Merit Of Democracy Class-9

What Is Democracy? Why
The word come from the Greek word demos meaning
‘the people’.
There are different forms of Democracy:
Direct - People make decisions for themselves
Representative democracy - Politicians make these
decisions on our behalf.
“A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of
citizens who can elect people to represent them.”
( au)
“Parliamentary democracy, democratic form of government in
which the party ( or coalition of parties) with the greatest
representation in the parliament forms the government It’s leader
becoming the prime minister . The parties in the minority serve in
opposition to the majority and have a duty to challenge it
regularly.” (
Democracy is the government of the people, by the
people, for the people” – Abraham Lincoln
America is one of the biggest democracies in the world.
In democracy, elections are held and candidates are
elected to form the government.
However, by merely getting 15 - 20% approval of the
population, one could be representing you at the local,
state or national level. Here is an example
Direct Democracy
1. direct democracy (vs. elected representatives)
 2. exclusion (vs. inclusion)
3. civil and political rights?
Who gets the right to vote? Expansion of the franchise?
Does the majority respect rights?
Republicanism: Representative Democracy
Delegate Model of representation
 Trustee model of representation
 Who elects the representatives?
Popular vote
 Intermediary institutions
Democracy is the government of the people, by the
people, for the people” – Abraham Lincoln
America is one of the biggest democracies in the
world. In democracy, elections are held and
candidates are elected to form the government.
However, by merely getting 15 - 20% approval of
the population, one could be representing you at
the local, state or national level. Here is an
Democracy-A form of Government which
is chosen by the people to work for their
welfare and can be voted out by them.
Merits of Democracy continued
1.The rulers are accountable to the people.
2. Based on consultation and discussion.
3. It provides a method to deal with differences.
4. Enhances the dignity of citizens.
5.Based on the principle of political equality.
Democracy is the best form of Government
as the rulers are accountable to the people
and have to fulfill their needs.
Merits Of Democracy
Democracy reduces the chance of hasty and
irresponsible decisions from being taken and
improves the quality of decision-making.
It provides a method to solve conflicts espeially
in a diverse country like India. In fact democracy
helps to keep our country together.
Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens
because it is against caste system.
Political equality comes from the principle of
universal adult franchise.
1.What is democracy?
2.what are merits of democracy?