Psychological Disorder - MrKs

Psychological Disorder
Warm up 12/10
How do you know if you have good psychological
How important is your psychological health?
Psychological disorders – behavior patterns or mental
processes that cause serious personal suffering or
interfere with a person’s ability to cope with everyday life
❧ Typicality – is it normal for people to have a
certain behavior or mental process?
o Not all behaviors that are not typical are abnormal
❧ Maladaptivity – keeps the person from
functioning in everyday life
o Causes misery and distress, hazardous to oneself or
❧ Emotional discomfort
❧ Socially Unacceptable Behavior
o Some behaviors are acceptable in some cultures but
not in others
Classification of Disorders
Anxiety disorders
Dissociative disorders
Somatoform disorders
Mood disorders
Personality disorders
Anxiety Disorders
❧ Anxiety Disorders – characterized by
distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive
behaviors that reduce anxiety
❧ Anxiety for big events is normal becomes a
disorder when you feel anxious the majority
of the time
Anxiety Disorders
❧ Generalized anxiety disorder – a person is
continually tense, apprehensive, in a state of
autonomic nervous system arousal
❧ One of the most common anxiety disorder
and usually accompanied with other anxiety
Anxiety Disorders
Phobia – persistent, irrational fear of a specific object,
activity or situation
o Social phobia – intense fear of being scrutinized by others
o Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
o Claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces
o Vestiophobia – This is the fear of clothing.
o Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – fear of long words
Psychological Case
You are a psychologist who specializes in disorders. You
have 10 new clients with disorders. You must create a
case study for each one. Each case study should include
(not limited to):
a background story (where they grew up, family, initial shown
symptoms etc)
o current symptoms and lifestyle
o how it affects them
• whereby you demonstrate your understanding of psych
• maladaptive, atypical, socially unacceptable, emotionally disturbing
• Why are they getting treatment?
image of client
o can be bullet-form, must be complete sentences.
Warm Up 12/11
What is the difference between sadness and
Anxiety Disorders
Panic disorder – anxiety at times suddenly escalates into
a panic attack
o Panic attack – episode of intense dread, includes chest pain,
choking, etc.
Agoraphobia – fear of being in places or situations where
escape would be difficult or impossible
Both lead to avoidant behaviors – public places, or not
leaving home at all
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorder – unwanted repetitive
thoughts (obsessions) and actions (compulsions)
o Hand washing, checking appliances/door locks
o Hoarding is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) haunting memories,
social withdrawal,
jumpy anxiety,
insomnia following a
traumatic event
o Veterans, disaster
Anxiety Disorders
Psychoanalytic theory – result of “forbidden” childhood
urges lead to obsessions and compulsions
Learning perspective views anxiety disorders as a
product of fear conditioning, stimulus generalization,
reinforcement of fearful behaviors, and observational
learning of other’s fears
Biological perspective emphasizes evolutionary,
genetic, and physiological influences
More likely to have an anxiety disorder if your parents
Mood Disorder
Abnormal moods
High and lows that are unpredictable
Mood Disorders
Major Depression – most common of psychological
Exhibit 5 of the following
o Persistent depressed mood for most of the day
o Loss of interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities
o Significant weight loss or gain due to changes in appetite
o Sleeping more or less than usual
o Speeding up or slowing down of physical and emotional
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness or unfounded guilt
Reduced ability to concentrate or make meaningful decisions
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
Mood Disorders
Major Depression
o Symptoms must be present for 2 weeks and almost everyday in
that period
o Those with severe depression may commit/attempt suicide
o Depression
Mood Disorders
Bipolar Disorder – once manic depression – dramatic
ups and downs in mood
o Mania – extreme excitement characterized by hyperactivity and
chaotic behavior
Inflated self-esteem
Inability to sit still or sleep restfully
Pressure to keep talking and switching from topic to topic
Racing thoughts – “flight of ideas”
Difficulty concentrating
Mood Disorders
Psychoanalytic – loss of loved object or person in
childhood – internalizing anger at the lost item toward
Learning theorists – “learned helplessness” – feel like
nothing is within their control to fix
Cognitive theorists – negative self-schema –
expectations based on prior experience
Mood Disorders
Biological – 20-25% people with mood disorders have a
family member with similar disorder
o Serotonin – low levels can lead to mood disorder
o Serotonin & noradrenline – lower levels of both
neurotransmitters can lead to depression specifically
Depression Flyer
In groups of 3, create an informational flyer on one of
the four following topics
1. Solutions for relieving stress in healthy ways.2. How we can help
a friend who is depressed.3. Signs of depression in teens.4. Ways
to can help our school and community understand teenage
Use your books and personal knowledge to complete
There must be pictures and tips, I will be posting them
around the classroom. Thus, they must be appropriate
for school or no credit will be given.
Warm up 10/12
1. Which mood disorder includes a state of
2. What does PTSD stand for?
3. What is the fear of places or situations from
which one cannot escape?
Dissociative Identity
Sudden loss of memory and change in identity
Two or more distinct and alternating personalities
First identity usually unaware of the other identities
Defense against anxiety caused by the eruption of
unacceptable impulses
Dissociative identity disorder
Learning Theorists see them as behaviors reinforced by
anxiety reduction
Some see it as a form of PTSD – a protective response
to a traumatic childhood experience
Research suggests that they have suffered physical,
sexual, or emotional abuse as children
Some believe that it is not an actual disorder
Dissociative Amnesia
Sudden loss of memory usually following a stressful or
traumatic event
Usually they just forget the event
Occasionally they can’t remember name, doesn’t
remember friends and family
Memory likely to return as suddenly as it was lost
Dissociative Fugue
Forgetting personal information and past events
Moving somewhere else and taking up a new identity
o New name, occupation, residence
Usually follows a traumatic event
When they come out of the fugue, they don’t remember
what happened during their relocation.
Somatoform Disorders
Somatization – “body” psychological distress expressed
o Not faking an illness
Somatoform Disorders
Conversion Disorder – change/loss of functioning of
major part of the body
o Night blindness, paralysis in a limb, etc.
o Usually not concerned about the symptom – which makes it
easier to diagnosis as a somatoform disorder
o conversion
Hypochondriasis/ hypochondria – unrealistic
preoccupation having a serious disease
o Take smaller symptoms and believe them to be part of a serious
o Hypochondria
o Cyberchondria
o symptom checker
Somatoform Disorder
Psychoanalytic approach – repressing emotions
associated with forbidden urges – physical symptoms
are symbolic
Recently it is seen that conversion disorder = emotional
problems converting to physical problems
Behavioral theorists – reinforcement for someone
escaping anxiety
o Genetic link with developing a somatoform disorder
Answer 1 & 2 in section 3 review on pg 421
Warm up 12/13
What disorder causes the person to have more than
one identity?
What classification of psychological disorder is
What is an unwanted repetitive thought?
❧ A form of psychosis that lasts for at least six months
and includes two of the following:
❧ Disorders of thought
incoherent thought patterns, formation of new words
(neologisms), inability to stick to one topic, and irrational beliefs
• Ex “My father is an alien and is out to get me” “I am Santa”
❧ Disorders of attention
difficulties in concentration and in focusing on a single chain of
• Ex “I can’t watch TV because I can’t watch and listen and the same
❧ Disorders of perceptiono
strange bodily sensations and hallucinations
• Ex “I hear voices”
❧ Mood disorderso
making strange facial expressions, being extremely active or the
polar opposite
• Ex- facial twitches…walking around in circles
❧ Emotional (affective) Disorderso
little or no emotional responsiveness or having emotional
responses that are inappropriate to the situation.
• Ex- laughing at the news of your mother dying
Loss of contact with reality
Hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders
o Problems in the organization or the content of mental processes
o Thoughts skip from topic to topic sometimes illogically
o Catatonic stupor – immobile, expressionless, coma-like state
Paranoid Schizophrenia
o Delusions or auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) relating to a
o Delusions of grandeur – people plotting against them
Disorganized Schizophrenia
o Incoherent in thoughts and speech
o Emotionless or show inappropriate emotions
Catatonic Schizophrenia
o Hold unusual, uncomfortable body positions
o Or extreme flexibility
Psychoanalytic – overwhelming ego with urges of the id
– fantasies become confused with reality
Other psychologists – family is root of schizophrenia –
parents with intense emotions or critical attitudes –
others believe that it is not the cause but can agitate the
Biological view – 10% chance of being diagnosed with
schizophrenia if one of your parents was – gene
o Complications during pregnancy – mothers suffering from
influenza in 6th-7th month of pregnancy – maternal starvation
Multifactorial Model of Schizophrenia
Complications during pregnancy
Genetic factors
Family environment
Viral Infections
Create a chart comparing and contrasting the 3 types of
Warm-Up 12/16
Why do you think personality disorders are different than
the other disorders?
Personality Disorders
Inflexible traits that disturb ability for a person to live their
Other disorders are considered illness, but this is a major
part of a person’s personality
Paranoid Personality – distrustful and suspicious
o Other people intend to do them harm and are evil
o View of reality is distorted
Schizoid Personality – no interest in relations with other
o Do not become attached to other people
o No delusions or hallucinations
Schizotypal – eccentric behavior –
o Have trouble having close relationships with people
Antisocial – disregard the rights of others – no guilt or
o Aggressive and reckless
o Trouble holding a job and paying bills
Borderline – instability in personal relationships
o Impulsive
Histrionic – excessive emotionality and need for attention
Narcissistic – need for admiration and lack of empathy
o exaggerated sense of self-importance
o preoccupied with success fantasies
Avoidant – feelings of inadequacy
o hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
o Literally avoid social interactions
o Want to change
Dependent – submissive and clingy
o related to an excessive need to be taken care of
Obsessive-Compulsive – orderliness, perfectionism, and
Personality Disorder
Complete the house party worksheet
Warm Up 12/17
Which psychological disorder seems like the most
difficult to deal with?
What is the role of disorders in
Usually those that commit violent crimes have a form of
personality disorder
Common term “sociopathy” refers to antisocial
personality disorder with poor behavioral controls
Antisocial personality disorder + psychopathy = sociopathy
Ted Bundy
killed 30 women
charming public life
ambition to be
Charles Manson
narcissistic and
antisocial personality
killing actress Sharon
along with some
party guest of hers
Other Notable killers
David Berkowitz
son of Sam
demon in neighbor’s
dog forced him to do
Satanic Cult?
John Wayne Gacy
“Killer Clown”
similar to Bundy
Donald Harvey
“Angel of Death”
personality disorder
basically a cult
Jim Jones
909 members died of
cyanide poisoning
migration to S.
mass suicide at
behest of leader
paranoid, and
antisocial personality