Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Pros:
• smoking marijuana stimulates hunger in patients undergoing chemotherapy and suffering from AIDS.
• studies show it may be useful in the treatment of alcohol abuse, bipolar disorder, depression, leukemia, and many
other conditions.
• it’s safer than most of the other medications which doctors prescribe to alleviate the same symptoms. it is impossible
to “overdose” on marijuana, while it is possible to overdose on numerous of the other types of medications which
patients take for treatment.
• marijuana is the most common drug which people are charged for possessing. legalizing it would allow law
enforcement to focus on more dangerous and important situations which pose higher threats to society.
• it is non-toxic, unlike alcohol and tobacco, two legal substances, which together contribute to over 450,000 deaths in
the United States alone each year. no death has ever been reported which was caused solely due to marijuana use.
• it is often referred to as the “gateway drug”, meaning many users start with marijuana and then move on to harder
and more dangerous drugs.
• frequent use can limit short term memory.
• it would be much more accessible to younger people if it were readily available in public places. being exposed to the
drug at a much younger age would maximize the chances of developing a dependency on it.
• the use of marijuana can cause effect such as energy loss and slow, confused thinking. daily use can also damage the
immune system over time, causing the body to become more prone to disease and developing tumors.
• people will pretend to be suffering from a disorder in order to get prescribed.
• those who do have access to it for medicinal use will redistribute it to others to use recreationally, completely
sabotaging the legitimacy of the system.