George Washington (1789-1797) Facts Occupations: Plantation Owner, Soldier & General Political Party Affiliation: None President: 56 years of age Scenario 1 • You have been asked by the Electoral College to run for President. How do feel about that? 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) C) D) Reluctant & unprepared Honoured & ready to do the job Only if you receive the title “King” Only if you are paid at least 65 % of the earnings you would make as a plantation owner Scenario 2 • A Constitution is in place, but there is no actual people to man the new government. Which of the following things must you do to get the new country up and running? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A) B) C) D) E) Establish law courts & buildings Hire 100s of people to be judges, tax collectors & postmasters Select a group of advisors to help you in decision-making Establish formalities & ways of conducting business in Congress Push for a Bill of Rights to be added to the Constitution Scenario 3 • There is nothing in the Constitution regarding selecting a group of advisors (Cabinet). You decide to make it happen, but who do you not choose? 1. A) Thomas Jefferson (fellow Virginian & writer of Declaration of Independence) 2. B) Alexander Hamilton (soldier fighting with you in the Revolution; a banker) 3. C) Samuel Adams (Massachusetts politician & fireball) 4. D) John Adams (negotiator, intellectual, & Massachusetts politician) Scenario 4 • The temporary capital of the United States of America is in New York City (pop. 33,000). Your first choice for a new capital is: A) Philadelphia (original capital of Continental Congress’ Revolutionary deeds) 2. B) Washington (empty swampland) 3. C) Boston (revolution was born here) 4. D) Virginia (hometown state) 1. Scenario 5 • You need 6 Supreme Court judges. Which do you choose? 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) C) D) 4 from the North (larger population), 2 from the South 4 from the South (keep South happy), 2 from the North 3 from the North, 3 from the South 2 from North, 2 from South, 2 from Middle Scenario 6 • The United States is $ 54 million in debt! What do you do? 1. A) Declare bankruptcy immediately to erase the national debt & start fresh 2. B) Tariffs (tax imports to protect American industry from foreign competition) 3. C) Establish a mercantile system with England again 4. D) Repay France & Holland (show promises good & instill trust in investing in America) Scenario 7 • You agree with Alexander Hamilton on creating a National Bank in 1791. What will it do for America? 1. A) Federal government can deposit tax money & then use it to establish large loans for states and businesses 2. B) Print and issue American paper currency 3. C) Keep gold & silver in its vaults to instill confidence in American currency 4. D) Invest in Native American cultural preservation Scenario 8 • You propose an excise tax on whiskey (manufacturers of whiskey pay a tax that is passed on to those who buy it). A rebellion by whiskey manufacturers ensues in Pennsylvania. What do you do? 1. 2. 3. A) Personally lead a militia force of 12,000 men to crush the rebellion B) Negotiate a smaller tax with rebel leaders C) America has seen enough bloodshed; the tax will be removed completely 4. D) Have rebel leaders captured, but pardon them as an act of mercy Scenario 9 • Three new states will be admitted to the Union under your Presidency. Which does not enter? 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) C) D) Vermont Kentucky West Virginia Tennessee Scenario 10 • By 1793, France is at war with England and has asked you to help them since they helped you. England has been seizing your merchant ships on the seas that trade with France. However, England is your biggest trading partner. What do you do? 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) C) D) Send money & political support to France, but no army Send an army to France to fight England Side with England and ditch the French Proclaim neutrality and stay out of the conflict entirely Scenario 11 • Spain still controls everything west of the Mississippi and American settlers are having difficulties moving westward. What do you do? A) You don’t want war with Spain, so you halt American expansion immediately 2. B) You think Spain is scared of you joining into an alliance with Britain to kick you off the 1. continent, so you negotiate a treaty to allow you access to the Mississippi River 3. C) Nothing. Spain isn’t going anywhere Scenario 12 • Two of your cabinet members (Hamilton & Jefferson) are in severe opposition to one another and can’t stand the sight of one another. Hamilton distrusts the common people, favours big business & large landowners, and believes a powerful federal government is needed to keep law & order & to limit the power of the states. Jefferson trusts people & the ideals of democracy with minimal interference of a federal government. Who do you side with? 1. 2. 3. A) Alexander Hamilton (his ideals fit closer to yours) B) Thomas Jefferson (he knows his political theory way better) C) Neither (stay in the middle is the safest; let them duke it out until your term is over) 4. D) Contemplate not entering a second term in office. You’d rather dig ditches. Scenario 13 • Jefferson threatens to resign if Hamilton remains in the Cabinet. What do you do? 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) C) D) Call his bluff. Jefferson is too intelligent to quit. Fire Hamilton. He has been too divisive throughout your two terms. Fire Jefferson. He’s too much an intellectual to understand America Let Jefferson resign. Scenario 14 You’ve brought stability to America in its first years of independence and America looks like on a path to prosperity. You have been offered a third term as President. What do you do? 1. 2. A) Agree. B) You’ve had enough. Jefferson & Hamilton made you have a big distaste for politics. 3. C) The Constitution only allows two terms, so you can’t 4. D) Two terms is enough. They might as well call you King Washington. You set a precedent. Scenario 15 • In your final address to the American public, you discuss: 1. A) Unity amongst the people & urge politicians to not divide themselves along party lines. 2. B) Steer clear of permanent alliances with foreign nations 3. C) Slavery 4. D) Your greatness as President and General of the Revolution