MADAME GARAY’S FRENCH CLASS SYLLABUS 2014-2015 GRADES! You will earn your grade by showing proficiency in writing, reading, listening and speaking in the target language. PARTICIPATE! Every activity, every day, whether in class or outside, practice. Includes any homework assigned. STAY CURRENT! Don't fall behind, check with me or other students when you miss class for any reason. BE RESPONSIBLE!! CELEBRATE FRENCH! Use the French you learn in and out of class. Immerse yourself in the total experience. GET HELP! Tutoring and more! Make-up work, missed work and retake poor exam/assignment grades on Wednesdays from 45! USE RESOURCES! School technology will be used frequently, remember to respect your priveleges at all times. CEll PHONES? Sure, when I give you permission for a class assignment. Any other time, all technology must remain out of sight. ZERO TOLERANCE EXPECTATIONS: NO USE OF CELL PHONES, HEAD PHONES OR ANY OTHER DEVICES AS PER SCHOOL POLICY DURING CLASS TIME FOR PERSONAL USE. YOUR TECHNOLOGY WILL BE CONFISCATED AND GIVEN TO FRONT OFFICE AFTER 1 WARNING. ALWAYS VISIBLY WEAR YOUR ID; IT IS FOR THE SAFETY OF YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE ON CAMPUS! ONLY BLUE PASSES ARE ALLOWED, AT ALL TIMES, WHEN YOU ARE OUT OF THE CLASS FOR ANY REASON. NO CHEATING! AUTOMATIC ZEROS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY/ALL ASSIGNMENTS. RE-DO’S WILL BE AVERAGED IN WITH THE ZERO. GROUP WORK IS A MAJOR PART OF LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, BE SURE TO ALWAYS PARTICIPATE AND EARN YOUR GRADE! ALWAYS BE PREPARED WITH YOUR BINDER, PAPER, NOTES, ASSIGNMENTS AND PEN/PENCIL. IF YOU CANNOT PURCHASE YOUR SUPPLIES PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! USEFUL WEBSITES FOR EXTRA PRACTICE: MADAME GARAY’S FRENCH CLASS SYLLABUS 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST: Please have all supplies by August 1st! 1 – 1 INCH BINDER 1 PACKAGE NOTEBOOK PAPER AT LEAST 5 DIVIDERS: o GRAMMAR & VERB CONJUGATIONS o VOCABULARY o CULTURE o QUIZZES & EXAMS o MISCELLANEOUS/HANDOUTS 1 BOX OF KLEENEX OR HAND SANITIZER PENS/PENCILS 1 PACKAGE OF CONSTRUCTION PAPER (WE WILL DO MANY PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR) PLEASE NOTE: IF ANY OF THE ABOVE SUPPLIES CANNOT BE PURCHASED PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO THAT I CAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO HELP YOU! FIRST 9 WEEKS CURRICULUM - Tentative 1st three weeks Goals: We will be able to introduce ourselves and other people, exchange personal information, ask for and give spellings, and conjugate the verb “ETRE” for all subject pronouns using our four skills: writing, reading, listening and speaking. Discuss all classroom procedures, student expectations and campus EOP. Class “ice breakers”. Alphabet, sounds, letters, and accents Subject Pronouns and conjugation of the verb ETRE-to be Formal vs. Informal Introductions and Greetings Brief history of France Project Grades: (Details and grading rubrics will be provided) o “Self-Introduction” to campus faculty/staff (5 minimum) o Presentation of history of France in groups (Timeline) o July 14th Bastille Day 2nd three weeks Goals: We will be able to identify objects in the classroom, give and perform commands, confirm and correct, and apologize and thank different people using our 4 skills. Numbers Definite and indefinite articles (singular/plural) Demonstratives MADAME GARAY’S FRENCH CLASS SYLLABUS 2014-2015 Yes/No questions and answers Classroom Objects & Supplies Vocabulary Prepositions Asking questions Geography: 22 Regions of France ( 9 major) Project Grades: o Research, create brochures and presentations over the 22 Regions of France in pairs 3rd three weeks Goals: We will be able to identify and describe people in our families using the correct adjectives and exchange information using the conjugation of the verb “AVOIR” for all subject pronouns. Identify the family members Placement and agreement of adjectives (BANGS) Simple adverbs Negation Conjugate the verb AVOIR-to have Project Grade: o Create individual family trees describing family members and present to class in target language using Prezi, PowerPoint, Posters or any creative method! o LOOK!! - 1st 9 week exam approximately during the week of September 26th NOTE: Students will be provided with a tentative calendar at the start of every new 9 week grading period. Parents and students: Please review all information and expectations of the syllabus that are in compliance with the Student Handbook, sign and date at the bottom and return to Madame Garay by August 1st. “We have read through the syllabus and fully understand the student expectations for Madame Garay’s French class. We also acknowledge that the misuse of any technology in the class will result in confiscation of device(s) and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and appropriate consequences will be implemented such as contacting parents/guardians, referrals, detention (before, lunch, after school) as seen fit by Madame Garay and/or campus administration.” Student Name (Print) Student Signature Parent Signature If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at any time. Email: Phone: (915) 937-9517 C117 Date: MADAME GARAY’S FRENCH CLASS SYLLABUS 2014-2015