Congregational Concerns – December 29th, 2013 Welcome! God bless you! During the welcome and announcements, please write your name & address in the Registration Pad, even if you are here every Sunday; that way, you may just meet a neighbor. We welcome all visitors today and ask that you please take the time to tell us a little about yourself by filling out one of the yellow cards (visitor and member information update) found in the red registration pads. Please place your completed card in the offering plate. For more information about Peace Church, please speak to one of the Greeters or Rev. David Erickson. *Prayer Requests Cards – are in the back of each pew and in the attendance book. If you have a prayer need, please fill out the card and place it in the offering plate so that we can pray for you and your loved ones. *Crying/Nursery Room: The crying room may be found to the right as you enter Peace’s front door. The room is marked “Classroom 1”. Nursery Room directions: After entering the front doors, turn right and follow the hallway to the end. The Nursery will be the last door on the left hand side at the very end of the hallway. *Children’s Church (11:00): Early elementary school children and younger are invited to Children’s Church in Room 3. *Christian Education at Peace: Can be found on the next page. *The Peace UMC Budget: Date Budget Received Food Pantry Donations 12/15/2013 $4,347 $5,219.00 $0.00 12/22/2013 $4,347 $2,589.00 $100.00 12/24/2013 $1,235.41 *STEWARDSHIP: “We will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and support it with our PRAYERS, our PRESENCE, our GIFTS, and our SERVICE.” VARIOUS PUMC FUNDS- If you wish to Donate to an individual fund please make a separate check, for each fund, for example, ‘Building Fund’, ‘Church Building Maintenance’, etc., in the memo line. Please do not combine General Funds with the special Funds!! ATTENDANCE FOR 12/22/13: 8:30 AM = 22 11 AM = 76 Total = 98 ATTENDANCE FOR CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS SERVICE 12/20/13: 25 CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE AT: 540-786-8585 CHURCH E-MAIL IS: PASTOR’S E-MAIL IS: WEBSITE IS: Blessed by God to be a Blessing “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). OUR 2014 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN – If you have your stewardship card, please put your card in the offering plate. Stewardship cards are on the old pulpit in the narthex. SUNDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER FESTIVITIES! The Families of Peace United Methodist Church are invited to join in these exciting Sunday School activities, each Sunday morning from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Pre K - 5th Grade - Children's Sunday School: In January, the children will move from the Advent Season to focusing on "New Beginnings" in the Bible. Each day is a new beginning in our lives as Christians. The Sunday School time is spent with sharing, interactive play, a craft and snack. All children of the church, along with their friends and neighbors, are welcome. Middle & High School (6th – 12th Grade) (In the Youth Room (Room 1)) - CLAIM THE LIFE – this year will be exploring scriptures, music and helping our youth develop closer relationships with one another and tending to God at work in their lives and the world. In Sunday School, we have an introduction to the nature of faith, God, in whom we have faith, living as a community of faith, living faithfully and faith eternal. ADULTS – have a choice between three classes. The Seekers Class in Burgess Hall is discussing what Bible Study they would like to do next. (1) Join the Seekers at 9:45 a.m. Sunday for coffee and snacks with class starting shortly thereafter. During the month of December, Bill Buttram will lead a class on Advent. Hope to see you there. (2) Growing Faithful Families Class: All are welcome to join Patty Erickson in class room 4 for The Growing Faithful Families Class – Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, Hamilton follows in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made, and the healing he brought. This 40-day focus will help you and your group grow deeper in their faith, learn more about the life of Christ, spend time in daily reading and reflecting upon the Scriptures. (3) “New Testament book of Acts” Bible Study: Interested in learning more about the Bible? PUMC will be offering a third Adult Sunday School class this fall that will focus on in-depth study and discussion of specific books, starting with the New Testament book of Acts. Want to learn more about the beginning of the modern Christian church? How Saul came to be known as Paul? What did Peter do? Then come join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. in the Library to begin our journey. We will be using Cokesbury material as our lesson guide source. We'd love to see you there, no previous experience required! The Education Committee at Peace UMC believes that teaching and learning are the most important ministries of the church. Christian education helps transform lives and leads people and children to become disciples of Jesus Christ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please take your trash and any items that can be re-cycled and deposit them in the appropriate containers at the back of the Sanctuary as you leave the church. Thanks Our Prayers Mikala Ambrose, Aunt Peggy, Barbara, Our sympathies to the Beard Family on the loss of their mother, Mrs. Beard’s daughter-in-laws mother, Ellie Blan, Our sympathies to Bob Brook’s brother and their Family and Friends on the passing of his wife Carolyn, Virginia Buttram, Bill Buttram, Joe Buttram, Ken Clemen's mother, Cody, Becky Compton, Gary Compton, Curtis, The Darby Family, Daughter-in-law, Jim Deluca, Josh Dixon, Steven Dirienzo, Patty Erickson's aunt, Sarah Faulconer, Marion Fletcher, Brandy Frenk, Brandon Frenk, Jordan Frenk, Marion Frenk’s friend, prayers for Gemma and her family in the Philippines and for the loss of Gemma's mother, Brenda Ginn, Fred Goshen, The Graves Family, Jim Guyler, Kathleen Haigler, Ethel Mary Hall, Steve Harley, Our Sympathies to the Family and Friends of the Hatch Family – they lost a loved one over the Christmas Holidays, Beth and Doc Hawley and Ophelia, Gregory Heath's mother, The Jennings Family, Andrea Johnson, Gary Loprete's mother, Our Sympathies to the Family and Friends of the Willis and Loprete Families - Kathleen Willis (Alice Loprete's Aunt) passed away Christmas Eve, Alice Loprete’s friend, Kris Mashiana’s sister, Roy McCandless, Fran McClure, Fran McClure’s daughter – Lynn Teal, Jim McDavid, Jim McDavid's friend, Our sympathies to Frances McNaulty’s Family and Friends – Frances passed away last week, Dan Measell’s sister, Ed Merkel, William Moore, Gayle Munkacsy, Joe Notarnicola, Harlow Peck's step father, Prayers for postal workers, Ray Reese, Jim Scott’s sister - Penny, Sharon, Sue Sherman, Jeff Standring's friend - Brian R., Melissa Stanley and her husband , Arnell Steckler, Gary Steele, Mike Steele's mother Mildred, Estaleah Stocking, Gene Taylor, teacher at Salem Elementary, Harry Thiede, Ron Thornton, Donna Turner, Alice Verney, The Wassen's Family, Paul Wiedorn, Angela Wilkerson, Katherine Willis, Paulette Winn, World Leaders. Prayers for a woman who was shot, Prayers for a middle school student who needs a heart transplant. For all those who carry unmentioned hurts and sorrows and need to know they are held in the palm of God's hand. Prayers for those in the Philippine's. Those suffering in the Midwest. Prayers for the congregation to remember Christ blessings. Prayers for those who are challenged in finding better jobs or employment. Prayers for the homeless and families who are having difficulties obtaining enough food and heat. For Peace in the world, for our church. All those who are on the road traveling or working in this weather. All those who have no or little heat or live in the elements. For those serving in the military and those deployed. For our political leaders to work together and make wise decisions. Keep those in prayer who will be away from family this holiday season, including those in the military, on deployment and in posts far from home. Prayers for all who struggle with health, financial, personal and family issues this season. Also for those who are refugees, homeless or living in substandard situations. Joy: Cody Peck home for Christmas and New Years Joy: Bill and Ginny Buttram celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary Our Military Personnel: Nick Biggs, Anthony Connolly, Josiah, Jake Haugh, Jordan Haugh, Jon Lister, Sarah Martin, Matthew McKlveen, Charlie Meskunas, Sean Mullane, Cody Peck, Eric Pungas, Geoffery Range, Shawn & Rachael Reese, Justin Sanner, David Schoenhardt, Jason Sharpe, Andrew Weisman, Mark, Philip Wilkerson and William Wilkerson The Monthly Church Calendar is on our webs site at SUNDAY DECEMBER 29, 2013 - Noisy Sunday 8:15a-8:30a Fellowship Time (Burgess Hall) / Meditation Time (Sanctuary) 8:30a-9:30a Worship (Sanctuary) 11a-12p Worship (Sanctuary) 9:45a-10:45a Sunday School MONDAY DECEMBER 30, 2013 - Office Closed 9:30a-12p ESL Class (Choir Room) TUESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2013- Office Closed - New Year’s Eve 7p-8:30p CoDa (Room 5) WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1, 2014 - New Year's Day - Office Closed 5:15p-9p AA (Burgess Hall) 7p-9p Alanon (R5)/Alateen (YR, Pre-School Room) THURSDAY JANUARY 2, 2014- Office Closed FRIDAY JANUARY 3, 2013- Office Closed SATURDAY JANUARY 4, 2013 9a-11a AA (Room 4) 8am-5pm Boy Scouts (Burgess Hall & Kitchen) SUNDAY JANUARY 5, 2013 8:15a-8:30a Fellowship Time (Burgess Hall) / Meditation Time (Sanctuary) 8:30a-9:30a Worship (Sanctuary) 9:45a-10:45a Sunday School 11a-12p Worship (Sanctuary) 5p Set-up of UMW Potluck (BH, Kitchen) 5:30p UMW Epiphany Potluck (BH, Kitchen) A= Annex, BH = Burgess Hall, CR = Choir Room, K = Kitchen, L = Library, N = Narthex, R4 = Room 4, R5 = Room 5, S = Sanctuary, YR = Youth Room Happy Birthday! Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Owen Frenk Tom Groel Gloria Cundiff Maddison Jennings Benjamin Jarrett Erin Swartz Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Katie Brogan Alfred Kwayisi Josi Brooks Erin Weisman Trevor Tiberio Lew Sherman Hunter Catlett PEACE ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK: No Peace Activities this week NEW PHONE DIRECTORY – please pick up a new phone directory out in the Narthex. If you see incorrect information, we apologize for that and please e-mail the secretary at and send her the correction. Thank you to Jim Scott, Rick Marvin and the secretary for helping to update, format, and publish the phone directory! SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – See page 2 for information. YOUTH GROUP CALENDAR SALE - The Youth Group is having a UMYF fundraiser by selling ‘2014 God’s Creation Wall Calendars’ for $10. NOISY SUNDAY TODAY - Please remember that the fifth Sunday is Noisy Sunday. Please donate your pocket change; our children will collect it as an offering. We will donate it to Heifer International, to provide farm animals for poor families around the world. A NOTE FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE - As we rapidly approach the end of the year, we would like to remind everyone that contributions to the church are tax deductible if you itemize your deductions. This would be a great time to increase your deductions and reduce your taxes by giving an additional amount to the church. OFFICE HOURS AT YEAR’S END - The Office will shift to Pastor David's home office this week (December 30th through January 3rd). Pastor David will work from home and can be reached at: Home 540-785-3545, Cell: 540-540-604-7374. We will not have a food pantry on Jan. 2nd. UMW EPIPHANY POTLUCK - The UMW is organizing an Epiphany Pot Luck Dinner for our entire church family next Sunday, January 5th, with set up at 5:00 p.m. and dinner at 5:30 p.m. After a busy Christmas season, please come out and relax, while getting to know some of our new, as well as our more experienced, church members. In the spirit of the Wise Men, please consider bringing canned or boxed items for our Food Pantry, along with a main, side or dessert dish to share for dinner. UNITED METHODIST FAMILY SERVICES (UMFS) – In the month of December, UMFS does an annual offering drive. UMFS Offering envelopes can be found in the kiosk. Your generous gift will help UMFS continue the healing process for children and families who have suffered from abuse, neglect, crisis and trauma – touching the lives of more than 7,500 individuals each year. Through your tax deductible gifts to UMFS, you can help at-risk children and their families learn to live productive and fulfilling lives. Supporting UMFS helps us meet the most pressing needs of our children and families by ensuring both the present and the future of our programs and services. Your generosity is turning lives right side up. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CHILDREN'S CHURCH – for Jan., Feb., and March 2014. Please look at your calendar and see if you could sign up for a Sunday. The sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex. EL SALVADOR VIM (VOLUNTEER IN MISSION) - There are still 4 spots available on the April 21-27, 2014 Fredericksburg District El Salvador Mission Trip. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Janet Grissett at 804.529.6344 or as soon as possible. ASSISTANCE THIS WEEK: We are in need of everything, but especially veggies, spaghetti sauce, tuna, tuna helper, fresh carrots, potatoes and onions. Also fresh oranges and apples! FOOD from Dec. 19, 2013 – 21 Families (72 people); Food Pantry was closed on Dec. 26th. UTILITIES ASSISTANCE – $120 THURMAN BRISBEN CENTER - Thanks to all who generously give to the Thurman Brisben Center (540-899-9853 or The following items are especially needed: Toilet paper, paper toweling, tokens for FRED bus, detergent, 39 gallon trash bags (Big Lots) and laundry detergent. The families that leave the center to move into a home need furniture. Compassion Restoration Ministries will pick up, store and deliver to those in need. You can reach them at If you have any questions, call Rob or Shirley Roberson.