
Samantha Kubeck
Phone: 209.304.4870
Objective: To gain research experience with a biotechnology company specializing in Bio Tools.
San Francisco State University: San Francisco, CA
Masters in Biomedical Science, Biotechnology Concentration
Professional Science Master’s degree
Projected Graduation date December 2011
Current GPA: 4.0
University of California, Davis: Davis, CA
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (with animal emphasis)
Graduated cum laude June 2010
GPA: 3.52
Research Assistant- UC San Francisco
Jeff Bluestone, Ph.D Lab, San Francisco, CA
2010 to 2011
 Studied the mechanism for type 1 diabetes by examining the signaling pathways of specific
tyrosine kinase receptors. Primary tasks involve microscopy, immunofluorecent staining,
genotyping, and fluorescence activated cell sorting. Genotyping identifies experimental
transgenic mice, whose pancreas are fixed, stained, and analyzed for markers that indicate
onset of diabetes.
Intrax, San Francisco, CA
2010 to 2011
 Led a group of 10 MBA students in identifying and providing a solution for a communication
problem at the English school Intrax. Coordinated interviews with the management staff and
administered surveys throughout the San Francisco branch. Scheduled and facilitated meetings
with the MBA students and delegated work to optimize productivity.
Research Assistant- UC Davis
UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab, Davis, CA
2009 to 2010
 Researched the mechanisms for equine roan coat color inheritance. Responsible for organizing
equine families for testing, extracting DNA from hair or serum samples, performing PCR and
sequencing, and organizing haplotypes based on microsatellite alleles.
Resident Advisor- UC Davis
2007 to 2009
UC Davis Housing Services, Davis CA
 Responsible for the residential experience of 51 freshman college students which includes
educational, recreational, social, and cultural programming, as well as policy enforcement,
conflict resolution, and diversity issues. Oversaw the Engineering themed building 2008-2009.
Resident Advisor- UC Davis
COSMOS Summer Program, Davis CA
2009 to 2010
 Guided 20 students ranging from 7th-12th grade during a month long summer program
specializing in biotechnology. Responsible for implementing recreational programs and
academic outings in this UC Davis program.
A+ Grades Up Tutoring, Sacramento CA
2008 to 2010
 Assessed K-12th grade students to determine their tutoring needs. Taught students in math and
reading during the afterschool program.
Laboratory Skills:
Immunofluorescent Staining
Microscopy (brightfield and fluorescent)
Small animal euthanization
Small animal dissection
Flow cytometry
DNA extraction and purification techniques
Selection cloning with sterile techniques
Gel electrophoresis, Southern blot, and Western blot
PCR and Sanger Sequencing
Primer Design
Experience with bioinformatics databases such as NCBI, NebCutter, and UCSC Genome Browser
Management Skills:
Meeting facilitation
Conflict/crisis management
Efficient delegation
Program creation and implementation
Awards and Memberships
Phi Sigma honor society, UC Davis for promotion of research in the Biological Sciences
Graduated cum laude from UC Davis
NSF Science Master’s Program Scholarship
Member of the National Professional Science Master’s Association