rtc.103.outline.f2010 - Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Nursing and Allied Health Division
RTC 103 – Patient Care
Course Outline
Course Number & Name: RTC 103 Patient Care
Credit Hours: 2.0
Contact Hours: 2.0
Lecture: 2.0
Lab: N/A
Other: N/A
Prerequisites: Formal acceptance into the Radiography Program
Co-requisites: None
Concurrent Courses: None
Course Outline Revision Date: Fall 2010
Course Description: This course acquaints students with nursing procedures and techniques used in the
general care of the patient. Emphasis is on the role of the technologist in various nursing situations.
Students are also instructed in the ethical principles and the responsibilities entailed by becoming a
member of a paramedical profession.
Course Goals: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:
1. apply nursing procedures and techniques used in the general care of the patient with emphasis on
the radiologic technologist in various nursing situations;
2. apply sound ethical principles and exercise good professional judgment while becoming a member
of the paramedic profession; and
3. describe and implement the basic concepts of infection control procedures using standard
Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs): Upon successful completion of this course,
students should specifically be able to do the following:
1. Apply nursing procedures and techniques used in the general care of the patient with emphasis on
the radiologic technologist in various nursing situations:
apply nursing procedures and techniques for all patients regardless of condition;
apply nursing procedures and techniques in trauma situations;
apply nursing procedures and techniques for the pediatric patient; and
apply nursing procedures and techniques for the geriatric patient
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010
Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs) (continued):
2. Apply sound ethical principles and exercise good professional judgment while becoming a member
of the paramedic profession:
2.1 examine various ethical issues and dilemmas that occur in clinical practice;
2.2 discuss legal terminology, concepts, and principles pertaining to radiography;
2.3 discuss legal and professional standards and the ASRT scope of practice – include misconduct
and malpractice; and
2.4 discuss patient personal information issues including HIPAA, confidentiality, and informed
3. Describe and implement the basic concepts of infection control procedures using standard
3.1 describe and/or demonstrate effective hand washing;
3.2 describe and/or demonstrate appropriate disposal of medical waste; and
3.3 discuss breaking the cycle of infection
Methods of Instruction: Instruction will consist of lectures, class discussion/participation, PowerPoint
presentations, class activities and research.
Outcomes Assessment: Quiz and exam questions are blueprinted to the course objectives which are
based on the minimum standards required by the American Radiology of Radiologic Technologists
(ARRT) and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) required course curriculum. NOTE:
Testing is primarily structured in multiple choice formats in conjunction with the ARRT exam. Also, the
checklist rubrics are used to evaluate the research papers for the presence and mastery of course
Course Requirements: All students are required to:
1. Attend class. Attendance is mandatory for successful completion of this course.
2. Be in class on quiz/exam days. Students who arrive late on the day of a quiz/exam will forfeit the
benefit of allotted time and must complete the task in the time remaining. There will be NO makeup quizzes or exams.
3. Turn off all cell phones during class.
4. Remain in the classroom during the entire class period.
5. Earn a “C” or better to pass this course. Students that do not earn a “C” or better will be required to
withdraw from the Radiography Program per Radiography Program policy.
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010
Methods of Evaluation: Final course grades will be computed as follows:
% of
Grading Components
final course grade
4 or more Quizzes (dates specified by the instructor)
Quizzes will be administered regularly throughout the
semester to test student mastery of course objectives.
NOTE: The lowest quiz grade will be dropped and the
remaining 3 highest quiz grades will be averaged to
provide a Quiz Average, which counts as 20% of the final
course grade.
Research Paper
The Research Paper assignment is designed to enhance
student understanding of the procedures and techniques
used in the general care of the patient and the ethical
principles and professional responsibilities of the
radiologic technologist. In addition, the papers will
provide evidence of the extent of student mastery of
some course objectives.
Homework is designed to reinforce content presented in
class. Homework may provide evidence of student
achievement of some course objectives.
Midterm Exam (date specified by the instructor)
The midterm exam format may consist of multiple choice,
short answer, and true/false questions and will include
material from the readings, homework, and lectures
covered throughout the semester. The midterm exam will
test the students’ mastery of course objectives and
synthesis of course material covered from the beginning
through the first half of the semester.
Final Exam
The final exam format may consist of multiple choice,
short answer, and true/false questions and will include
material from the readings, homework, and lectures
covered throughout the semester. The final exam will test
the students’ mastery of course objectives and synthesis
of course material covered throughout the entire
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010
Academic Integrity: Dishonesty disrupts the search for truth that is inherent in the learning process and
so devalues the purpose and the mission of the College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
plagiarism – the failure to acknowledge another writer’s words or ideas or to give proper credit
to sources of information;
cheating – knowingly obtaining or giving unauthorized information on any test/exam or any
other academic assignment;
interference – any interruption of the academic process that prevents others from the proper
engagement in learning or teaching; and
fraud – any act or instance of willful deceit or trickery.
Violations of academic integrity will be dealt with by imposing appropriate sanctions. Sanctions for acts
of academic dishonesty could include the resubmission of an assignment, failure of the test/exam,
failure in the course, probation, suspension from the College, and even expulsion from the College.
Student Code of Conduct: All students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible and
considerate adults who respect the rights of others. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. All
students are also expected to attend and be on time for all class meetings. No cell phones or similar
electronic devices are permitted in class. Please refer to the Essex County College student handbook,
Lifeline, for more specific information about the College’s Code of Conduct and attendance
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010
Course Content Outline: based on the text Introduction to Radiologic Sciences and Patient Care, 4th
edition, by Adler & Carlton; ISBN-13 #: 978-1-4160-3194-9
Topics covered
Review class syllabus
Introduction/professional issues in radiologic technology/radiography and the
healthcare team
Read text, Chapter 1, pp 1 – 28, and hand out from the instructor
Attitude and communication in patient care
Read text, Chapter 11, pp 142 – 156
HW assignment: hand out from the instructor
Research Paper assigned – topic: The role of the radiographer in patient care
Quiz 1 on Chapter 11
Safety and transfer techniques
Read text, Chapter 13, pp 163 – 176
Evaluating physical needs
Vital signs
Read text, Chapter 15, pp 193 – 218
Quiz 2 on vital signs
Infection control
Read text, Chapter 15
HW assignment: describe the various sources of nosocomaial infection
Midterm Exam
Medical emergencies
Read text, Chapter 19, pp 275 – 288
HW assignment: answer questions 1 – 10 on p 447 in text
Quiz 3 on medical emergencies/CPR
Read text, Chapter 20, pp 289 – 320
Contrast media
Read text, pp 321 – 423
Quiz 4 on contrast media
Care of patient with tubes
Read text, Chapter 15, pp 206 – 218
HW assignment: hand out from the instructor
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010
Topics covered
Care of patient during special procedure/operation room/surgical/medical
Patient care during bedside radiography
Read hand out from the instructor
Health promotion/substance abuse
HW assignment: hand out from the instructor
Patient consent/legal issues/HIPAA
Read text, Chapter 23 (whole chapter)
Research Paper due
Ethics and ethical behavior
Read text, Chapter 24 (whole chapter)
Review for the Final Exam
Final Exam
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prepared by J Marfo, Fall 2010