WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Day 1 – January 15, 2015 Thur. 1-15-15 Psych: Books and Notebooks distributed; Seating Charts created; Student Rights & Responsibilities discussed 1st Day 2nd HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: SLO; Ch.5 Sec.1 Worksheet class work Semester Fri. Psych: STUDENTS NO SCHOOL 1-16-15 HISTORY: Week of: Jan. 19 - Jan. 23 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon. Psych: 1-19-15 IN-SERVICE DAY HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Psych: Ch.1 & 2 Power Point Notes; Finish Student Rights and Responsibilities; Tues. 1-20-15 Define Personality HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Stocks simulation 8 week readings and final calculations DUE Psych: Finish definition of Personality & discuss the difference between knowing it Wed. 1-21-15 and understanding it; Define Psychology, Psychologist, & Psychiatrist HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Psych: List and go over the Four Goals of Psychologists/Psychiatrists -& apply to the Thur. 1-22-15 following PTSD article; Generic quiz on Fields of Psychology worksheet - Fields of Psychology "Quiz" HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Reasons for Nativism handout & applications; Reading & Assignment - Alien Menace reading & assignment Psych: Review the definitions of Personality, Psychology, Psychologist, Fri. 1-23-15 Psychiatrist; List the Goals of Psychology; Assignment for 1-28-15 - Fields of Psychology Assignment HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Handout given & discussed - Timeline of U.S. Immigration Policy WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: Jan. 26 - Jan. 30 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon 1-26-15 Psych: Video clip on Supermarket Psychology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmEI3_NhZj4 2Hr.Delay HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: DUE - Alien Menace Qstns. & Image; Discussion and analysis of immigration cartoons via power point notes Tues. Psych: Periods 1 & 3 discussion on Supermarket Psychology video; Return blogs & discuss; Period 7 - Drug ads play up benefits, downsize risks http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9571484 1-27-15 Wed. 1-28-15 Thur. 1-29-15 Fri. 1-30-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.5 Sec.1 Worksheet discussed; Reading a Graph worksheet handed out and completed; Psych: Period 1 & 3 - Drug ads play up benefits, downsize risks http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9571484; Sharing of Fields of Psychology Assignment (DUE TODAY) HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Psych: Entry Fee! History Hunt Worksheet HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discussion on Spectator Sports & First World Series; Packet - The Growth of the Cities -- First page, front & back DUE tomorrow; Psych: Start going over the History Hunt worksheet. You should have completed the first half at least! All should be completed for Monday HISTORY: Jacob Riis - How the Other Half Lives - tenement life http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91981589#share (time 12:52 WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: Feb.2 - Feb.6 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon. 2-2-15 Ch.1 & 2 Power Point Notes; continue discussion of the History of Psychology via power point notes and History Hunt Worksheet Psych: HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over The Growth of the Cities Packet - section A City of the 1880's; Discuss the Reading segment - The Tenements of New York - by Jacob Riis; Power point notes/images of immigrants shared and discussed; Handout - DUE TUESDAY - Ch.5 Sec.3 worksheet: CHAPTER 5 TEST Monday 2/9 Tues. 2-3-15 Psych: Finish History of Psychology; Move into the Contemporary Perspectives of Psychology via Approaches in Practice (Contemporary Perspectives) Wed. 2-4-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: CHAPTER 5 TEST Monday 2/9; FRIDAY; Ch.5 Sec.3 Worksheet DUE where we can go over it. Students to work on Packet - Immigration - DUE WEDNESDAY; Ch.5 Vocabulary List; Ch.5 Immigration Power Point Notes Psych: Go over Contemporary Perspectives of Psychology via Approaches in Practice worksheets; Thur. 2-5-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: CHAPTER 5 TEST Monday 2/9; Go over Immigration packet (which is DUE); Ch.5 Study Guide Psych: Continue Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology via power point notes; Ch.1 Review Worksheet DUE MONDAY Fri. 2-6-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: CHAPTER 5 TEST Monday 2/9; Vocabulary game review; Ch.5 Exam Study Guide Psych: Pd.1 & Pd.7 Completed Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology via power point notes; Pd.7 time permitted to work on Ch.1 Review Worksheet which is DUE MONDAY. SCHEDULE INTERRUPTED - ADAPTATIONS TO SOME COURSES, PERIOD 3 DID NOT MEET HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Students permitted to study in groups for their Ch.5 Test WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: Feb.9 - Feb.13 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon 2-9-15 Psych: CH.1 REVIEW GUIDE DUE: Reading from Classic Experiments in Psychology - About Experiments and questions Ch.1 About Experiments Worksheet Tues. 2-10-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: CHAPTER 5 TEST 2/9/15; Ch.6 Sec.1 The New South Map activity Psych: Finish Reading from Classic Experiments in Psychology - About Experiments and questions Ch.1 About Experiments Worksheet; Begin discussion of the Reading & Questions Wed. 2-11-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.6 Sec.1 The New South Map Activity; Read Ch.6 Sec.1 and complete the Sec.1 guided reading questions for Wednesday Psych: Finish discussion on About Experiments and questions Ch.1 About Experiments Worksheet; Groups assigned for Methodologies of Ch.2 Thur. 2-12-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Create a Ch.6 Sec.1 Outline - DUE Tomorrow Psych: Students present information on the Methodologies of Chapter 2 - power point notes discussed along the way Fri. 2-13-15 2 Hr. Delay HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.6 Sec.1 Outlines DUE; Go over and discuss the Ch.6 Sec.1 Guided reading questions Psych: Continued Discussion on the Methodologies of Ch.2 HISTORY: Map activity - Handed out in class - The Growth of the West Map Activity WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: Feb.16 - Feb.20 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon. 2-16-15 Psych: IN-SERVICE DAY HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Tues. 2-17-15 Wed. 2-18-15 Thur. 2-19-15 Psych: Ch.1 & 2 Power Point Notes; Finish Ch.2 Methodologies via power point notes HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Complete The Growth of the West Map Activity; Reading - New States Join The Union Psych: Ch.2 Review Worksheet done in class HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss key characteristics of each of the states that joined the union via the Reading - New States Join The Union Psych: Cancelled Fri. 2-20-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Psych: Cancelled HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: Feb.23 - Feb.27 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon 2-23-15 Psych: Ch.1 & 2 Power Point Notes; Continue - Research Methods presentations and notes via power point 2-24-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Mining in the West via power point Psych: Finish Research Methods via power point notes; Go over Ch.2 Review Worksheet; Hank Green - Crash Course - Psychological Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFV71QPvX2I Wed. 2-25-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.6 Sec.3 Mining Student PPt. Notes Psych: CHAPTER 1 & 2 TEST; Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet - The Basics: Ch.4 Power Point Notes Tues. Thur. 2-26-15 Fri. 2-27-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.6 Sec.3 Outline DUE; Ranching in the West - The Wild West Packet given in class Psych: Independent work on Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet - The Basics: Also, reading of Ernst Weber & Weber's Constant (back side of the worksheet); Video presentation of Sybil as an example of a Case Study Method along with intro to sensory stimulation and its impact (SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Continued viewing of Sybil after school) HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review the mining boom power point notes; Begin Cattle Ranching via power point notes - The Cattle Ranching Kingdom power point notes; Packet distributed - The Wild West - to be completed for tomorrow Psych: Intro to Sensation & Perception via power point notes; Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet DUE MONDAY; Article on - "Dress Color" HISTORY: Go over The Wild West packet; Tales of the Roundup readings and assignment - Ch.6 Sec.3 Tales of the Roundup Readings & Activity begun WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: March 2 - March 6 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon. 3-2-15 2 Hr. Delay Psych: Review the definitions of Sensation & Perception; List influences on Perception; Pd. 7 Begin work on Connect the Plots activities. GRADING TEMPLATE for CONNECT THE PLOTS HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students are given time to work on the packet Tales of the Roundup - students are to be compiling a list of positives/negatives, duties, and tools of the cowboy. Tues. 3-3-15 Wed. 3-4-15 Psych: Using the Chromeboooks, students are working on the handout, Connect the Plots by taking notes on each of the readings & videos. BRING HEADPHONES if you have them! HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Writing in class of a Tall Tale Psych: Discussion of Connect the Plots videos & readings; Connect the Plots notes page DUE HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students peer edit the Tales of the Roundup Tall Tales Thur. 3-5-15 Cancelled Fri. 3-6-15 Psych: HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Psych: Time given for Weber's Constant reading out of Classic Experiments in Psychology book; Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet - The Basics DUE MONDAY (Front & Back) HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Tall Tales DUE & shared in class; Reading handout given in class & due for discussion on Monday - Expressing Problems Clearly: A Kansas Homesteader Builds a Sod House in 1877 WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: March 9 - March 13 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon 3-9-15 Tues. 3-10-15 Wed. 3-11-15 Thur. 3-12-15 Fri. 3-13-15 Psych: Ch.4 Power Point Notes; Go over the Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet - The Basics:Collect Connecting the Plots notes page; Discuss the difference btwn. sensation & perception, list absolute thresholds, & discuss signal detection theory HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: The Cattle Ranching Kingdom power point notes; Go over Cattle Trails Map Activity (on the back of the Tales of the Roundup packet; Go over & discuss Reading - A Kansas Homesteader Builds a Sod House in 1877 reading & problems (handout in class on Fri. 3-6-15); Begin Ch.6 Sec.2 Outlines Psych: Go over Difference Threshold & Ernst Weber's - Weber's Constant/Fraction questions; Discuss Sensory Adaptation; Article - Why Radiologists Miss a Gorilla; Below Absolute Threshold examined HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Article - Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis "The West: Exploiting an Empire"; Handout - Native American Culture chart & image of Buffalo & its uses; Ch.6 Sec.2 Plains Indians Power Point notes Psych: When sensations fall below the threshold HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: DUE - Handout - Native American Culture chart with questions & image of Buffalo & its uses Psych: How Light Enters the Eye - Group Activity (pds. 1 & 7); Pd.3 Below Threshold HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Native Americans packet explained and work begun Psych: Review parts of the eye & functions; blind spot, afterimages, & color blindness explored via power points. HISTORY: Ch.6 Sec.2 Outlines DUE; Native Americans packet independent work WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: March 16 - March 20 Study of Personality & American Cultures Psych: Selective Attention & Inattentive Blindness Mon. 3-16-15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Dg-06nrnc; Rules of Perceptual Organization applied to samples from the Ch.4 Sec.2/5 worksheet HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: DUE - Flight of the Nez Perce, Ghost Dance, & Founding Fathers questions from packet - we went over these and discussed Psych: Rules of Perceptual Organization discussed via power point notes Tues. 3-17-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: DUE - President Arthur's address, Sand Creek Massacre, & Fort Lyon Affair questions discussed and gone over; Psych: Review key rules of perceptual organization - movement, depth, constancies; Wed. 3-18-15 sound clip - http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/11/10/361219912/if-the-sameshade-looks-both-yellow-and-gray-whats-color; Different Shades of Gray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnPbT3wgfG8 (2:26); Brain Games: Watch This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1NAiM55hU (4:39) Complete Ch.4 Sec.5 10 questions for tomorrow; Handout - Ch.4 Sec.3 Hearing given; PERMISSION SLIPS FOR GUEST SPEAKER DUE! HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Handout - The Last Frontier - begun in class - to be completed for Thursday, 3-19-15; SYNOPSIS OF TEST QUESTIONS GIVEN Psych: Period 1 & 3 - Define optical illusions & site examples; Period 7 - Guest Thur. 3-19-15 Speaker, Clinical Psychologist & University of Pittsburgh Professor, Dr. Russ Phillips (Period 7, Auditorium) HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over Handout - The Last Frontier Psych: Review optical illusions & examples; Transition into the sense of hearing via Fri. 3-20-15 the power point notes - Define, auditory, wavelength, frequency vs. pitch as expressed in hertz & demonstrate loudness vs. volume as expressed by decibels. Ch.4 Sec.3 Hearing worksheet due Monday - 3/23/15 HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: CHAPTER 6 EXAM (42pts.) WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: March 23 - March 27 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon Psych: Ch.4 Power Point Notes; Go over Ch.4 Sec.3 Hearing worksheet; Review qualities 3-23-15 of sound via power point notes; Measure loudest class & discuss danger levels of of decibels via handout - Noise levels in our environment fact sheet Tues. 3-24-15 SUB. HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.7 Sec.1 Outlines assigned as in class work today and tomorrow; Worksheet guided reading questions & outlines for Ch.7 Sec.1 assigned & due at the end of class tomorrow, 3/24/15 Psych: Readings - Noisy Toys & The Sounds Around US HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students are to work on and complete their Ch.7 Sec.1 Outlines Wed. Psych: Go over the handout from 3-24-15 which includes Noise & Toys 3-25-15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJlMGsQQeCA; Wishing for a Silent Night in Toyland http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5044711; Reading - The Sounds Around Us; Worksheet - Noisy Toys video/sound clip & The Sounds Around Us questions; Reading - The Sounds Around Us Thur. 3-2615 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over Ch.7 Sec.1 guided reading questions; Begin discussion with Ch.7 The Gilded Age PPT Notes Psych: Go over parts of the ear & their functions; Watch the following clip Gateways to the Mind - Segment 17:33 to 21:38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q01QxUeO00; Discuss Psychological costs of hearing lost via two articles - Loss of Hearing Can Be Frustrating & Understanding the Psychological Effects of Hearing Loss; A Blending of the Senses - Article on Synesthesia HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over the "half sheet" on New material for Ch.7 Sec.1; Discuss power point notes on African American issues of Ch.7 (pages 184-185 of text) Fri. Psych: Demonstration - Locating Sounds; A Blind Woman Gains New 3-27-15 Freedom, Click By Click By Click http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/01/23/379138970/a-blindwoman-gains-new-freedom-click-by-click-by-click; HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary; Re Take on Ch.6 Exam; Read pages 185-186 in your text about Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, & Ida B. Wells discussed via power points; Examine primary source documents in the back of the text - Douglass p.842, Washington p. 848, King p. 852, & Johnson p. 854. WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: March 30 - April 3 Study of Personality & American Cultures Psych: What the Nose Knows Experiment - discuss odors that revealed key memories Mon. 3-30-15 & emotions HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss & summarize Booker T. Washington's document on page 848 Psych: Discovery Day HANDOUT - The Sense of Smell - Much more Tues. 3-31-15 complicated than you know! Videos & Soundclips you can find online based upon the links given on the Discovery Day instruction/notes sheet; Readings #1 Fragrances Enhance Emotions, Chemistry, #2 Never Mind Your Eyesight..., #3 A Secret Sense in the Human Nose, #4 A Woman's Nose Belongs to Daddy, #5 Mind Your Body The Underrated Sense, #6 Relax and Breathe in the Fresh Marketing, #7 Smell Something Different At The Gym?..., #8 Scentless: Losing Your Sense of Smell May Make Life Riskier Wed. 4-1-15 Thur. 4-2-15 Fri. 4-3-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discussion on Ch.7 Sec.1 via the power point notes - Read & summarize Elizabeth Cady Stanton on page 843 Psych: Discovery Day Disclosure - Discussion on the multiple sources discussing the intricacies of the sense of smell: The paper should be completed. HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Via power point, students will review Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the temperence movement, & examine discrimination against Chinese Americans in the Gilded Age Psych: Disclosure on the Sense of Smell Packet HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Via power point, students will examine discrimination against Mexican Americans in the Gilded Age Psych: Disclosure on the Sense of Smell Packet - Notes page collected HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Work on Ch.7 Sec.2 Outlines - Due TUESDAY April 7, 2015 WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: April 6 - April 10 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon Psych: Ch.4 Power Point Notes; Article - Taste & Smell; Taste Qualities vs. Flavor Qualities Taste & Smell article; Experiment; Chapter 4 Test Wednesday 4-6-15 Tues. HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Political parties, platforms, & planks simulation with handout & reading; Parties, Platforms, & Planks rdg.;Simulation Issues Psych: Sense of Touch via power point notes; Two-point threshold, vestibular sense & kinesthesis 4-7-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.7 Sec.2 Outlines DUE; Presidents of the Gilded Age - Gilded Age Presidents & simplifying statements assigned Wed. 4-8-15 Psych: Chapter 4 TEST; Pavlov & Strange But True HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Gilded Age Presidents and phrases interpreted from information charts Thur. Psych: Define learning & discuss the A,B,C's of learning via power point notes 4-9-15 Fri. 4-10-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over power point notes on Gilded Age Presidents - Students to take notes Psych: Rdg. Smell 101; Reading from Classic Experiments in Psychology Ivan Pavlov & Classical Conditioning; Complete the Pavlov & Strange But True worksheet HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary; 10 pt. quiz on Presidents of the Gilded Age; Reading Political Machines & a handout Reading with Questions The Workings of A Political Machine WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: April 13 - April 17 Study of Personality & American Cultures Mon. Psych: Ch.6 Learning Power Point Notes; A Hop, Skip, & a Jump experiment 4-13-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Focus on Boss Tweed & Political Cartoons of Thomas Nast Psych: Go over Pavlov worksheet & Strange But True formulas; Discuss key power Tues. 4-14-15 point note and the key elements - UCS, UCR, NS, CS, & CR; 10 Formulas Homework for 4-15-15 Wed. 4-15-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Listen to http://www.npr.org/2015/04/14/399516179/revisiting-the-nightabraham-lincoln-was-shot-150-years-ago; In-Class Assignment: Use page 195 of your textbook 1.Identify & define Civil Service & The Pendleton Civil Service Act 2.Which president was mostly responsible for trying to end the corruption of the Gilded Age? 3.What key event helped institute the push for civil service reform?; Begin Ch.7 Sec.3 Outlines - DUE Monday, April 20. Psych: Go over 10 Formulas HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Handouts in class - Rdg. The Property of the People; Rdg. w/questions - Making Sense of Inflation & Deflation; Power point notes page Psych: Examine Conditioning in advertising; Elicit a Student Response experiment; Thur. 4-16-15 Begin Reading Martin Seligman - Learned Helplessness out of the Classic Experiments in Psychology supplemental reader HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Inflation & Deflation revisited - Two handouts 1) A series of slides on inflation & deflation & 2) the Populist Party Platform Psych: Finish Reading on Martin Seligman - Learned Helplessness; Types of Fri. 4-17-15 Classical Conditioning demonstrated - Simultaneous, Trace, Delayed, & Backward; Pete The Cat video HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Handout - How did farmers attempt to solve their problems during the industrial revolution?; Populist Party Platform presented including the 16th & 17th Amendments; William Jennings Bryan - Cross of Gold Speech: CH.7 EXAM NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 23 WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: April 20 - April 24 Study of Personality & American Cultures 4-20-15 Psych: Ch.4 Power Point Notes; Key vocabulary presented - Contingency Theory, Extinction & Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization & Discrimination, & Higher Order Conditioning Tues. HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Chapter Section summary paragraphs and fill in the blanks Psych: Reading - What Ever Happened to Baby Albert; Video - Mon 4-21-15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBfnXACsOI&feature=related Handout given in class - 15 Questions Exercise done with a partner; Ch.6 Sec.1 & Sec.2 fill in the blanks on the back of the 15 Questions Exercise Due Date to be determined HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Packet - THE FARMERS; DUE Wednesday April, 22, 2015 Wed. 4-22-15 Psych: Guest Speaker - Ms. Kellie Wheeler - representing the Art Institute of Pittsburgh HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over THE FARMERS packet: Ch..7 EXAM Thursday, April 23, 2015 Thur. 4-23-15 Psych: Define & discuss Anxiety- http://allpsych.com/disorders/anxiety/index.html Panic Attack & Phobias - www.phobialist.com HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.7 EXAM Fri. Psych: Therapies - discussed via power point notes & articles; 4-24-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Turn in Ch.7 Take Home exams; resubmit The Farmers Packet; Begin and have completed for MONDAY The Progressive Movement reading & Making Connections Worksheet WEEKLY AGENDAS SEMESTER 2 - 2015 Week of: April 27 - May 1 Study of Personality & American Cultures Psych: Ch.6 Learning Power Point Notes; Finish discussion on Therapies; Watch Mon. 4-27-15 VRE and Soldiers Overcome Burns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNIqyyypojg Go over practice questions on Classical Conditioning & Sec. 1 fill in the blank questions assigned last Tuesday; HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary:The Progressive Movement packet checked & gone over. Psych: Students elicit a student response experiment Tues. 4-28-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Do Chapter 8 Section 1 Outlines; Reading on Muckrake Journalism excerpt The Jungle Psych: Define & discuss OPERANT CONDITIONING as it relates to the experiment Wed. 4-29-15 from the day before. Introduce Edward L. Thorndike & the Law of Effect , showing the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDujDOLre-8&feature=related. HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Matching the Muckrakers handout; Readings - Triangle Shirtwaist Fire & Bangladesh Garment Factory Fire Psych: Types of Reinforcers - Primary vs. Secondary & Positive vs. Negative; Video Thur. 4-30-15 - Big Bang Theory Positive Reinforcement (Time 4:54) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA96Fba-WHk Fri. 5-1-15 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Progressive Party Platform & famous muckrakers Psych: Experiment with the M&M guys - Reinforcement vs. Rewards vs. Punishers; Worksheet on Reinforcers vs. Punishment to be completed for Monday. HISTORY: www.npr.org new s summary: Upton Sinclair - The Jungle leads to Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act; The Secret Ballot, Primaries, & 17th Amendment along with key terms initiative, referendum, & recall discussed via power point notes. Reading example of Recall - Recall Efforts in Wisconsin...