US Government and Politics

Name: _____________________________________
1. Read your copy of the Declaration of Independence
Outline the text of The Declaration in your notebook
Consider the theoretical basis and historical events which laid the foundation of our government
2. Thoroughly read your copy of the Constitution
Outline in your own notebook including;
Powers given to and withheld in each
Branches of government dealt with within each
Subjects of each
Verbiage of each
3. Research all of the following Supreme Court Cases. For each case, record in your notebook
A brief summary of the case
The Supreme Court’s decision,
The date of the Supreme Court’s decision
The constitutional issue (or hook) in the case
A quotation from one of the justices’ decision
Griswold versus Connecticut
Clinton versus New York City
Heart of Atlanta Motel v U.S.
U.S. Versus Lopez
Plessy v Ferguson
U.S. versus Nixon
Tinker v Des Moines Schools
Bush v Gore
Gitlow v New York
National Labor Relations Board v
Dred Scott v Sanford
South Dakota v Dole
Shaw v Reno
Mapp versus Ohio
Gideon v Wainwright
Fletcher versus Peck
Korematsu v U.S.
Gibbons v Ogden
The Chada Case
Jones & Laughlin Steel
Regents of the U. of California v Bakke
Miranda versus Arizona
Engel versus Vitale
Roe v Wade
Marbury v Madison
McCulloch versus Maryland
Schenck v US
Brown v Board of Education
Printz v US
6. Follow current events, preferably reading the news, with an eye toward stories on; (keep notes in your notebook)
Supreme Court cases, esp; the functioning of the Supreme Court
The Congress
Functioning in current legislation
Oversight issues; Business, The military, The Federal Reserve, Budget making, Supreme Court appointments
The Executive Branch
Functioning in current legislation
Persuasion efforts
The functioning of government entities. Ex; Schools, The military, Parks, The IRS
Functioning of other democracies
Mr. Chris O’Byrne
201 - 2012
A.P. Government & Politics deals with:
*How the United States government functions
-How the United States government differs from other democracies
-How citizens act in the political arena
-How citizens effect the functioning of government
-The Constitutional foundation of government
-The effects of a wide variety of Supreme Court cases on the United States Government
A.P. Government & Politics requires:
Self directed study
Memorizing many terms
Memorizing many facts
Comprehending complex legal cases
Recognizing connections between the subject matter and current events
A successful student in this class will have;
Demonstrated good writing scores
Excellent student habits
Reading ahead, taking notes, Reviewing DAILY
Participating in class discussions DAILY
Excellent attendance and punctuality
A schedule which allows for the above
1. Read your copy of the Declaration of Independence
Outline the text of The Declaration in your notebook
Consider the theoretical basis and historical events which laid the foundation of our government
2. Thoroughly read your copy of the Constitution
Outline in your own notebook;
Powers given to and withheld in each
Branches of government dealt with within each
Subjects of each
Verbiage of each
*Now would be a good time to create flash cards and/or MP3 files of this information.
3. Research all of the following Supreme Court Cases. For each case, record in your notebook
A brief summary of the case
The Supreme Court’s decision,
The date of the Supreme Court’s decision
The constitutional issue (or hook) in the case
A quotation from one of the justices’ decision
*Now would be a good time to create flash cards and/or MP3 files of this information.
The cases are:
Griswold versus Connecticut
Dred Scott v Sanford
Regents of the U. of California v Bakke
Clinton versus New York City
South Dakota v Dole
Miranda versus Arizona
Heart of Atlanta Motel v U.S.
Shaw v Reno
Engel versus Vitale
U.S. Versus Lopez
Mapp versus Ohio
Roe v Wade
Plessy v Ferguson
Gideon v Wainwright
Marbury v Madison
U.S. versus Nixon
Fletcher versus Peck
McCulloch versus Maryland
Tinker v Des Moines Schools
Korematsu v U.S.
Schenck v US
Bush v Gore
Gibbons v Ogden
Brown v Board of Education
Gitlow v New York
The Chada Case
Printz v US
National Labor Relations Board v Jones & Laughlin Steel
6. Follow current events, preferably reading the news, with an eye toward stories on; (keep notes in your notebook)
Supreme Court cases, esp; the functioning of the Supreme Court
The Congress
Functioning in current legislation
Oversight issues; Business, The military, The Federal Reserve, Budget making, Supreme Court appointments
The Executive Branch
Functioning in current legislation
Persuasion efforts
The functioning of government entities. Ex; Schools, The military, Parks, The IRS
Functioning of other democracies
7. Begin to formulate your own opinions on how our government should operate