Geometry Chapter 1 – The Basics of Geometry

Chapter 1 – The Basics of Geometry
The Bigger Picture
- Inductive Reasoning
- Fundamental Terminology
- Basic Postulates
These are the building blocks we will use to throughout the
course to develop new terms, postulates, and theorems to
explain geometry in the world around us.
The “What” and the “Why”
Find & describe patterns.
- Use patterns to predict a figure
or number in a sequence
Use Inductive Reasoning.
- Make and verify conjectures,
such as a conjecture about a full moon
Use defined & undefined terms.
- Understand the basic elements of geometry
Use angle postulates and classify
- Solve real life problems such as angles of vision.
Bisect a segment and bisect an angle
- Solve problems in geometry & real life such as
the angles of a kite.
Identify vertical angles, linear pairs, complementary
angles, and supplementary angles.
- Find angle measures of geometric figures and real life
structures, such as intersecting metal supports for stair railings
Sketch intersections of lines & planes. Find perimeter, circumference, and area of common
plane figures.
- Visualize the basic elements of geometry
and the ways they can intersect.
Use segment postulates and the
Distance Formula.
- Solve real life problems such as finding the
distance between 2 points on a map.
- To solve problems related to measurement, such as finding the
area of a deck for a pool.
Use a general problem solving plan.
- To solve problems related to mathematics and real life, such as
finding the number of bags of grass seed you need for a soccer
Chapter 1 – The Basics of Geometry, an example.
Air Traffic Control & Runway Management
Consistent Naming Conventions
are CRITICAL to ATC and
runway management.
* Naming is based on Angles formed
with Due North, measured in a
Clockwise Direction.
* The angles are called “Bearings”
* Bearings are divided by 10 to
determine the runway number.
Questions for Discussion:
1. Why is it important to use consistent
runway naming schemes?
2. Assuming the picture is oriented
to directional north, what is the
runway number running north to
south? East to west? Northeast to
southwest? Southwest to northeast?
from west to east
from north to south
from east to west
from south to north
Bearing Runway