Teacher: Madame Jansen Title: La Géographie de la France Day

Madame Jansen
Day & Date:
Title: La Géographie de la France
Time to Complete: 50 minutes
Grade Level:
High School French 1
First year French students have already learned some classroom commands and
vocabulary relating to greetings, colors, numbers, weather, and classroom objects.
This unit focuses on the political and physical geography of France and conjugating the
verb “être” which means “to be” in the present tense in French. Students have had
limited exposure to the vocabulary words and geography of France prior to this lesson.
The goal of this lesson is to review vocabulary relating to physical geography of France.
At the end of this lesson, High School French 1 students will be able to correctly
state the French word for 5 geographical features, given a picture of each object.
At the end of this lesson, High School French 1 students will be able to correctly
locate specific geographical features of France, given a basic map of the country.
28.B.1b - Imitate pronunciation, intonation and inflection including sounds unique to
the target language.
Illinois Standards
29.E.1 - Identify and use simple geography vocabulary (e.g., border, city, river, soil,
equator) of the target language.
29.E.2 - Use maps, charts, digital images, graphs and other geographic
representations to describe and discuss the countries where the target
language is spoken.
Required Materials
Power point to review geography vocabulary
lengths of string (2 ft.) for each student
Geography names & features handout
Overhead projector
France outline transparency
Magnetized geographic names and features
France outline handout
Opening Routines
and Getting
(Anticipatory Set)
Tell students that today, we’re going to continue practicing geography vocabulary.
We will also practice locating some political and physical geographical features of
Display geography vocabulary power point. Practice recalling and pronouncing
correctly French names for various physical geographical features. Ask if there are
any questions about the vocabulary words Media #1 (5-10 minutes)
Distribute lengths of string to each student. Demonstrate how to tie the ends
together to form a circle. Ask students to create the rough outline of France on their
desks. Remind students that France is known as L’Hexagone (The Hexagon).
Distribute geography handout and scissors to each student. Ask students to
individually cut geographical features of France and to place them on their maps.
Ask students to check their work with a partner. Media #2 (15 minutes)
Project transparency of France outline directly onto chalkboard. Display
magnetized geographic names next to map on chalkboard. Call on a various
students to place magnetized features in correct location on map. Check students’
understanding. Media #3, Media #4 (5 minutes)
Repeat activity with names of important cities of France and countries surrounding
France. (15 minutes)
Pass out France outline handout and Ziploc bags. Ask students to place cut-apart
names and features in bags to take home.
For homework, students will use names and features from lesson as cues to label and
or draw cities/countries/geographical features in their correct location on the France
outline handout. Media #5 (5 minutes)
Major Activities
Closing Routines
and Homework
Formative - The teacher will observe the students as they are working individually and in
pairs to complete maps. She will also observe students as they are placing magnetized
names and features on projected map on board.
Summative – The teacher will evaluate the students’ homework for completion and
accurateness. She will also use this homework to evaluate the need to re-teach or clarify
specific points in future lessons.
Future Classes
Future classes will use Google Earth and illustrated books to further explore the
geography of France.
Students will also continue to practice geography vocabulary and explore the
geography of France through a group project based on a specific region of France.
CIA – The World Factbook
Entre Amis Textbook