Latitude lines are lines that run NORTH & SOUTH of the EQUATOR. Longitude lines are lines that run WEST & EAST of the PRIME MERIDIAN. When giving coordinates you always give the Latitude first, followed by the Longitude. One of the most widely used of all maps is the topographic map. The feature that most distinguishes topographic maps is the use of contour lines to portray the shape and elevation of the land. Contour lines are lines that connect the location of equal measures of elevation. Contour intervals show the difference in elevation between 2 consecutive contour lines. Contour intervals that are wide apart indicate a gradual slope if they are close together indicates a quick rise or drop in elevation. are points in the real world where the latitude, longitude & elevation are recorded to a very high accuracy and precision. In the real world, these are marked by small brass discs set in concrete (or bedrock). Bench marks are shown on topographic maps with an X symbol: X AB1234 Are contour lines representing a closed depression (such as a sinkhole or a crater at the top of a volcano). These contours will be hachured with the tic marks pointing downslope. Is the proportion chosen for a particular map. Simply defined, scale is the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the ground. 1:24,000-scale map 1:100,000-scale map 1:250,000-scale map What is broken but is always right two times a day?