
FRQ & how graded!
AP US Government
Q1 from 2013 Exam!
• There are several different approaches to representation
within a political system:
• A. define direct democracy (1pt.)
• B. define republican form of government (1pt.)
• C. describe one reason the framers of the US Constitution chose a
republican form of government over a direct democracy (1 pt.)
• D. describe each of the models of Congressional Representation
• Trustee model (attitudinal view)
• Delegate model (representational view)
• E. Explain why a member of congress might sometimes act as a
trustee rather than a delegate (1 pt.)
The actual Answer (6 points)
• A. Rule by the people where people directly make decisions
for their government (1pt.)
• B. Authority is delegated to elected representatives to make
decisions on behalf of citizens (1pt.
• C. (1 point)
Fear of mob rule
Size of country
Elitism (lack of educ.)
Distrust of people
To counter influence of factions
Reinforcement of federalism
Actual answer cont. (6pts)
• D. (2 pts.):
• Trustee model: decisions made by elected official using their own
personal views or decisions made by the elected official based on
public good
• Delegate model: decisions made by the elected officials mirror
the constituents’ views, represent constituents’ views, or do what
voters tell them to do
• E. why one way vs. another:
Information access
Reliance on expertise
Divided constituency
Salience of issues
Vote his or her conscience (explaining why)
Difficulty determining what voters want
• A. defined correctly (1pt.)
• B. defined correctly (1pt.)
• C. 1 reason given described correctly; “they feared putting
important political matters directly in hands of the people.
They feared this would result in conflict & destruction.” (1pt.)
• D. both definitions were correct (2pt.)
• E. one vs. other was explained correctly “if the issue at hand
falls under his or her area of expertise.” Also, appropriate
example was given & explained. (1pt.)
• A. defined incorrectly (0pt)
• B. defined correctly (1pt)
• C. 1 correct reason given “their inherent distrust of the
people” caused the framers to believe “that if a direct
democracy were to exist, people would vote selfishly, not
considering the needs of others” (1pt)
• D. both trustee & delegate model defined correctly (2pt)
• E. no clear correct answer given, no points given if the
response explains some variation of personal gain. (0pt)
• A. defined correctly (1pt)
• B. defined correctly (1pt)
• C. no clear description given for why framers went with one
form vs. other. Also, no clear distinction between what might
be expected in one model vs. the other (0pt)
• D. neither model of trustee or delegate was described
correctly (0pt)
• E. Did not explain why member of congress act as one way or
another. It inaccurately used a partisan argument to explain
the trustee model.
So, are you ready for a 5!!??
•Maybe you can start with Unit
1 Test!!!
•Perhaps this could inspire you!