1 Which of these types of government allows citizens to have the greatest amount of political influence? Adictatorship Bdirect democracyC absolute monarchy D oligarchy 2 In an autocratic (dictatorship) government, f reedom of speech is usually A protected by the government as a civil right B guaranteed in the government's constitution Ccensored and controlled by the government Dregulated only when it presents a clear and present danger 3 4 In which system of government dostates, cities, and countieshavethe least political power? Afederal Bunitary C confederate Ddemocratic In Germany, thecentral government andthestate governments share power. Which of theseterms best describes this typeof government? Arepresentative democracy Bfederal system Cconfederate system Ddirect democracy 5 6 Asystem of government where power is NOT shared between thestrong central government andstate governments is a ADemocratic system. BFederal system. C Oligarchic system. DUnitary system. Thetypeof government in which power rests with a small group of peopleis calleda(n) ADemocracy BOligarchy C Autocracy DFederal Republic 7 8 What is evident of a country that has a parliamentary democracy? AThe head of state and the head of government are two different people, one of which is the prime minister. BThe head of the country is always the King or Queen. CThe head of state is the ayatollah. DThe head of government is the president. Thetwopredominate formsof democratic governments areparliamentary and_________. AFederal BConstitutional C Communist D Presidential 9 10 How is thepower distributed in a federal systemof government? AThe central government has complete control. BThe individual states have complete control. C The tribe leader shares control with the elders. D The central government and the states share control. In which type of government arecitizens MOSTlikely to choose their leader? ADictatorship BOligarchy C Democracy DMonarchy 11 12 In Russia, the president is both the chief executive and the head of state. What type of democracy is this? APresidential Democracy BParliamentary Democracy C Unitary Democracy DConstitutional Democracy Which typeof government would most likely abolish all opposing political parties, thedirect election of leaders, andfreedomof speech? AConstitutional Monarchy BDictatorship C Representative Democracy DDirect Democracy 13 14 If Russia andtheUnited States areboth presidential democracies, how do they determinetheir leaders? AThe citizens vote on the legislature, then members of the legislature select the leader. BThe citizens do not get to choose the leaders. CThe leaders are passed down through generations. DThe citizens directly vote on the leaders in both countries. Theruler of your country has always madeall of the political and economic decisionsfor the country. Thecitizens donot always agreewith his decisions, but they havenopower to change anything. Healonemakes the decisions and has unlimitedpower. Which formof government doyou have? AParliamentary Democracy BConstitutional Monarchy CAutocracy DOligarchy 15 16 Most of the peoplein your country are very poor. You area rich rancher andyou are part of a small group of wealthy landowning families that holdsall of the political power in your nation. This small group makes all political decisions for your country. Which formof government doyou have? AParliamentary Democracy BConstitutional Monarchy CAutocracy DOligarchy You have just turned 18 and are voting for the first time in your life. You will be voting for the president of your country and for other elected officials.Which formof government doyou have? AMonarchy BPresidential democracy C Parliamentary democracy DCommunist 17 18 In your country, the legislative branch has just electeda new prime minister.Which f orm of government do you have? AParliamentary Democracy BConstitutional Monarchy CAutocracy DOligarchy In a parliamentary democracy, unlikethe presidential system, the headof government belongsto which branch? ALegislative BNational C ExecutiveD Judicial 19 20 You livein a large country that has many states. The government’s power is dividedbetween a central/national government andthestate/ local governments. Which term best describes thetypeof government system you have?A Communist BUnitary CFederal DOligarchy a government that is ruled by one person, such as a monarch or dictator. : 21 22 : a government where the citizens have free elections and have a say in the government. 23 24 a government that shares power between a central, regional, and local governments. : . an alliance between political organizations that rule themselves, like the European Union. : a government that is ruled by a small group of people, such as the former Soviet Union. : 25 26 What type of democratic government is being described? • No separation of power between executive & legislative branch • Citizens vote for legislature and legislature elects head of government What are the two types of autocratic governments? 27 28 Which type of government allows citizens to have the greatest amount of political influence? What is an oligarchy? Name: ________________________ Po litic al Systems Answ e r Sheet 1 5 9 13 17 21 2 6 10 14 18 22 3 7 11 15 19 23 4 8 12 16 20 24 25 26 27 28 Po litic al Systems Answ e r KEY 1 B 5 D 9 D 13 D 17 A 21 Democracy 25 Parliamentary Democracy 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 C B C C A Confederation Absolute Monarchy & Dictatorship 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 B A A D C Federal Presidential Democracy 4 B 8 D 12 B 16 B 20 Autocracy 24 Oligarchy 28 Power rests with a small group