
Study Tips for Outdoor Education
Thursday 26th November
Blue or Black Pen (more than one in case the ink runs out)
Grey lead Pencil
Highlighter (to highlight key words in questions)
Bottle of Water
(Do not bring any electrical devices i.e. mobile phone, iPod or calculator)
Types of environments
First Aid
Orienteering and Cycling
Water Environments
Technology and Recreation
Minimal impact practices
Planning and leading excursions
Risk Taking
Motivations for the outdoors
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Extended Response
There is no one correct way to study. Some people like to be in absolute silence while others like to
listen to music, the way you study is completely up to you!
Study area - Having a good study area can make a huge difference to how well you learn. Study in a
well lit, quiet area, away from noises and people in the house. If this is impossible, it might be better
to study at the library. Make sure your desk is tidy and organised - it means you can concentrate on
studying and learning, not trying to find information.
To do lists - Make a to do list before each study session. Breaking tasks down into small, manageable
tasks will make it less overwhelming. Cross them off as you go.
Switch your phone or facebook off!
Ask lots of questions of your teacher - Your teacher can help if you are having trouble developing a
study routine or need help with understanding a particular topic. Asking for help doesn't mean
you're a failure or stupid - it's smart to tap into their experience and knowledge to help you perform
better. Keep going back if you're still unsure or you have more questions.
Take regular breaks - Getting up, moving around and away from your desk at least every 50 minutes
for 10 minutes makes you concentrate and learn better.
Revise and learn (don't just re-read) - Sometimes reading through notes doesn't result in learning or
understanding. Include the following in revising each topic:
vocabulary, technical terms definitions
summaries of points
diagrams, charts
ability to understand relationships
Know your preferred learning style - Some people work better using text based memory tools, like
acronyms (e.g. ROYGBIV - colours of the rainbow; acrostics e.g. Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit).
Other people find more visual tools more useful, e.g. mind maps or tree diagrams.
Wallpaper - Write down key concepts you have to learn on small sheets of paper followed by
examples of how they are used. Post these sheets around your house, e.g. - your mirror or on the
toilet door. This works well for definitions.
Use pictures. This will be an awesome way for studying the types of environments. Using a coloured
picture not only breaks up the monotony of reading the same text but is also a great method of
memorisation; a large portion of what people learn is seen through the eyes, not read in a book.
Create a song. This is good for learning the types of beaches or leave no trace principles. Doing this
will make memorising the beaches and minimal impact practises fun for you, which in turn may
make the task easier. Make it up to any tune you like and sing your way through your exam.
Make flash cards. Although this may seem like a trip back to primary school, it is a method that
actually works. Take a package of index cards, write the name of the beach/RICER/Leave no Trace
Principle/equipment piece on one side and write down its definition on the other side. Find a study
partner and have them hold the flashcards up for you as you give the definitions. In the next round,
have them show you the definition so that you can identify the topic.
Write it down. Some people memorise best by simple repetition. If this is you, you may benefit by
writing down a concept repeatedly. The number of times will depend on how quickly you can put the
information to memory.
Bring it to life. This method can take the boredom out of reading off a sheet and rejuvenate your
zest for learning, even attempt using the first aid skills you have learnt to teach your siblings or
parents how to manage an injury or even more importantly how to save someone’s life. Be