Ch 3 Sec 2 MCJ

Name: __________________________________
Chapter 3 Section 2 New England Colonies
Important Ideas & Information in the Text (p.)
p. 67
The Voyage of the Mayflower
*1500s – King Henry VIII creates Church of England
Religious Freedom and Self-Government
*persecuted by King James
*fled to Holland for tolerance
*got permission from VA Company to settle in
p. 68
The Pilgrims Found Plymouth
*traveled on Mayflower
*land near Cape Cod and settle at Plymouth
*charter didn’t apply so they needed government
*Mayflower Compact
*starving time
*saved by Squanto who taught them how to
plant crops
*1621 First Thanksgiving
The Puritans Come to Massachusetts Bay
*1620s many speaking against king and the Church
of England
*leave for America
The Great Migration
*1629 – Massachusetts Bay Colony received royal
charter to settle in New England
*freedom to govern itself
* founded Boston
*1630 – 1640 20,000 settlers cross Atlantic
*Great Migration
My Thoughts, Feelings, Questions, Vocabulary
V: disagree with official church
V: group that wanted to separate from Church of
V: to mistreat
V: acceptance of different opinions
V: person who goes on religious journey
Q: Same as Muslims??
V: document that established self-government and
majority rule
Q: Does this still exist??
V: dissenters who wanted to reform the church
V: movement of thousands of settlers to New
Important Ideas & Information in the Text (p.)
My Thoughts, Feelings, Questions, Vocabulary
p. 69
The New England Way
*ideal society – religious commonwealth of tight-knit Q: Was it really ideal and would it last today
*church governed by congregations
V: people who belong to the same church
*Puritan church known as “Congregationalist”
*New England Way
*chose its minister
*set up its own town
*Puritan values
*hard work – honor God
*education – all children needed to read Bible
*representative government – town meetings
T: Beginnings of our representative government
and self-government
*Democratic rights
*”freemen” or investors to vote
*John Winthrop changed “freeman” to mean
male church member
Massachusetts Bay “Seeds” New England
*Puritans threatened by those who questioned their
*disagreements forced many to leave
*colonies grew
p. 70
Rhode Island Welcomes Dissenters
*Roger Williams challenges Puritan ideas
*no right to take Native American lands by
*no one should be forced to attend church
*Puritans shouldn’t impose their religious
beliefs on others
*church and state should be separate
*Williams banished
*founded Rhode Island (1636)
*guaranteed religious tolerance
*separation of church and state
*first Baptist Church in America
*Anne Hutchinson – dissenter
*clergy were not the “elect” – chosen by God
*challenged church authority
*banished from Massachusetts
V: first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony
T: Exactly why they left England
V: dissenter who founds Rhode Island
V: forced to leave a place
V: banished from Massachusetts
Important Ideas & Information in the Text (p.)
My Thoughts, Feelings, Questions, Vocabulary
p. 70 con’t
*John Wheelwright - dissenter
*established New Hampshire (1679)
V: dissenter who established New Hampshire
p. 71
Connecticut Extends Voting Rights
*Thomas Hooker – dissenter
*Connecticut (1639)
*Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
*non-church members could vote
*expanded representative government
The Fight for Tolerance
*Puritans wouldn’t allow others to worship freely
Puritans Persecute Quakers
*tremble at the word of the Lord
*God could be known through inner light
*women were spiritually equal to men
*became martyrs
Mary Dyer – death led to greater
V: dissenter who founded Connecticut
V: first written constitution in America
Q: Contradiction??
V: Protestant dissenters
T: one who dies for something they believe in
V: Quaker martyr
p. 72
Creating a New England
*New England colonies had much in common
New England Foundations
*origins in eastern counties of England
*lived in towns
*religious dissenters
*disagreed with the Church of England and the
Catholic Church
*Protestant groups:
T: could afford trip
*middle ranks of society
Important Ideas & Information in the Text (p.)
p. 72 con’t
*highly skilled and educated
*traveled in companies – families, friends and
Questions About an Established Church
*creating a new world
*New England colonies had established church
*Rhode Island tolerated all denominations/Judaism
Important Ideas & Information in the Text (p.)
p. 73
Democratic Traditions
*established democratic traditions and selfgovernment
*Congregational churches of Puritans were
*Massachusetts- Puritan men elected the
governor and legislature
*voting rights expanded in Rhode Island and
*towns controlled own affairs
*town meeting – symbol of local self-government
My Thoughts, Feelings, Questions, Vocabulary