


What is it?

A brief heavy storm that consist of rain, strong winds, lightning, and thunder

How does it form?

Warm air rises – reaches its dew point (condenses)

Water vapor condensed = cumulus clouds

Warm air continues to rise = cumulonimbus clouds

Why does it form?

2 atmospheric conditions: warm moist air near

Earth’s surface and an unstable atmosphere(surrounding air is colder)

Where does it form?

Along cold fronts


What is it?

An electric discharge that occurs between a positively and negatively charged area

How does it form?

Friction between two things

Why does it form?

There is a positive and a negatively charged areas

Where does it form?

*Between two clouds,

*the Earth’s surface and a cloud,

*or two parts of the same cloud


What is it?

Small spinning column of air that has high wind speeds, is visible as a funnel-shaped cloud and touches the ground

How does it form?

Wind moves in 2 directions, Air in the middle begins to spin, Column turns vertical, moves to bottom of cloud, touches the ground

Why does it form?

Cold Canadian air meets warm moist tropical air

Funnel cloud pokes through the bottom of cumulonimbus cloud and makes contact with the ground

Where does it form?

1% of thunderstorms in Cumulonimbus clouds form tornadoes

75% occur in US


What is it?

Large, rotating tropical weather system w/ wind speeds of 120 km/h (74 mph)

How does it form?

Group of thunderstorms moving over tropical waters

Wind traveling in 2 different directions meet = storm spins

Where does it form? Grows over warm ocean water

(80 degrees or warmer)

Why does it form?

Water condenses over warm ocean water

Warm air rises!

Where does it form?

Most form between 5° - 20° N and S latitude

(because the Coriolis Effect is too weak below 5 degrees latitude); warm tropical oceans

Thunderstorm Damage

Can produce high winds, hail, flash floods, and tornadoes

Hailstorms damage crops, dent cars, break windows

Floods – property damage - death


*Stay indoors

Tornado Damage

Wide path of destruction

Uproot trees, destroy buildings

Pick up heavy objects: mobile homes, cars


*Watches: tornado may happen

*Warning: tornado has been spotted

*Find shelter: basement/cellar, windowless room/closet/hallway

Lightning Damage

Starts 1000s of forest fires each year

Killing, injuring 100s people


*stay indoors

*don’t be the tallest thing in the area

*stay away from water

Hurricane Damage

Wind knock down trees, telephone poles

Damage/destroy buildings/homes

Storm surge/wall of water = flooding

Flooding damages property & lives


*Evacuate area

*Have a disaster kit

*Board up windows

*Flooding: Get to high ground

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