.NS.1.1 (DOK 1) MAFS.8.NS.1.2(DOK 2) MAFS.8.EE.1.2(DOK 1) Higher Order Questions How can rational numbers be used in real-world experiences? Why does a decimal expansion eventually repeat? Vocabulary Rational, irrational, real numbers, Square Roots, Cube roots Daily Agenda Day 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bellringer Exercise on Perfect squares Cornell Notes (I do) Intro to Squares and Square Roots Guided Practice (We do) Examples pg 165 Individual Practice (You do)Pg 166-167 Comprehension Check (we do) Homework ( You do) Workbook Daily Agenda Day 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bellringer Cornell Notes (I do) Estimating Square Roots Guided Practice (We do) pg 168-169 Individual Practice (You do) Engage NY Module 7 Lessons 2 and 3 Comprehension Check (we do) Homework ( You do) Daily Agenda Day 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bellringer Cornell Notes (I do) Operations with Square Roots Guided Practice (We do) pg 173 - 174 Individual Practice (You do) Pg 174 Comprehension Check (we do) Homework ( You do) Daily Agenda Day 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bellringer Cornell Notes (I do) Real Numbers, Irrational Numbers and Rational Numbers Circle Map Guided Practice (We do)Engage NY Module 7 Lesson 11 and 12 Individual Practice (You do) Pg 178 - 179 Comprehension Check (we do) Homework ( You do) Daily Agenda Day 5 Teacher Development Day ESOL/ESE ACCOMODATIONS Visual Aids, Concrete Objects, Gestures, Repetitions Peer tutoring Written Outline, Copy of Notes Use of Dictionary Small Group Instruction Avoidance of Idioms Incorporation of LEP student’s Culture & Language Copies of Notes Verbal and Written Directions Summarize & Review Frequently Hands on Activities Student Translator Request of Text in Student’s Language Reading Aloud Questions Correlation With ESOL/ESE Resource Personnel Preferential Seating Cooperative Groups Extended Time READING BENCHMARKS LACC.8.5.SL1.1 LACC.8.5.SL1.2 LACC.8.5.SL1.3 LACC.8.5.SL1.4