You must take notes on each section regardless of whether or not I

Chapter 13 & 14 Topic/Objective: The Presidency and The Presidency in
Essential Question(s): The President is seen as one of the most powerful men in the world. Is this title justified?
How are the powers of the President checked by the other two branches of government?
Use this section to develop
questions that will help you
study for the test. If you do
not complete this part, you
will get points taken off.
Write at least one question
per section.
You must take notes on each section regardless of whether or not I have
given you a specific question.
Chapter 13: Section 1: The President’s Roles
List and describe the 8 roles of the president
Formal Qualifications:
The President’s Term:
22nd Amendment:
Section 2:
Presidential Succession
First five individuals in line for Presidential Succession
The Vice Presidency
25th Amendment
Section 3: Presidential Selection
Describe the Electoral College
12th Amendment
Section 4: Presidential Nominations
What is the role of Conventions in the nomination process?
What is a Presidential Primary?
What is a party platform?
Section 5: The Election
How are electors chosen?
How are electoral votes counted and what is needed to win?
What happens if no one candidate receives 270 electoral college votes?
What are the three major defects in the Electoral College?
What are the four proposed reforms of the Electoral College?
Chapter 14: Section 1: The Growth of Presidential Power
Why has the power of the president grown over the years?
Why do some people worry about an “imperial presidency?”
Section 2: The President’s Executive Power
What is an Executive Order?
What is the ordinance of power?
List the 5 officials (or types of officials) that the President can appoint.
Which branch of Congress approves Presidential appointments?
Section 3: Diplomatic and Military Powers
What are the two types of agreements that the President can make with foreign countries?
Define each.
The Power of Recognition
What is the Power of Recognition?
Describe two times when the President has used it as a “weapon.”
Commander in Chief
What is an undeclared War?
When was the most recent declared war?
What was the purpose of the War Powers Resolution of 1973?
Name three central provisions of the War Powers Resolution
Section 4: Legislative and Judicial Powers
Describe the President’s four options when he receives a bill.
What is the line-item veto?
Judicial Powers
Define: Reprieve, Pardon, Clemency, Commutation, Amnesty.
Summary: (Use guiding questions)