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Nutrition Basics
Chapter 9
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Nutritional Requirements:
Components of A Healthy Diet
45 essential nutrients
Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and
Energy in food is expressed as kilocalories
1 kilocalorie = amount of heat it takes to raise the
temperature of 1 liter of fluid 1°C
2000 kilocalories (or calories) per day meets a person’s
energy needs
Kilocalories are commonly referred to as calories, which are
much smaller energy units: 1000 calories = 1 kilocalorie
Three essential nutrients provide energy:
Fat = 9 calories per gram
Protein = 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram
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Figure 9.1 The digestive system
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Proteins–The Basis of Body
Form muscle and bone
Form parts of blood, enzymes, some
hormones, and cell membranes
Building blocks of protein are amino acids
Nine essential amino acids
Eleven nonessential amino acids
Complete proteins provide all essential amino acids in
adequate amounts
Incomplete proteins usually low in one or two essential
amino acids
Complementary incomplete proteins can combine to
make up missing amino acids
Recommended protein intake
0.8 gram per kilogram of body weight (0.36 gram per
10-35% of total daily calorie intake
Average American daily intake is 15-16% of total calories
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Fats–Essential in Small
Most concentrated source of energy
Fats (lipids) can be stored as usable energy
Provides insulation and support for body organs
Help body absorb fat-soluble vitamins
Two types of fats
Types and sources of fats
Triglycerides - glycerol molecule with 3 fatty acids
Linoleic acid
Alpha-linolenic acid
Animal fats are primarily made of triglycerides
Trans fatty acids
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Fats and Health
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) = good cholesterol
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = bad cholesterol
Saturated and trans fats pose many health hazards,
including heart disease and certain types of cancers
Other fats, including monounsaturated fats and
omega-3 fatty acids, can be beneficial to health
Recommended fat intake
Adult men need 17 grams per day of linoleic acid and 1.6 grams
of alpha-linolenic acid
Adult women need 12 grams per day of linoleic acid and 1.1
grams of alpha-linolenic acid
AMDR for total daily fat is 20-35% of daily calories
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Figure 9.1 Types of fatty acids and
their possible effects on health
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Carbohydrates—An Ideal
Source of Energy
Supplies energy for body cells
Two groups
Simple carbohydrates
Fruit, sugar, honey, malt, and milk
Complex carbohydrates –
Starches and most dietary fiber
 Grains – wheat, rye, rice, oats, barley, and millet
 Legumes – dry beans, peas, and lentils
 Tubers – potatoes and yams
Mouth and small intestines
 Break down into glucose
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Refined Carbohydrates Versus
Whole Grains
All grains are whole grains before
processing and include:
Inner layer (germ)
 Middle layer (endosperm)
 Outer layer (bran)
During processing, the germ and
bran are often removed leaving
just the starchy endosperm
 Refined – less nutritious
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Glycemic Index
Insulin and glucose levels rise and fall
following any meal containing
Quick rise in glucose and insulin levels =
high glycemic index
Many different factors influence glycemic
Unrefined grains, fruits, vegetables and
legumes have a relatively low glycemic index
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Recommended Carbohydrate
130 grams needed to meet the body’s
requirements for essential carbohydrates
 Average American eats 200-300 grams daily
Carbohydrates should make up 45-65% of total
daily calories in an adult’s diet
Focus on consuming a variety of foods rich in
complex carbohydrates, especially whole grains
Health agencies recommend decreased intake of
added sugars
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Fiber – A Closer Look
Types of fiber
Sources of fiber
Dietary fiber: Nondigestible carbohydrates (and
lignin) that are naturally present in some plants
Functional fiber: Nondigestible carbohydrate that
has been isolated or synthesized in a lab and
added to food as dietary supplement
Total fiber: the sum of both
Soluble and insoluble fiber
All plant substances
Recommended fiber intake
38 grams for adult men
25 grams for adult women
Needs to come from foods, not supplements
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Vitamins: organic (carbon-containing)
substances required in small amounts to
regulate various processes within living
Humans need 13 vitamins
Functions of vitamins
Sources of vitamins
4 fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K
9 water soluble vitamins: C and the
B-complex vitamins
Human body does not manufacture most vitamins
Abundant in fruits, vegetables, and grains
Vitamin deficiencies
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Minerals: inorganic (non-carbon-containing)
compounds that help regulate body
functions, aid in growth, maintain body
tissues, and help release energy
17 essential minerals
 Major minerals – need 100 milligrams or
 Calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, sodium,
sulfur, sodium, potassium, and chloride
Trace minerals – need in minute amounts
 Copper,
fluoride, iodide, iron, selenium,
and zinc
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Water—Vital but Often Ignored
You are composed of about 50-60% water
Can live up to 50 days without food, but only a
few days without water
Foods and fluids consumed make up 80-90% of
your daily water intake
Food and Nutrition Board daily requirements
 Men – 3.7 total liters of water, with 3.0 liters
(13 cups) coming from beverages
 Women – 2.7 total liters of water, with 2.2 (9
cups) coming from beverages
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Other Substances in Food
Protect against damage by free radicals
Vitamins C & E, selenium, carotenoids
Substances that may help prevent chronic
Soy foods
 Sulforaphane (found in cruciferous vegetables
such as broccoli)
 Allyl sulfides (found in garlic
and onions)
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Dietary Reference Intakes
Standards set by Food and Nutrition Board
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)
Adequate Intake (AI)
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
Standards aim to prevent nutrient
deficiencies, promote health, and prevent
chronic diseases
Daily Values are used on food labels and
reflect daily guidelines for a 2,000-calorie
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Dietary Guidelines for Americans
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines include the following:
Reduce overweight and obesity by reducing calorie intake and
increasing physical activity
Shift food intake patterns to a more plant-based diet rich in
vegetables, cooked dry beans and peas, fruits, whole grains, nuts
and seeds
Increase intake of seafood and fat-free and low-fat milk and milk
Consume only moderate amounts of lean
meat, poultry, and eggs
Reduce intake of solid fats and added
sugars (SoFAS), sodium, and refined grains
 Meet the 2008 Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans
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Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Energy Balance and Weight
The obesity epidemic is fueled by the
consumption of too many calories from
nutrient-poor foods and beverages,
combined with lack of physical activity
Nutrient Adequacy
Energy-dense foods should be replaced
with nutrient-dense foods
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Food Groups to Encourage
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
recommends eating more
Fruits and vegetables
High-fiber whole grains
Low-fat and fat-free dairy products
Useful dietary patterns:
DASH-style pattern, Mediterranean-style
patterns, USDA Food Patterns
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Fatty Acids and Cholesterol
Limit intake of saturated fatty acids to less
than 7% of total calories
Limit cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams
per day (200 mg for people at high risk for
CVD or diabetes)
Limit trans fatty acids from natural
sources to less than 0.5% of calories
Avoid any trans-fatty acids from
Eat two servings of seafood per week for
omega-3 Fatty acids (favored fish include
salmon, mackerel, and trout)
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Sedentary people should decrease
consumption of energy-dense
carbohydrates to maintain weight
Choose foods whole grains and health
Avoid added sugars and grain-based
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USDA’s MyPyramid
Key Messages
 Daily physical activity
 Moderation
 Proportionality
 Variety
 Gradual improvement
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Serving Sizes
Grains - 1 slice of bread; 1 small muffin
(2.5i-inch diameter); 1 cup ready-toeat cereal flakes; ½ cup cooked cereal,
rice, grains, or pasta; 1 6-inch tortilla
Vegetable – 1 cup raw leafy salad
greens; 1/2 cup cooked or raw
vegetables; 1/2 cup of vegetable juice
Fruit – ½ cup fresh, canned, or frozen
fruit; 1/2 cup 100% fruit juice; 1 small
whole fruit; 1/4 cup dried fruit
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Serving Sizes
Milk -1 cup milk or yogurt; 1/2 cup
ricotta cheese; 1.5 oz. natural cheese;
2 oz. processed cheese
Meat and Beans – 1 ounce cooked lean
meat; 1/4 cup cooked dry beans
(legumes) or tofu; 1 egg; 1 tablespoon
peanut butter; 1/2 ounce nuts or seeds
Oils – 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or soft
margarine; 1 tablespoon salad dressing
or light mayonnaise
Discretionary calories, solid fats, and
added sugars
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The Vegetarian Alternative
Types of vegetarian diets
Partial vegetarians
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin D
A food plan for vegetarians
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Dietary Challenges for Special
Population Groups
Children and teenagers
 College students
 Older adults
 Athletes
 People with special health
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A Personal Plan: Making
Informed Choices About Food
Reading food labels
 Reading supplement labels
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Protecting Yourself Against
Foodborne Illness
Causes of foodborne illnesses
Campylobacter jejuni
Escherichia coli
Listeria monocytogenes
Clostridium botulinum
Spongiform encephalopathy (“mad cow
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A Personal Plan: Making Informed
Choices About Food
Organic foods
Must meet limits on pesticide residues and
other environmental contaminants
Must meet strict USDA guidelines
Additives in food
Food irradiation
Genetically modified foods
Food allergies and food intolerances
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Nutrition Basics
Chapter 9
© 2012 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.