KEY--Biology Study Guide Protista and Fungi

Biology Study Guide
Chapters 19 & 20
Protista & Fungi
1. What do we call eukaryotes that are not members of the kingdoms Plantae, Animalia, or
2. How do we classify animal-like protists?
By how they get nutrition
3. List 2 examples of an animal-like protist?
1. Amoeba
2. Paramecium
4. List 2 diseases caused by animal-like protists?
1. African Sleeping Sickness
2. Amoebic dysentary
5. What type of protists carry out photosynthesis?
6. List 3 facts about dinoflagellates.
1. Have two flagella
2. Many species are luminescent – when agitated they give off light
3. Cause red tides
7. Which protists have thin, delicate cell walls rich in silicon (the main ingredient in glass)?
8. What are small photosynthetic plant-like protists found near the surface of the ocean?
9. Which protist carries out half of the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth?
10. Plant-like protists can grow into enormous masses called what?
Algal blooms
11. The multi-cellular plant-like protists are identified by what?
12. List the 3 types of multi-cellular plant-like protist?
1. Red algae
2. Brown algae
3. Green algae
13. List 2 facts about red algae.
1. Able to live at great depths because of their ability to absorb light energy
2. Contain chlorophyll a (this is what allows them to get light in very deep water)
14. What allows red algae to get light in very deep water?
Chlorophyll a
15. List an example of brown algae.
Giant Kelp
16. What are believed to be the ancestors of the first plants?
Green algae
17. List 5 uses for algae.
1. Chemicals in algae are used to treat ulcers, high blood pressure, and arthritis
2. Used when sushi is made
3. Used as a thickener for ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, and candy bars
4. Used in the laboratory for nutrient plates to grow bacteria
5. Used in industry to make plastics, transistors, deodorants, paints, lubricants, and artificial
18. Which type of protist absorbs nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter?
Fungus-like protists
19. List 3 types of fungus-like protists.
1. Cellular slime molds
2. Acellular slime molds
3. Water molds
20. Algae and mold are __protists___, moss is a ___plant____.
21. Describe fungi.
1. Eukaryotes
2. Non-photosynthetic
3. Most are multi-cellular heterotrophs
22. What do we call filaments of fungi?
23. The study of fungi is called __Mycology___.
24. How do fungi digest nutrients?
Through extracellular digestion
25. What is a mycelium?
A mass of hyphae tangled together
26. What is the reproductive structure that develops from a mycelium called?
A fruiting body
27. How do fungi reproduce?
Both Sexually and Asexually
28. What fuses in fungi to produce and scatter spores?
The hyphae
29. What type of fungi is bread yeast?
Sac fungi
30. One of the best known imperfect fungi is __Penicillium_____.
31. What does a symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae produce?
32. What does the chemical decomposition of rocks by lichen produce?
33. Fungi are heterotrophs, autotrophs, or both?
34. What is a fungi that obtains food from decaying organic matter called?
35. What are fungi that live in a mutually beneficial relationship with other species called?
36. Study the following diagram of the mushroom and be able to label it.
37. Fungi produce many beneficial products. Which type of fungus produces penicillin?
38. Fungi produce many beneficial products. Which type of fungus produces cortisone?