Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Shakespeare published 154 sonnets in 1609.
The speaker is male, and the chief subject is love.
They say profound things about important human
experiences, and they say them with great art.
Many literary critics think they are the supreme
utterances of the English language.
Form of Shakespearean Sonnet
Fourteen lines of iambic pentameter.
Three quatrains and a couplet.
Rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg
The organization of ideas can vary from
sonnet to sonnet, but most deal with a
question about human experience, followed
by a final summary or explanation.
The organization of ideas can vary from
sonnet to sonnet, but most deal with a
question about human experience, followed
by a final summary or explanation.
Sonnet 18
The speaker laments the fleeting and
ephemeral nature of beauty. What else in
life do we mourn for its brevity? How do
we find comfort or meaning in such loss?
Sonnet 29
What might people today envy in their
neighbors? What might help a modern
person feel more satisfied?
Sonnet 71
Describe the tone of the speaker towards
his loved one. How is this different than
Sonnet 30?
Sonnet 73
The speaker of Sonnet 73 is much older
than his beloved. What are your views of
May-December romance? Describe
Sonnet 116
Sonnet 116 is often read at weddings or
funerals. Do you think it is appropriate for
either occasion? Why?
Sonnet 130
If you were the speaker’s beloved, would
you be flattered or offended by this poem?