Literacy Maths Science Reading Predict what might happen next in a story. Identify and discuss themes across a wide range of books. Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion. Retrieve, record and present information from non fiction texts. Provide reasoned justifications for their views. Writing Know the planets in the solar system and their place in relation to the sun. Describe the movement of the Earth and other planets, relative to the Sun and the solar system. Describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth. Write legibly and fluently with increasing speed. Use further prefixes and suffixes, spell some words with silent letters. Use a dictionary to check spelling and meaning of words. Select appropriate grammar and vocab in writing, understanding how choices can change meaning. Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as relative spherical bodies. Read order and compare numbers up to 1,000,000 and determine their value. Count in powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000. Solve multi-step problems involving addition and subtraction. Multiply and divide 4 digit numbers using the formal written methods and solve multi-step problems. Calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Draw given angles and measure accurately using a protractor. Identify angles on a straight line and on a curve. Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. Use a wide range of devices to build cohesion across paragraphs. Ensure the consistent and correct tense throughout a piece of work. PE Grammar and Punctuation Take part in a conditioned game understanding the rules and tactics. Use commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity. Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely. Year 5 Autumn 2 2015 “Planet Earth” Skills Advise and help others in their techniques. History None this half term. RE Why does Christmas take place? Art/DT French Geography Use maps and globes to locate places and describe features. Understand types of settlements and land use. Understand key aspects of physical geography. Name classroom objects. Begin to form a simple conversation. Develop techniques used by a famous artist. Improve techniques in drawing and painting. Music None this half term. Computing Present information in different forms to suit purpose. Design and write simple algorithms that accomplish specific goals. Literacy Write a story based around teamwork, set in a familiar setting e.g. school. Use of prefixes and suffixes in this story. Peer assess stories and up-level using self, peer and teacher feedback. Use examples of newspapers to write own newspaper article, including the use of commas and brackets to add extra information. Use different paragraph links. Write a set of instructions to create a paper aeroplane. Write a classic Christmas poem. Science Numeracy Create a to scale version of the solar system on the school field. Create large numbers to read and compare with peers. Count in powers of 10 for any given number. Write a diary entry as a moon – describe what it’s job is. Compare research done on the solar system – identify key contributors. Write instructions on how to create a shadow clock. Solve multistep addition and subtraction problems. Use method of choice and use the inverse to check. Long multiplication and division (inc bus stop) create problems for peers that require the use of these methods and peer assess. Find the perimeter of objects around the school, use different forms of measurement. PE RE Learn the rules and techniques for tag rugby. Year 5 Autumn 2 2015 Suggested Activities Look at the different accounts of the Christmas Story in the Bible. Discuss the similarities and difference between these recounts. Evaluate each other’s skills in tag rugby and offer advise to peers. History Write a recount in the form of a wise man. Write a play script for Mary and Joseph after Jesus’ birth. Geography Identify features on a map and globe – cities and describe the features of these cities. Characteristics of a city. Research the settlement and hierarchy of Madrid. Look at undeveloped and underpopulated cities in Europe and give reasons why. Art/DT French Label objects around the classroom. Simple conversations. . Research the artist Seurat. Discuss his artistic successes. Create a picture using the same techniques as Seurat – Planet Earth. Music None this half term. . None this half term.