Mrs. Sherri Romero Room S4 or CLASS EXPECTATIONS The State Foreign Language Standards Communication: Communicate in languages other than English Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture Communities: Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world COURSE CONTENT: This yearlong College Preparatory course will begin with a review of the basics that you learned in Spanish 1. Throughout the course, we will compare and contrast Spanish with English. You will be expected to use basic grammar and the structure of the Spanish language from your previous year of instruction. You will learn several new tenses in Spanish, such as Commands, the Preterite, the Imperfect and the Past Progressive. We will practice both oral and written Spanish. All aspects of language acquisition will be covered in the course. (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing) We will cover a minimum of Unidades 1-4 in our textbook, En español dos. During the course of the semester, students will read longer, passages that are more complex, listen to, and produce longer, more complex sentences and conversations in Spanish. Much of the course content is conducted in Spanish. There also is cultural content that deals with various Spanish-speaking countries and their customs that is integrated into the instruction. In addition to classroom work, you are responsible for practicing Spanish outside of the classroom. You must be willing to dedicate sufficient practice time in order to be successful. This practice is beyond the time spent completing daily classroom assignments and studying for exams. The more you expose yourself to Spanish, the more confident and accurate you will become. Class Participation 30%= Attendance-Oral Participation-Cooperation & Effort (Following the Class Rules) Tests, Quizzes, Projects 40% Homework/Class work Final Exam 30% If you are absent, you can’t participate. Make up this lost time and points at *GRADING SCALE : A=100%--90% B=89%--80% C=79%--70% D=69%--60% F=59%--0% TESTS, QUIZZES & PROJECTS There is a test after each unit. Vocabulary quizzes are usually weekly. There may be random Pop quizzes. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of each semester. The final exam will count (20%) of the final semester grade. EXTRA HELP-- Please let me know if you have a problem soon enough so I can help you so you do not get behind. I am usually available after school in room S4, Mon-Thurs. or by appointment. Students and/or parents may E-mail me at You can practice vocabulary and grammar and take quizzes at the following site on the internet: *You will be required to register at the following site on the internet: You will need an email address. If you don’t have one, ask your parents if you can get one--or if they will register you using theirs. This is an excellent site, I have used it with students for over 10 years. It is free to you. • ACADEMIC HONESTY: • Cheating will not be tolerated on either exams or any assignments. Turning in sentences, stories, or essays that you did not write, or for which you had • a lot of direct help from someone else, or which have been translated by a translation service or computer program will be considered cheating. Anyone copying from others, allowing others to copy their work, or using information fraudulently obtained will receive an "F" on the assignment and may receive an "F" in the class. • *If someone helps you, then you should be able to explain what they did and what you learned. You should know all new vocabulary used. You must double check the spelling and meaning of words and phrases with which you may have been helped. Use a dictionary and/or the glossary of the textbook. • I do not recommend electronic translators or electronic dictionaries. You will not always be accurate when using them, unless you have a basic knowledge of Spanish, know parts of speech, how to check for errors in syntax and usage, and, most importantly, are willing to do so. • CELL PHONES: • IF I SEE OR HEAR YOUR CELL PHONE I WILL CONFISCATE IT. This is a district policy and a school rule. Be sure you have read the school rules. If you registered at Warren High, you signed a paper stating that you have read and understand the rules and consequences. • COURTESY: • When I am talking, you need to listen. When a designated student or guest is talking, you need to listen. When I provide time for pair and/or group work, you need to work with your partner or group. This is not time to talk to your friends about matters not related to the assigned activity or to work on other assignments. I will warn you first, and ask you to get back on task. If you continue to engage in disruptive behavior, I will ask you to leave the class. (Stand outside so I can impress you with the importance of good behavior and positive classroom participation.) The first time I ask you to leave; I will give you a warning and/or detention depending on the severity of the problem and your attitude. Any further disruptions will result in a call home and/or a referral to the office. • * HOMEWORK: No late work will be accepted. Generally, when homework is assigned, it is due the next day. If your homework is not ready, you will not get credit. Do not throw your homework or any assignments away after they are returned. Use them to study for tests and to resolve issues with your grade in the event of a discrepancy. • MAKE UP POLICY Students are encouraged not to miss class. Class participation points may not be made up. Obviously, if you are not in class, you can’t participate. In the event of illness, or other excused absence, students have as many days to make up written work as they have been absent. • SUPPLIES: • Red pen for grading • Composition book or Small Spiral notebook for translation practice, and various notes. • Notebook paper. I will not accept papers with a shredded edge ripped from a spiral notebook. They look sloppy and do not stack neatly. If you use a spiral notebook for notes, get one with perforations to facilitate the removal of an assignment or, better yet, keep your notes separate. • Glue, scissors, crayons, colored pencils or markers occasionally. (Usually used at home.) • Stapler--either a little portable one in you backpack or one at your home. Your homework is due when I ask for it. There is not time to staple it in class. Homework is to be finished before you come to class--unless otherwise specified. • Magazines--Save old magazines for their pictures of vocab items and other things. • I will be asking you to purchase a Spanish /English dictionary. CLASS RULES: What do they mean? • 1. Be Punctual— You are in your seat prepared to work when the bell • 2. Be Cooperative—You remain in your assigned seat unless otherwise • • • rings. instructed. You follow instructions the first time they are given. Your book papers and other materials are ready when the bell rings. You are aware of and follow school rules. • 3. Be Respectful & Courteous— • You use appropriate language and courtesy when interacting with anyone. . • You raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking. • You do not interrupt the designated speaker. • You do not talk loudly when working with a partner or group. • You say,“Please and Thank you” when requesting anything. • 4. Be Diligent-• You do all assigned work, turn it in on time and spend time practicing Spanish at home and as opportunities arise. • You ask for help when you need it. Español Romero Please read THE CLASS EXPECTATIONS with your parents and have them sign below. Return this to class tomorrow: Name of student_____________________________Period__________ Student signature___________________________________________ Email is a great way for us to communicate about you child’s progress. I have read and discussed the Class Expectations for Spanish 2 with my son/daughter. I understand and have no questions I have the following questions: Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________ Parent/Guardian email address________________________________