THE FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES “I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State…. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally “…It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with illfounded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions….– __________ _________________ - Is this politician’s perspective on political parties viable today OR out dated? AMERICAN HISTORY OF POLITICAL PARTIES Formation of parties (1789 – 1816) ◦ First parties - __________ & ____________ Era of One Party Rule (1816-1828) Jackson to the eve of the Civil War (1828-_______ ) Civil War to post – Civil war (1856-1896) ___________ascendancy (Prog. Period) (18961932) New Deal / __________ rule (1932-1968) Modern period (1968 – present) Rise of _____________ The number of voters who register independent has increased… -Over ______ of U.S. voters are registered “INDEPENDENT”, the highest % in over _____ years WHY? IS THIS A GOOD OR A BAD SIGN FOR AMERICAN POLITICS? WHAT FUNCTIONS DO POLITICAL PARTIES PERFORM? -Identify & define each of the 5 functions of political parties. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a five line letter to this author explaining why political parties are necessary in American society today OR why his speech was so prophetic for American politics. FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES RANK 1-5 (1being most important), the most important functions of political parties in the United States. What are some “_____________” (unintended consequence) functions of political parties in the U.S.? ◦ Examples- JESSE VENTURA Former Navy SEAL and WWE Professional Wrestler Won Governor of Minnesota in 1996 under the Reform Party (highest elected official ever from that minor party) Author of, DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans WHY DO WE HAVE A 2 PARTY SYSTEM? 1. TRADITION 2. AMERICAN IDEOLOGY CONSENSUS – 3. ELECTORAL SYSTEM ◦ Plurality – ◦ Single Member District – ◦ Winner Take All – HOW DO THESE REASONS SUPPORT A 2 PARTY SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES? MINOR PARTIES - HOMEWORK Constitution Party ( Reform Party ( Libertarian Party ( Green Party ( PLEASE DO: Spend 10-15 minutes checking through ‘the issues/platforms’ of minor parties and their candidates. Give one reason why any of these minor party candidates should AND one reason why they should not be more involved in political media coverage. Is a vote for a minor party candidate who has little/no chance of winning a wasted vote? Explain. (one par. each – at least 5 CS / typed per paragraph) IS A VOTE FOR A MINOR PARTY CANDIDATE A WASTED VOTE? What would you do? Why? ◦ Candidate A – not your party affiliation & not addressing issues to your approval ◦ Candidate B – your party affiliation but not addressing issues to your approval ◦ Candidate C – fits your political stance (will address issues) but not supported by a major party What is THE ONE BIG difference b/w major parties (R & D) and minor parties? Why would minor parties say you are NOT wasting a vote? WHY DO WE HAVE A 2 PARTY SYSTEM? Read Chapter 5, Section 2 on the Two Party System. In your notes, identify and explain the reasons why we have a two party system ______________________________________________________ Work in groups of 3 or 4 Create a visual (no words) describing why we should keep or change the TWO PARTY SYSTEM (the alternative would be a ‘multiparty system) Extra credit points awarded Friday to the “Most Creative” and “Most Informative” visuals Visuals should be handed in at end of the period