HRSA site visit documents- December 3-5, 2012 Item # 1 Final RFP’s Item Description This information is posted on the DSHS HIV web site: Evidence RW Administrative and Services RFP Word PDF Excel Title Renewal Memo (PDF : 186 kb) Renewal Guidance (Word : 217 kb) Budget Summary (Excel : 368 kb) Table 1 (Excel : 41 kb) 2012-2013 Ryan White Services and Administrative Application Package 1 2 Contracts between DSHS and Administrative Agency. Attached are contracts with two Administrative Agencies: Tarrant County and Brazos Valley Council of Governments. Attached is a sample contract between an Administrative Agency and a service provider. 3 Contract between Administrative Agency and providers. 4 Planning – Part B. Planning responsibilities are outlined in contract between DSHS and the Administrative Agencies on pages 3 and 4, Planning Services section (see contract for item #2) as well as Apendix A located on the DSHS HIV funding information page bullet #4, see link below. 5 Site visit assessment tools. Attached you will find two sets of site visit tools. One set represents the site visit tools used by DSHS HIV program to assess the Administrative Agencies and the other set is for Administrative Agencies assessing service providers. 1) DSHS fiscal tool- On-site procedures report 2) DSHS program tool- Desk-Top review of administrative Sample site visit reports. 7 Sample intake forms. 8 9 10 11 Memorandums of understanding for point of entry. Organizational chart (including vacant positions) Examples of invoices. Grantee fiscal system set up. 2 6 policies and procedures 3) DSHS program tool- On-site clinical review 4) DSHS program tool- On-site program review tool 5) AA to provider program review tools Sample site visit reports for fiscal, program, and clinical. Sample intake forms for primary care and case management to be provided later. Direct provider MOU’s. Will be provided at a later date. To be provided. Get samples of current invoices from CMU. DSHS Contract Oversight and Support home web link to the Contractors Financial Procedures Manual: DSHS Client Services Contracting Unit web link to the General Provisions: