drug. - Grant County Schools

Opening Activity
What is your opinion?
 Should illegal drugs be made legal in US?
 What might be your criteria for which drug to legalize
and which to make illegal?
Unit 5 Assessment
 Unit 5 Assessment – Tuesday, April 14th
 Unit 6 Starting Monday April 13th
(will answer review questions on that Monday)
Opening Activity
What is the definition of a “drug” to you?
What do you think the definition of a “drug” is to law
Unit 6 – Drug Use and Crime
Drugs and CSI
 It is important for CSI’s to evaluate the role that drugs
play in the crimes they investigate. Therefore each
CSI needs to have background knowledge in the
origin of various illegal drugs and their effects.
 Drugs – Natural or synthetic substances that are used
to produce some desired physical or psychological
 Drugs are used to sustain or improve quality of life.
 Drugs are abused when they are taken only for their
secondary side effects.
Drugs and CSI
 According to Law Enforcement Agencies, a drug is
ANY substance that can impair a person’s ability to
operate a vehicle (even if they are not operating a
The Nature of Drug Abuse
 Drug abuse is not only a problem of the poor!
 Drug abuse affects members of all social and economic
 There are about 25 million people in the U.S. that
could be classified as drug addicts.
 Approximately 75% of the evidence collected by CSI’s
is either directly or indirectly related to drugs.
 The widespread consumption of illegal drugs in the
U.S. is one of the major reasons why crime labs have
become integrated into law enforcement.
Drug Dependence
 1. Psychological dependence – The conditioned use of
a drug caused by ones desire relieve stress, emotional,
or personal problems.
 2. Physical dependence – Occurs when the body
becomes conditioned to the presence of a drug and
gradually requires it to function. Associated with
moderate to extreme withdraw symptoms.
Each type of dependence can be extremely difficult for
an individual to overcome alone!
The Damages of Drug Abuse
 With drug dependence comes an obsessiveness with
use. With this, users will often begin to neglect certain
1. personal health – Users will usually become
physically ill and weaker over time. Appearance
generally suffers as a result.
2. finances – Users will often sacrifice most or all of
their money and possessions in order to use.
3. relationships – Users will neglect close family
members and friends.
4. legal restraints – Users will disobey the law and
takes chances that can result in incarceration.
Controlled Substance Act of 1970
 Gave five categories/schedules of drugs and therefore
How to classify or assign drug schedule
A. Risk of Abuse?
B. Accepted Medical Uses?
C. Safety? Risk of Dependence? (physically and
 Schedule 1 is considered the worst type of drug
 Schedule 5 is considered the weakest type of drug
(cough syrup)
Controlled Substance Act of 1970
 Gave five categories/schedules of drugs and therefore
legality. (Schedule 1 considered worst, 5 least)
Schedule 1:The drug or other substance has a high potential
for abuse. No accepted medical use.
Schedule 2:The drug or other substances have a high
potential for abuse. Some accepted medical use.
Schedule 3:The drug or other substance has a potential for
abuse less than the drugs or other substances in schedules I
and II. Accepted medical uses.
Schedule 4:The drug or other substance has a low potential
for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule
III. Accepted medical uses.
Schedule 5:The drug or other substance has a low potential
for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule
IV. Accepted medical uses.
Article Assignment #6
 Read the article “Drug Legalization: Why it wouldn’t
work in United States”
 Write an 8 question multiple choice quiz (ABC) over
the information in the article
 When complete, turn in for a classwork grade
 Do your best!
Article Assignment #6
 Read the article “Michael Jackson”
 Write an 8 question multiple choice quiz (ABC) over
the information in the article
 When complete, turn in for a classwork grade
 Do your best!
Opening Activity
What are the 3 criteria that the US government used to
determine which schedule or “classification” a drug
should be labeled?
Pain Killing Drugs
 Pain killing drugs come in a variety of forms. Most are
either consumed or injected.
 Mild (weak) pain relievers that have few/no secondary
side effects are sometimes called analgesics.
Example = ibuprofen, acetaminophen
(Advil, Tylenol)
Other types of pain killers are much stronger and have
much more pervasive side effects…
 All are extremely physically addicting type of pain
killing drugs. Much more powerful than analgesics.
Often prescribed to relieve pain and induce sleep.
Based on the Greek word narkotikos which means “to
feel sluggish”.
Narcotics are derived from the opium poppy plant of
Narcotics are also referred to as opiates.
Types of narcotics
 Morphine – A common medically prescribed type of
pain killer. Example = vicodin, percocet
 Heroin – A highly concentrated, water soluble form of
morphine in which needle injection is very quick and
simple. Made by reacting morphine with acetic
anhydride. Often “cut” with starch or lactose.
 Codeine – Prepared from Morphine. Commonly used
in cough suppressants. Only about one sixth as strong
as morphine and is sometimes abused, however not
nearly as much as morphine and heroin.
Examples = “robo-trollin”, “purple drank”
 Hallucinogens include a wide variety of drugs that
stimulate the sensory nervous system to a degree that
causes alterations in perceptions and moods.
 The most widely used illicit drug in the world is a
hallucinogenic drug. The drug is…….
 There are an estimated 50 million people in the U.S.
who have used marijuana.
The marijuana plant is native to southern Asia. Its use
as a medicinal herb dates back to 2737 B.C.
Marijuana was introduced into Europe by French
soldiers returning from the Napoleanic Wars.
Spanish explorers brought Marijuana to the South
American colonies.
Marijuana is believed to have been introduced into the
U.S. sometime in the 1920’s.
Opening Activity
1. What is a narcotic?
2. What are some examples of narcotics?
Marijuana, (continued from yesterday)…
 Marijuana grows under most climatic conditions.
 Marijuana is capable of growing up to 15 feet tall.
 Marijuana leafs are characterized by odd numbered
leaflets with serrated (jagged) edges.
 The active component of marijuana is
Tetrahydrocannabinol = THC
 THC is concentrated in the leafs, resins, and buds of
the plant. There is no THC in the stem, roots, or seeds.
The affects of Marijuana use
1. Enhanced sense of well being (“high”)
2. Sensations of relaxation
3. Altered perception of taste, smell, sight, and hearing
4. Impaired ability to concentrate
5. Impaired muscle coordination
6. Slight eye inflammation (“red-eye”)
7. Sensation of hunger (“munchies”)
8. Distorted sense of time and space relationships
Derivatives of Marijuana
 1. Hashish – made from the oily resin secretions of the
marijuana plant. Very high in THC content.
 2. Sinsemilla – the unfertilized buds of the marijuana
plant. Also very high in THC content.
 There is little evidence marijuana is capable of causing
physical dependency. However users can develop
strong psychological dependency for the drug.
 Marijuana’s long term usage effects are still very much
Legalization of Marijuana (as of 2013)
 Despites its federal status as an illicit drug, marijuana has
been locally legalized in different states:
1. Washington– Adults can buy 16 oz. and use up to 1 oz.
in private setting. Illegal in public (fines and arrest).
2. Colorado – Adults can grow 3 adult plants privately,
can sell/trade/use up to 1 oz. in private setting.
3. Medical Marijuana – 20 states and DC with
registry/medical cards (extremely hard to get).
Federal vs Local Legalization
 The federal government has recognized marijuana as an
illegal drug.
 Even if states/local governments legalize marijuana, a
person or business can be federally arrested and indicted.
(this is extremely rare for a person, but is VERY common
for businesses – pot boutiques)
 The federal government has shut down almost EVERY
“boutique” that has opened in Colorado, Washington, and
many other states.
Reefer Madness
 Reefer Madness is a 1950s “political” propaganda term used to
describe the effects of marijuana on people.
 There were many public broadcast announcements,
commercials, etc. all educating the public on marijuana use.
 Marijuana was also closely connected to the “hippie” and “free
love” movement of the 50s-70s.
 These connections and political propaganda campaigns and a
few rare violet incidences all lead to the federal illegalization
of marijuana.
The use of medical marijuana
 Despites its status as an illicit drug, marijuana has
been shown to have some legitimate medical uses.
Marijuana can be used to:
1. Relieve the side effects of chemotherapy.
2. Relieve the discomfort of glaucoma
3. Reduce seizure episodes for those with epilepsy
4. Relieve the nausea associated with Hepatitis C
Current Politicians Running for
Preparation for Tomorrow
 Get into your small project groups and think about
your questions for tomorrow.
Opening Activity
 Which illicit drug is the most used (throughout the
 What is a stimulant?
 What are some examples of stimulant?
Hallucinogens, continued…
Current research suggests that hallucinogens are NOT
physically addictive (can be psychologically).
Hallucinogens, continued…
lysergic acid diethylamide
= “Acid”
Very potent even in small doses. Causes enhanced
mood swings and vivid hallucinations that can last up
to 12 hours. Usually taken in pill form or occasionally
as a liquid on “tabs”.
Mushrooms containing psilocybin are native to South
America, Mexico, and the U.S. and are usually eaten
fresh or dried.
Found in a spineless cactus species native to Mexico and
the southwestern U.S. Was used as part of many Native
American religious ceremonies.
= “angel dust”
Normally a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water
or alcohol. Cause intense hallucinations accompanied by
delusional and sometimes violent behavior.
= “ecstasy”
Has both hallucinogenic and stimulant side effects. Causes
an irrational loss of inhibitions. Also increases blood
pressure, and heart rate. Use is occasionally fatal.
Main ingredient is ecstasy but mixed with small
amount of highly addicting substances (to get people
to buy more). Can be mixed with cocaine, heroin,
meth, etc. Very dangerous because buyers don’t know
what they are truly buying.
Drug Quiz#1
 1. Define the term drug.
 2. How many people in the U.S. could be classified as
drug addicts?
3. ____ percent of the evidence collected by CSI’s is
drug related.
4. What is psychological dependence?
5. What is physical dependence?
6. List two life aspects that one will often come to
neglect when under the influence of drugs.
7. What are analgesics?
 8. Give an example of an analgesic.
 9. From what plant are narcotics derived?
 10. Where is this plant naturally found?
 11. Give an example of a narcotic.
 12 . What is a hallucinogen?
 13. What is the most widely used hallucinogenic drug?
Stimulant Drugs….
 Stimulants are drugs that increase or speed up the
activity of the nervous system.
 Some stimulants are very weak. Example = caffeine,
 Some stimulants are much more powerful. Example =
cocaine, meth, etc.
 The effects of stimulants include:
1. increased alertness and energy
2. hyperactivity and nervousness
3. loss of appetite
4. increased metabolism
5. euphoria (strong, high emotions) often followed by
Stimulants, continued…
 Amphetamines – A wide variety of stimulant drugs designed to
increase metabolism and prolong energy and endurance. Often
associated with weight loss supplements and athletics.
 Crystal Methamphetamine - Created by way of the evaporation
of concentrated amphetamine solutions to produce crystalline
powder or “rocks”. Crystal meth is usually smoked in glass pipes
to produce a long lasting, stimulating effect. Chronic users may
have violent, destructive behavior and paranoia…
 Cocaine – A powerful drug stimulant derived from the
Coca plant of South America.
 Most commonly cocaine is “snorted” into the nose
where it absorbs into the bloodstream.
 Cocaine can also be injected as part of a water solution
or even ingested.
 Cocaine produces a very intense high that users
quickly begin craving. Breaking a cocaine habit is
extremely difficult even with rehabilitation.
 About 75% of the cocaine in the U.S. comes from
 Cocaine causes elevations in blood pressure and
respiratory rates which can lead to severe seizures and
cardiac arrest, eventually leading to death!
Example = Len Bias (U.Maryland Bball player)
Crack Cocaine…
 Crack is a solid, smokeable form of cocaine.
 Crack delivers its effect quicker and with more
intensity than conventional cocaine use.
 Crack is made by mixing cocaine with water and
baking soda. The mixture is heated , then dried and
broken up into chunks called “rocks”. The rocks are
then smoked in pipes.
 Crack is very dangerous because the feelings
associated with smoking crack are very pronounced
and addictive. Crack addicts will do anything in order
to continue using!
 Crack is whack…
Opening Activity
 What is a depressant?
 What are some examples of depressants?
 What do you think is the most commonly used
Depressant Drugs…
 Depressants are drugs that slow down or decrease
nervous system activity. Also sometimes referred to as
sedatives. Often prescribed for stress/anxiety or sleep
 Examples include valium, xanax, qualudes, and
 The effects of depressants include:
1. feelings of relaxation
2. loss of anxiety
3. loss of muscle tension
4. sleep (sometimes)
 Barbiturates are depressant drugs that are sometimes
prescribed to people with acute hyperactivity or
anxiety disorders, or severe insomnia.
 Examples include phenobarbitol and secobarbitol.
 Barbiturate abuse leads to extreme physical
dependency. Symptoms include:
1. muscle spasms
2. insomnia
3. delirium
4. seizures
Barbiturate withdrawal can be fatal! Therefore constant
medical attention must be made available…
Anabolic Steroids….
 Anabolic steroids are lipid based drugs that are
chemically related to the human hormone
Steroids are abused because of their ability to
accelerate healing and muscle growth.
Steroids also promote secondary male characteristics.
(body hair, deep voice, dense bone structure, etc.)
Steroids are usually either injected or taken in pill
Examples = enanthate, cypionate, anadrol, HGH,
winstrol, deca-durabolin, etc.
The other side effects of steroid use…
Many of the side effects of steroids are based on steroids
lipid, oil-like nature
 1. water retention – “bloatedness”
 2. acne
 3. sterility
 4. impotence
 5. gynomastica (?)
 6. hypertension – high blood pressure
 7. clogged arteries
 8. jaundice – inflammation of the liver
 9. aggressive behavior – “roid rage”
 10. accelerated bone growth in the forehead and jaw
regions. Causes “gap tooth”.
 Most are not identified as ILLEGAL for their true
purpose, but law enforcement recognizes them as an
illegal drug when abused.
 Common examples: metal spray paints, kitchen
cleaners, misc. cleaners, gasoline, etc.
 Causes immediate numbness and death of brain cells.
Is very dangerous and easily overdosed possibly
leading to death.
Drugs and CSI
 According to Law Enforcement Agencies, a drug is
ANY substance that can impair a person’s ability to
operate a vehicle (even if they are not operating a
 Alcohol – 0.08% (what does that mean?)
 Drugs – No number for “too much”.
If you have drugs in your system = DUI
Police are trained to identify possible alcohol/drug
symptoms and test you when arrested.
Under the Influence
Alcohol – 0.08% (what does that mean?)
Drugs – No number for “too much”.
If you have drugs in your system = DUI
• Saccadic Eye Movement: Everyone’s eyes
movements/paths/jerks when looking at a
substance. Being under the influence
increases these movements.
• Coordination – walking, standing,
squatting, arm movements, etc.
Under the Influence
• Internal Clock – can slow down or speed up
depending on drugs.
• Smells • Body Language – paranoia, shaking, sweating,
heavy breathing, high temperature
• Speech – slurred, incoherent, rambling
• Drug Residue – “leftovers”, burn marks, track
marks, vomit, etc.
Under the Influence
• Paraphernalia: special smoking “devices”,
wrappers, storage containers, needles, burnt
spoons, file grinders, filters, strong masking
agents (cologne, air fresheners, sprays, etc), eye
drops, lip balm, etc. Most are considered “legal”
until abused.
• There is NO such thing as a “contact” or
“secondary” high. (even if “hot boxing”)
 In groups of 3-4 (random)…
 You will be given one drug TYPE (not actual drug).
 You need to discuss in your group the following and be
prepared to MODEL/ACT OUT or share out the
 Symptoms
 Side Effects
 Physical vs Psychological Dependency
 Effects on Body/Muscles
 Effects on Behavior
 Drug Residue
 Paraphernalia
Opening Activity
 What does it mean for a drug to be a “gateway” drug?
 Why might people fall into patterns of drug abuse?