Stray - About

Do Now
 Sit quietly in your new seat
 Label a new page of your notes in the TOP LEFT
 Your Name
 Core #
 09/24/15
 “Stray” notes
 Describe a time you really wanted something, and
your parents wouldn’t allow it. Then explain why
they would not let you.
Do Now cont.
 Pretend like you are your parent
 Pretend like the person across from you is YOU
 Still pretending to be your parent, explain to “you”
why you are not allowed to have what you wanted
Be sure to imagine from the perspective of your parentunderstand their reasoning
 “Stray” title prediction
 Read aloud
 Read silently
 Annotate
Do Now
 Sit quietly in your seat
 On a new note page write in the TOP LEFT
 Your name
 Core #
 09/25/15
 Noun notes
 Copy this down underneath:
 Common nouns: general names
 Proper nouns: name specific things and require
Plot review
 Exposition
Introduction of the setting, characters, and basic situation
 Rising Action
Events that increase tension
 Climax
High point of the story, when the story’s outcome becomes clear
 Falling Action
Events that follow the climax
 Resolution
The final outcome
 Conflict
The story’s central problem
Plot Chart
Mr. Lacey tells Doris to feed the
dog, signaling that he did not
leave the dog at the pound.
Doris tries to talk to her parents
about keeping the dog, but they
ignore her.
Mr. Lacey explains why he doesn’t
want to leave the puppy in such
terrible conditions.
Mr. Lacey agrees to let the
dog sleep in the basement.
In January, a puppy is
abandoned in the snow
at the home of the Lacey
Mr. Lacey asks Doris if she
is going to feed the dog.
Doris wants to keep the
dog, but her parents say
that she can’t.
Doris gets to keep the
Do Now
 Open to your “Noun notes” notebook page
 Common nouns: general names
 Proper nouns: name specific things and require
Directions: Copy the sentences below. Underline
the common nouns.
1. I went to the city.
2. The man was kind.
3. Karen played with her sister.
3 Elements of Characterization
 PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: What the character looks
 ACTION: What the character does and says
 OTHER’S REACTIONS: How other characters react
to and treat this character
Character Activity
 As a group, think of at least one word describing Mr. Lacey
 Write ONE word for each post-it
 Entire table raise your hands when you have your word
 “Mr. Lacey is _____________”
 “Mr. Lacey feels _____________”
 Support this trait with evidence from the story!
Character Activity
 As a group, think of at least one word to describe Doris
 Write ONE word for each post-it
 Entire table raise your hands when you have your word
 “Doris is _____________”
 “Doris feels _____________”
 Support this trait with evidence from the story!
 Your Name
 Core #
 The Date
 “Stray homework”
 Describe the puppy with one character trait. Support
this with evidence from the story. (Where in the
story do you see the puppy show this trait?)