Unit 5 Ethics in Nursing Research Human Subjects Unit Objectives 1

Unit 5
Ethics in Nursing Research
Human Subjects
Unit Objectives
Discuss historical examples of disregard for ethical conduct in research
with humans.
Describe codes of ethics in nursing research.
Analyze ethical principles as they apply to nursing research.
Apply ethical principles in the informed consent process.
Discuss federal guidelines for the submission of research protocols for
Discuss the purpose of an external review of nursing research.
Discuss the components of a human subject protocol.
Describe responsible data collection, management, and storage.
Discuss conflicts of interest in research.
Analyze ethical issues in designing and conducting nursing research via
case studies.
Examine the professional nurse roles related to ethics in using and
participating in nursing research for recipients of care across the lifespan.
Discuss ownership and sharing of data.
Describe responsible practices with peer review, publication practices and
Describe the integration of Christian faith as it applies to ethical issues in
nursing research.
Polit & Beck, read chapter 7 (“Generating Research Evidence Ethically”)
In-class Activities
Group work:
 Critique of case studies
 Role play: Informed consent
Human Subjects Certification
Each student is asked to complete an online Human Subjects certification tutorial
as part of the unit on Ethics in Nursing Research. Hope College is affiliated with
the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), which offers an excellent
online training program. Directions for the tutorial are on the following page.
Instructions for Accessing CITI Certification Program
Allow approximately two hours to complete this program.
1. Go to www.citiprogram.org
2. Register as a “new user”
A. Choose Hope College as the participating institution
B. Fill in the information in #2-4 and click “submit”
3. Fill in at least the starred items on the next page
A. You will be taking the Basic Human Subjects—Biomedical & Social &
Behavioral focus program
B. Your role in Human Subjects research is as “student researcher—
C. In the space for “office phone” fill in campus or local phone number
D. Answer yes or no to the question about the survey, then click “submit”
4. Select curriculum—click on both “biomedical” and “social and behavioral
5. Click “no” to other affiliations
6. Under “course” click on “enter” under status and work through all required
taking the quiz following each module
A. At the end of each module, click “Take the quiz for ... (whichever module
on)”, then “Click here to generate the quiz” Answer the quiz questions,
then click
“Go to main menu”. Continue this until you have completed content and
for all of the required modules.
B. After you have completed the last module’s quiz, click on “go to main
then click to print completion report. Please print 2 copies of the certificate.
A copy of the certificate provided at the completion of the tutorial is to be handed
in as proof of completion. Completion of this certificate is required as part of the
class participation grade.
Print a second copy of the certificate for your records. You will be providing your
NURS 418 agency mentor with a copy of the certificate when you begin your
research practicum.