Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ______ Notes for Chapter 15 – Stress SECTION 1: SOURCES OF STRESS Definition: Stress is the ___________ or threatening feeling resulting from our appraisal of a situation and our ____________ to demands placed on us I. Components of Stress A. B. C. D. E. Stressor – stress-producing ________ or situation. A stressor for one person isn’t always a stressor for another Stress reduction – The body’s ________________ response to a _______________ Distress - ____________ (sort term) anxiety or pressure; _____________ stress; Can take a toll on the body and mind Eustress - ______________ and challenges; ____________ stress Stress is _______________. We need to learn to manage it so we are not ___________ II. Conflict situations A. _________________ situations and make _______________ decisions. B. Four broad categories: 1. Approach-Approach Conflict – Individual must choose between two ____________ options. (ex. Do I want to go to the movies or the concert?) Does not produce much _____________. 2. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict – Individual must choose between two ___________ options. (ex. Should I break my friend’s confidence by telling an adult something that would keep her safe). _________ level of indecision and stress. 3. Approach-Avoidance conflict – Individual ______ to do something, but has ______ and doubts or is repulsed by it (ex. A man wants to ask for a raise, but is afraid of being fired.) 4. Double Approach-Avoidance Conflict – Individual must choose between two or more options, each with ______________ and ________________ aspects. (ex. Should I go on a vacation to Cancun, which is great, but very expensive, OR visit my family in Michigan, which is cheap and relaxing, but isn’t a beach!) This is the most common. III. Environmental Stressors A. Noise 1. Surveys have shown that Americans regard noise as one of the biggest _____________ in their lives 2. Prolonged exposure to too much noise can cause hearing _____ and interfere with ____ 3. Blood ___________ and the stress hormone, ___________, can rise 4. headaches, _________, and _______________ can occur Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ______ Notes for Chapter 15 – Stress B. Life Changes and Stress 1. Major life events causes stress because it ______________ a person from familiar friends, family or colleagues (ex. ___________, serious illness, a new job, moving away, a death in the family) 2. Even "____________" life events like marriage and getting a new job cause stress because they require ________________ C. Hassles 1. ______________, day-to-day stressors 2. Examples: losing car keys, being ______ for school, doing __________ on a test. 3. Hassles weaken the body's __________ system and cause ________ problems 4. Uplifts are things that make a person feel _________. They are the __________ of hassles by combating stress and restoring health (ex. eating out with a friend, doing well on a test, winning a game) SECTION 2: REACTIONS TO STRESS Many reactions to stress are _________________ I. Fight-or-Flight Response A. With any stressor, the body will become aroused and produce _____________ to increase blood sugar and _________________. B. Designed to prepare a person for ___________________. II. General Adaptation Syndrome A. Hans Selye (1956, 1976) identified three stages in a body's reaction to stress 1) alarm - body goes into fight or flight; becomes _______ and sensitive to stimuli in the ________________ 2) resistance - finds a way to ________ with the stressor; may develop ____________ symptoms of stress. 3) exhaustion - breaking point III. Emotional and Cognitive Responses A. Emotional stress reactions are ______________ to minor irritations, getting no joy from daily pleasures, and _____________ one's own abilities B. Cognitive reactions include difficulty in ____________ or thinking clearly, recurring thoughts, and poor _____________ making C. burnout - a person feels that he or she is giving too much time or ______ to a project and not receiving ample __________ Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ______ Notes for Chapter 15 – Stress IV. Behavioral Reactions A. _____________ habits (trembling or pacing) B. smoke, drink, or take drugs C. feel ________ for no reason D. risk their __________ to help save others (positive) E. _________ (can be positive or negative) V. Physical Reactions A. Some people develop _________________ symptoms (real, physical symptoms) to stress, such as headaches, stomachaches, and muscle pain B. Stress is a contributing cause of _____________ C. Can cause peptic ulcers, _____________, certain kinds of arthritis, asthma, and heart __ D. Can _________ cause an illness (migraine), or can lower the body's ___________ system VI. Factors Influencing Reactions to Stress A. Personality differences - Type A personalities can get __________ in their 30's and 40's. Type B personalities rarely get heart attacks until they are in their 70's; People that hold back their emotions are more likely to get _________ than those who express emotions B. Social Support - Having social support can _________ both the likelihood and severity of stress-related ____________ SECTION 3: COPING WITH STRESS An attempt to gain _________ over a part of one's life Cognitive appraisal - how we see an _______ that helps determine the stress ___________ I. II. Defensive Coping Strategies A. denial - a coping ____________ in which a person decides that the event is not really a _____________ B. intellectualization - a coping mechanism in which the person analyzes a situation fro an emotionally detached viewpoint Active Coping Strategies - Changing our ____________ or modifying a situation to remove stressors or reduce the level of stress A. Hardiness 1. The personality traits of ___________, commitment, and ______________ that help us reduce the stress we feel 2. Control - we affect the _____________ of our situation 3. Commitment - establishing and pursuing our _____________ 4. Challenge - actively ______________ and _____________ problems Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ______ Notes for Chapter 15 – Stress B. Explanatory Style 1. optimist - sees the _________ side of things 2. pessimist - sees the _________ side of things 3. pessimists are much more likely to die at a __________ age C. Relaxation 1. Dr. Edmond Jacobson created _______________ relaxation - tense then relax each major ____________ group in turn 2. meditation - clearing one's __________ and producing an inner ___________. D. Biofeedback 1. Person is hooked up to an _____________ device that measures the process he or she wants to ___________ and turns it into sounds or visual patterns. 2. People learn to control various body ________________ E. Other Stress Reduction techniques 1. Problem solving 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. Support groups and professional help 5. Training for new situations 6. Improving interpersonal skills SECTION 4: STRESS IN YOUR LIFE autonomy - the ability to take care of ________________ I. Choosing college A. Many students approach college with ___________ and _________________aspirations B. Goals based on _______________ (ex. wants to be a doctor for humanitarian reasons, but never thought he would work in a hospital or see someone die) C. lack of _______________ to make________________ choices D. lack of _____________ to evaluate their own ______________ and needs. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ______ Notes for Chapter 15 – Stress II. Sources of Change in College A. College may challenge the ________________ of the student (no longer 'top of the class' or 'class president') B. Greater ______________ in student population C. Developmental friendships - friends force one another to reexamine their basic _______________ and perhaps _________ new ideas and beliefs D. Students may use _______________ to cope with change - combining old ideas with new ones and __________________ feelings in order to renew one's identity III. Working A. Job satisfaction - the _______________ a worker has toward his or her job 1) Resources 2) ____________________ 3) ____________________ 4) Relations with coworkers 5) Comfort B. People often have several different _______________ in their lifetime C. Men still have the tendency to be in ___________ paying jobs and women have a tendency to be in __________ paying jobs