REMEMBER THE TITANS THEMES What themes are covered in the film ‘Remember the Titans’? Construct a detailed list including examples of where these appear and which particular characters they involve: Theme Detail/Examples REMEMBER THE TITANS CHARACTERS Character Coach Herman Boone Coach Bill Yoast Julius Campbell Gerry Bertier Ken Smithson Petey Jones Jerry ‘Rev’ Harris Appearance Personality Relationships Character Louie Lastik Ronnie ‘Sunshine’ Bass Sheryl Yoast Emma Hoyt Carol Boone Blue Stanton (as Earl C. Poitier) Alan Bosley Ray Budds Glascoe Appearance Personality Relationships Year 8 English Summative Task Information Student name: Teacher: Subject: English Class: 8 English Start date: Due date: Task title: Remember the Titans Task: 1) Choose two characters from the team and compare how they handle the challenge of the new school and team environments. Why do they accept/reject the changes? 2) What elements of good team work contribute to the team’s success? 3) Why do the two coaches (Yoast and Boone) fail to get along for much of the film? 4) Why is Louie Lastik such an important character to the movie? 5) How different might the story have been if the team experienced a losing season? Submission Criteria: (Answer all questions)Complete good copy in your English book and stick this sheet in as the first page. These are not comprehension questions. They are about analysis. There is no minimum-maximum length and in most cases no right answer. Carefully explain and justify your opinions. FEEDBACK _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /35 = A= 85%+ B=70-84% C=55-69% D=40-54% E=39% and below Complete when assignment is distributed(parents acknowledge that a summative task is in progress):- Parent signature: Date: Complete when assignment is complete and handed in for marking:- Teacher signature: Date: % 5/5 4/5 3/5 2/5 1/5 Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Includes a detailed analysis of context/themes/issues. Analyses are explained in detail and are clearly relevant to the topic. Attempts a detailed analysis of context/themes/issues. Analyses are not explained in enough detail. Analysis is lacking and does not assist reader to navigate the text. Analyses are simple or not relevant to the topic. Analysis is limited. Conclusions are not relevant to the topic or expressed in any detail. Analysis is irrelevant or lacking basic detail. Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Uses detailed and appropriate evidence from text/sources. Incorporates evidence naturally and fluently into line of discussion. Uses evidence and to enhance discussion/argument. Evidence is used but lacks detail or substance. Evidence is limited. Evidence is extremely limited and used incorrectly. Spelling Spelling Spelling Spelling Spelling Correct spelling of common words and mostly correct spelling of difficult and challenging words. Correct spelling of simple words and most common and difficult words. Errors are minimal. Correct spelling of all simple and most common words. Difficult and challenging words contain errors. Errors are evident in simple and common words. Minimal evidence of correct spelling. Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Writing contains accurate punctuation that paces and controls reading of text. All sentence punctuation is correct. Other forms of punctuation are consistently correct. Sentence punctuation is correct but errors are evident with noun capitalisation, apostrophes and commas etc. Some accurately punctuated sentences. Other punctuation is minimal and of little assistance to the reader. Basic punctuation is rarely used or used incorrectly. Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Language choice is sophisticated and well matched to genre. Uses a range of precise words/phrases in a natural and articulate manner. Language choice is well matched to the genre. Phrases are expressed in an articulate manner but limited in range. Language choice occasionally matches the genre but range is limited. Errors in vocabulary choice are also evident. Language choice is limited and mostly simple. Key words and phrases are not used effectively or consistently. Language choice is consistently incorrect. Sentence Structure Sentence Structure Sentence Structure Sentence Structure Sentence Structure All sentences are consistently effective, fluent and correct and express precise meaning. Language is formal and in a consistent tense. Sentences are mostly correct and express precise meaning. Language is generally formal and in a consistent tense. Sentences structure and effectiveness are inconsistent. Tense changes throughout the text. Sentences are consistently incorrect and rely on informal language. Few correct sentences. Ideas Ideas Ideas Ideas Ideas Clearly responds to the meaning and intention of the set question. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic/text beyond a simple recall of plot/facts. Responds to the meaning and intention of the set question. Demonstrates an understanding of the topic/text beyond a simple recall of plot/facts. Attempts to respond to the intention of the set question. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic/text but relies too heavily on the recall of plot/facts. Does not respond to the intention of the set question. Relies on the recount of plot/facts. Does not address the topic and discusses aspects of the text briefly No score = No evidence No score = No evidence No score = No evidence No score = No evidence No score = No evidence No score = No evidence No score = No evidence