Get To Work! Your Portfolio John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program This project was funded by a Mini grant from John Tyler Foundation John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to provide graduating On-Ramp students with career portfolios to enhance the job search process and to increase opportunities for first-time interviews. John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Employability Skills Maintaining Employment Job Search Skills Verbal & Non Verbal Communication Resume Writing Interviewing Techniques Business Letter Writing Negotiating Salary Getting Promoted The Telephone Interview Creating an Effective Elevator Speech How To Use LinkedIn Project Goals & Objectives To create a job portfolio that will demonstrate a student’s appropriateness as a candidate for a position in a particular field of interest. Collecting examples that document skills & experience; Analyzing the collection to determine what categories the documents represent; Selecting the most significant items for each category; Designing the portfolio for overall appearance; and Photocopying materials in the portfolio to be left with a potential employer. John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Project Design John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Project Design Assessments Resume Writing Review of Documents John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Project Design Industry Leaders Visit Portfolio Design/Appearance Final Preparation John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Session 1: Assessments John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Assessments Self -Awareness Employment Exploration Career Development Wheel Preparation Decision Making Assessment 1 Meyers Briggs John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Personal Style Inventory Developed by: R. Craig Hogan & David W. Champagne • • • • • Scored Inventory to Identify Their Type Overview of Myers Briggs Personality Theory Discussed Type Preferences Handwriting Exercise Gave student’s a copy of their characteristics *Copyright in 1979 by D. W. Champagne and R. C. Hogan. Reprinted with permission of the authors. This material may be freely reproduced for educational/training/research activities. There is no requirement to obtain special permission for such uses. J Scoring Your Results Personality & Type •The purpose of this inventory is to give you a picture of the shape of your personality by identifying your preferences in different areas. John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program J Table adapted from MBTI Career Report by Consulting Psychologists Press Myers-Briggs Types Extraversion (E) Where a person focuses his or her attention (I) Introversion People who prefer Extraversion People who prefer Introversion tend to focus on the outer world tend to focus on the inner world of of people and things ideas and impressions Sensing (S) (N) Intuition The way a person gathers People who prefer Sensing tend People who prefer Intuition tend to to focus on the present and on information focus on the future, with a view concrete information gained toward patterns and possibilities from their senses Thinking (T) (F) Feeling People who prefer Feeling tend to The way a person makes People who prefer Thinking tend base their decisions primarily on to base their decisions primarily decisions values and on subjective on logic and on objective evaluation of person-centered analysis of cause and effect concerns How a person deals with the outer world Judging (J) (P) Perceiving People who prefer Judging tend to like a planned and organized approach to life and prefer to have things settled People who prefer Perceiving tend to like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and prefer to keep their options open John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Assessment 2 Strong John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program The Party Career Party Inventory Adapted from What Color is Your Parachute? O 6 Groups at a Party O Student Picks top 3 in order of Preference O Each Group Coded (R, I, A, S, E, C) O Overview of Holland’s Career Theory O Brief Overview of Each Theme O Related Interests, Work Activities, Potential Skills, & Values John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Assessment 3 Workplace Values John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program On Ramp Program Work Values John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Workplace Values Exercise – Cited: Dr. Randall S. Hansen founder of Quintessential Careers & CEO of O List of Job Descriptors O Step #1 Rate importance of each value from 1-4 O Step #2 Narrow down to top five core values that you can’t live without in job/workplace O Examine how these values fit into your career of interest O Write your Personal Mission Statement John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program If I choose _________________________. Which of my needs will be met/will not be met? Decision Making Will I Be Happy? Will I have money I need to live my preferred lifestyle? What careers are out there? Where are the jobs likely to be? Which ones match my temperament, personality, preferred life-style, etc.? EXPLORATION What are the salary projections? What educational requirements are there? What potential exists for job growth? Assessment 4 Virginia Wizard John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program The Virginia Wizard John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Based on postevaluation, the assignment to write and effective career summary, we will add an additional session and work more closely with the students individually. Career Summary Steps O Conduct Research Students go on-line to search jobs for positions. Compare the ads and write a list of common job requirements & preferred qualifications. O Assess Credentials – Students answer the following: Based on the research, how do you “measure up”? How would you help a potential employer meet their goal? Besides the qualifications described, do you offer any added bonuses? If you’re lacking in one area, do you make up for it with another credential? Career Summary Steps O Relay Your Value Ask yourself: How will the employers benefit from hiring me? Weave your top credentials into your summary. O Add A Headline O Focus on Your Goal Most effective summaries target one career goal. If you have more than one, consider drafting different versions. John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Session 2: Resume Writing John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Resume Writing Session 3: Review Samples John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Exquisite Gourmet Raddle Reese, Chef ● Rommel Gonzalez, Chef JHI Good Idea Mr. Jon Homs, Creative Director Virginia Department of Social Services Ms. Renee Garnett, Education Specialist O Activity: Review of work samples O Disseminate Portfolios O Work of Portfolio Design ASSIGNMENT: GATHER AND BRING SUGGESSTED SAMPLES OF WORK, REFERENCE LETTERS, OTHER DOCUMENTS Work Samples Guest Business Partners SESSIONS 4 & 5: Final Preparations John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Suggestive Items to include Demonstrate Your Education and Training Demonstrate Your Work Performance Demonstrate Your Data Skills Demonstrate Your People Skills Demonstrate Yours Tools Skills John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Business Partner’s quotes Radelle Reese, Chef “I witnessed an exceptional oppor tunity for students to get first -hand knowledge of an employer’s expectations by par ticipating in this event. I was delighted to be a par t of shaping lives for the future." Rommel Gonzalez, Chef "The First impression is the Last impression. I was most impressed with Ms. Woods and her ability to impact these students. This was a refreshing approach." Jon Homs, Creative Director "The true value of this program is the depth of connection that the student has with the sponsoring professional. Because this program is limited and focused, there is abundant time for a true depth of interaction that can not be found otherwise. You can learn more here in an hour here than many weeks in a regular classroom setting." O John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Business Partner’s quotes Lydia Brown, Career Agent “The students were excited to learn about different types of resumes and how in today’s market, they can shine by being creative in their approach. Ms. Woods’ expertise in the area of resumes is informative and filled with energy! The students were engaged the entire time”. O Renee Garnett, Education Specialist “The student portfolio sessions provided a unique opportunity for students to connect with professionals in the field and learn from their experiences. Because of this initiative, these students will be organized while looking for employment and are well on their to accomplishing their dreams”. O John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Post Evaluation Add a separate session to allow more time for students to write their Career Summary Students liked meeting on Saturdays. 3 hours per session was a good timeframe. Include CRC & Mock Interview sessions. Involve more staff/partners. John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program Q&A John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program LaWanda Woods, On Ramp Coordinator John Tyler Community College 804-768-6612 Judy Taylor, Professional Counselor John Tyler Community College 804-706-5225 John Tyler Community College - On Ramp Program