Issues in Physical Education

High School Students’ Attitudes
toward Physical Education
from Four Boroughs of
New York City
Howard Z. Zeng1,
Raymond W. Leung1, Michael Hipscher1, &
Craig Stanco2, George Zanotto3
College, the City University of New York, NY;
2Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, Brooklyn, NY; and
3Brooklyn Technical High School, Brooklyn, NY.
Since 1990, there has been an increase
in the body of knowledge in PE in
terms of student attitudes. The
increase in interest may also be
attributed to the influence of attitudes
toward further participation in
physical activities after school (Carlson,
1995; Ennis, 1996; papaioannou, 1994; Portman,
1995; Tannehill, & Zakrajsek, 1993) and
out of school that related to students’
achievement in athletics activities
(Graham, 1995; Lee, 1997; Silverman, 1993;
Subramaniam & Silverman, 2000; 2007).
Stucky-Ropp and DiLorenzo (1993)
reported that enjoyment in physical
activity classes appears to be associated
with both girls and boys. Students who
have hated gym classes may select to
avoid participation in physical activities
(PA) in their daily life (Carlson, 1995;
Portman, 1995).
Silverman and Subramaniam (1999)
also reported that students tend to
participate in PA they most get pleasure
Identifying and understanding factors that
associate with children’s PA participation is
critical to promoting current and lifelong
physical activity participation of children
(Sallis, Prochaska, & Taylor, 2000).
Among many factors, children’s attitudes are
considered to be a key element influencing
PA participation (Biddle & Mutrie, 2001;
Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, 2002;
Solmon, 2003; Subramaniam & Silverman,
Children who have more positive attitudes
toward PA are reported to be more
likely to participate in physical activity
outside of school (Biddle & Chatzisarantis,
1999; Chung & Phillips, 2002; Hagger et al.,
2002; McKenzie, 2003; Portman, 2003)
and demonstrate higher PA amounts
(Hagger, Cale, & Almond, 1995) than those
with less positive attitudes.
According to the literature on the topic
of students’ attitudes toward PE, most
of the previous research targeted
elementary school children. Children
at the elementary level, however, tend
to report inflated physical activity
ability, interest, and attitude due to
their limited developmental ability to
In contrast, secondary
school children’s selfreports were more
realistic (Lee, 2004).
Thus, it would be
meaningful to examine
secondary school
children’s attitudes
toward physical activity.
The significance of this study
New York City is the most populous and
diverse city in the US. The City is at the
center of international finance, politics,
entertainment, and culture. The city
comprises five boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx,
Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
New York City also includes the largest
population of immigrants from over 180
countries who help make it one of the most
cosmopolitan places on earth.
More significantly, New York City
contains the largest public school
system in the country, with over 1
million students being taught in
1,200 separate schools. No studies,
however, have been conducted that
examine students’ attitudes toward
PE and activities preference in a
city like New York, where both the
educational system and the students’
population possess the most diverse
characteristics on earth.
Thus, the purpose of this study was
to investigate the current status of
attitudes toward PE and activities of
the high school students in the
public schools from four boroughs of
New York City;
and to provide meaningful
information to help PE
professionals improve their
curriculum and programs.
The current study was conducted
during the 2007-2008 fall and spring
semesters. Ten public high schools were
selected from four boroughs (Mahhaton
was not included) of New York City in
the US.
A total of 728 9th -12th grade students
(249 boys and 479 girls) voluntarily
participated in this study. Their ages
were 15-19 yrs (M = 16.78 yrs, SD =
1.02 yrs).
The physical education (PE) curricular
requirements and standards as outlined by the
state and school districts were: (a) basic motor
and manipulative skills, cardio respiratory
endurance, flexibility, muscular strength,
endurance, and body composition; (b) to
participate in physical activities that develop
physical fitness skills; demonstrate
fundamental motor, non-locomotor, and
manipulative skills; understand the effects of
activity on the body and the risks associated
with inactivity; understand the relationship
between physical activity and individual well
being; (c) students will have the necessary
knowledge and skills to establish and maintain
physical fitness, participate in physical activity,
and maintain personal health (New York State
Education Department, 2007).
The students had one PE class per
day, five days per week. Attention
was focused on the high school
level because biological
developments in adolescence and
social environmental factors led
to changes in their perception
and behavior. Moreover, PE was
one of the courses in the high
school curricula being ignored
due to the emphasis on academic
performance (e.g. the state exam).
Two questionnaires were employed and
administered. The first questionnaire was the
Physical Education Activity Attitude Scale
(PEAAS) adopted by Zeng (2009) and originally
developed by Adams (1963) and Valdez (1997). It
is a paper and pencil self-report questionnaire with
a 5-point Likert-type scale with responses ranging
from 1 (Strongly Agree) to 5 (Strongly Disagree)
summed across 20 items, resulting in a range of
scores from 20 to 100. A score of 20 indicates the
most negative attitude; 21-40 indicates a negative
attitude; 41-60 indicates a neutral attitude; 61-80
indicates a positive attitude; and 81-100 indicates
the most positive attitude (See Appendix A).
The second questionnaire
was the Physical
Preference Questionnaire
(See Appendix B) with a
Cronbach Alpha reliability
coefficient of .92, an
intraclass correlation
coefficient of .90, and a scale
validity coefficient of .93.
Results showed mean PEAAS scores
of 68.600 (M = 3.430 + .919),
indicating participants’ overall
positive ATPE.
The five items with the highest scores
were items 2, 16, 18, 14 and 11
with M = 4.144 + .923; M = 4.136
+ .834; M = 4.118 + .920; M =
4.027 + .929 and M = 4.001 + .791,
Results -2
These questions related to how the
participants feel about PE classes and
exercises on ‘benefits’, ‘degree of
seriousness’ ‘perception’ and ‘value.’ These
factors compose the most essential
driving power that structures ATPE.
As for sports/activities preference, 59.20 % of
students reported preferring team sports,
25.55 % of students reported preferring
individual sports, and
15.25% of students reported preferring dual
game sports.
Aerobic exercises were ranked as favorite,
with dance coming in second (41.21 % and
22.25 % respectively).
Weight Lifting came in third with 17.86 %,
followed by Outdoor Adventures and Martial
1. In summary, the current ATPE
status of the participants from the
four boroughs is positive.
2. The crucial factors that structure
ATPE are ‘benefits’, ‘degree of
seriousness’, ‘perception’, and ‘value’
regarding their PE classes and daily
physical exercises.
3. The participants’ sports/activities
preferences are: team sports,
individual sports, dual game sports,
aerobic exercises, dance, weight
lifting, outdoor adventures, and
martial arts.
Selected References
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Birtwistle, G. E., & Brodie, D. A. (1991). Children's attitudes towards activity and perceptions of physical
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Silverman & C. D. Ennis (Eds.), Student learning in physical education: Applying research to enhance
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New York State Education Department. (2007). The New York State Education Department Physical Education
Profile. From