Sem 1 Review Biochemistry Answer questions 1

Sem 1 Review
Answer questions 1-5 using the 4 Biomolecules:
1. Name each one:
2. Describe how you identify each:
3. What is the difference between a steroid and a sugar/ what biomolecule is a steroid?
4. Name the monomer or the polymer that each biomolecule is made of or makes up:
5. Explain the difference between a saturated fat and an unsaturated fat:
6. Describe how the body uses biomolecules for energy:
7. What is a polar molecule?
8. Describe the characteristic of a polar molecule:
9. What is cohesion and adhesion?
10. Explain capillary action:
11. How does an element become stable?
12. Explain what an ionic bond and a covalent bond is:
13. What is an isotope?
14. What does ph stand for?
15. What do acids form in water/ what do bases form in water?
16. What is the difference between a Solute and a Solvent?
The following deal with Cellular Processes:
17. Be able to explain selective permeability and be able to draw conclusions from give examples.
18. Describe the difference between osmosis and diffusion:
19. Give the 3 types of solutions and describe each (ex. Isotonic):
Types of cells
20. Name the two types of cells / compare and contrast the two of them.
21. describe the following organelles and their roles they play in cells:
-Plasma membrane (and describe its structure)
Cell Theory
22. Describe the Cell theory:
23. Explain Biogenesis and Spontaneous Generation:
24. Who disproved Spontaneous Generation and proved Spontaneous Generation?
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration:
25. Give the chemical equation for each:
26. Write the reactants and products of each in words.
27. What organelle is responsible for each?
28. Explain the role for the following organelles and molecular structures:
-Tylakoid Membranes
-Folded membranes of the mitochondria
DNA/ RNA/ Proteins
29. What are the three differences between DNA and RNA?
30. What Monomer makes up the polymer of a nucleic acid?
31. Describe ach of the following processes:
32. What does DNA and RNA stand For?
33. What are the three types of RNA and Explain their role in protein production.
34. What monomer makes up the polymer know as proteins?
35. What are the bonds called between amino acids?
36. Give another name for Polypeptides:
37. What protein unzips DNA and separates the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base?
38. Name the protein that builds and corrects errors in DNA:
39. Be able to translate the following segments:
40. Name the two purines and the two pyrimidines: (Be able to identify each by molecular shape)
41. What makes up the backbone of DNA and what makes up the rungs of the ladder of DNA?
42. What is another name for DNA base on is molecular shape?
Mitosis and Meiosis
43. Explain the importance of each: (why??)
44. Compare the following with mitosis and meiosis:
-# of daughter cells
-# of Chromosomes (explain Haploid and Diploid)
-where they take place: somatic cell or germ cell (explain each of these cells)
-Which is an asexual form of reproduction?
45. What protein regulates cellular division?
46. When does DNA replicate? (What is the sub phase called?)
47. How many chromosomes do humans have?
48. What are gemets?
49. What is a Zygote?
50. What is Binary Fission?
51. Why do cells have to divide, why can’t they keep growing?
52. What is a tetrad and what is crossing over and what does it allow for?
53. Does the chromosome # have anything to do with the complexity of an organism?
54. What is non-disjucntion?
Cell Differentiation:
55. What is a stem cell?
56. How can to cells have the same DNA yet they can be totally different cells? (ex. Muscle cells and
Nerve Cells)
57. Give the function of the following cells:
-Muscle cell
-Nerve cell -Bone cell
-root cell
-Blood cell
-Plant stem cell
58. What is the difference between Fertilization and Pollination?