KR-MED 2008 Representing and Sharing Knowledge Using SNOMED Kent Spackman International Healthcare Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) SNOMED CT: Ontological, Terminological, and Knowledge Representation Aspects Stefan Schulz Medical Informatics Research Group University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany May 31, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona, USA Purpose of the Tutorial (I) 1: Theoretical underpinnings Get aware of the enormous variety of biomedical vocabularies and their diverging architectural principles Comprehend the current structure of SNOMED CT as a result of its evolution Understand the nature of terminologies in contrast to classifications, nomenclatures, and ontologies Understand the basic principles of formal ontology as a foundation of modern vocabulary development Envisage the limitations of terminological / ontological knowledge representation related to the representation of domain knowledge in a broader sense Purpose of the Tutorial (II) 2: The practice of SNOMED CT Understand the description logics used for representing SNOMED CT Apply the description logics to special requirements: partonomies, complex procedures Understand Pre-coordination and the SNOMED CT compositional syntax Get insight into current redesign efforts (e.g. substance redesign) Discuss the SNOMED CT context model and the terminology / information model interface Preliminary remarks Attendees: Heterogeneous Experts: please challenge our viewpoints Novices: please ask if you don’t understand a term All: participate actively, feel free to interrupt us We have enough time for (moderated) discussions 1st half: Presenter: Stefan, Moderator: Kent 2nd half: Presenter: Kent, Moderator: Stefan Download tutorial slides from: Biomedical Vocabularies Understanding / Semantic Interoperability data Consumers data Health Care data Enables understanding between human and computational agents Biomedical Research Public Health data Common languages: Biomedical Vocabularies Meta – Terminological Issues Biomedical Vocabulary Biomedical Terminology Biomedical Ontology SNOMED CT Biomedical Classification - Real systems are not ideal - Real systems are often hybrids A cruise through the archipelago of biomedical vocabularies FBcv MedDRA MeSH ChEBI BRENDA GO MA FMA GENIA TA ICD NCI GALEN SNOMED WordNet CLGRO FAO What biomedical vocabularies have in common Hierarchy Node: • • • Code Label (Definition) Semantics B68 Taeniasis B68.0 Taenia solium taeniasis B68.1 Link Taenia saginata taeniasis B68.9 Taeniasis, unspecified MeSH: Medical Subject Headings ICD International Classification of Diseases CLASSIFICATION: ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION: ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION: ICD-10 Hierarchy of Classes Disjointness (non-overlapping) Exhaustiveness CLASSIFICATION: ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION: ICD-10 Nodes represent: Mutually disjoint classes of particular disease entities Often Idiosyncratic classification criteria “I83 Varicose veins of lower extremities – Excludes: complicating: pregnancy ( O22.0 ), puerperium ( O87.8 )” Classification criteria mix inherent properties of entities with epistemic information A15.1 Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only Labels: explanatory Terms: quasi-synonymous entry terms in different languages (alphabetical index) Links: Connect classes with superclasses (taxonomy) Semantics: Taxonomy: All particular entities that instantiate one class, also instantiate all superclasses MeSH: Medical Subject Headings MeSH Medical Subject Headings THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings Hierarchical principle: broader term / narrower term THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings Nodes: Descriptors for content of biomedical publications Labels: Common, Unambiguous Terms; Definitions (scope notes) Terms: entry terms (synonyms, more specific terms) , translations Links: Polyhierarchical connections of “broader” with “narrower terms” Semantics: Documents Descriptor 1 Descriptor 2 is broader than descriptor 1 THESAURUS: Medical Subject Headings Nodes: Descriptors for content of biomedical publications Labels: Common, Unabbiguous Terms, Definitions (scope notes) Terms: entry terms (synonyms, more specific terms) , translations Links: Polyhierarchical connections of “broader” with “narrower terms” Semantics: Descriptor 2 broader Documents narrower Descriptor 1 Descriptor 2 is broader than descriptor 1 MeSH: Medical Subject Headings TA Terminologia Anatomica NOMENCLATURE: Terminologia Anatomica NOMENCLATURE: Terminologia Anatomica Nodes: Standardized Anatomical Terms (English / Latin) “Junctura Membris Inferioris”- “Joints of Lower Limb” Links: Partonomic Semantics: A part of B: In an canonic instance of a human body the anatomical structure denoted by A is included into the anatomical structure denoted by B – and vice versa MeSH: Medical Subject Headings FMA Foundational Model of Anatomy ONTOLOGY: Foundational Model of Anatomy ONTOLOGY: Foundational Model of Anatomy Nodes: Classes of anatomical entities that constitute a canonic human body Labels: Exact anatomical terms, compatible with TA “Posterior ramus of third thoracic nerve” Terms: Synonyms and Translations Links: Taxonomic, Partonomic, Topological Semantics: Frame-based Taxonomy: All particular entities that instantiate one class, also instantiate all superclasses A part-of B: In all canonic instances of a human body the anatomical structure that instantiates A is included into the anatomical structure that instantiates B and vice versa MeSH: Medical Subject Headings GO Gene Ontology ONTOLOGY: Gene Ontology ONTOLOGY: Gene Ontology ONTOLOGY: Gene Ontology Part of (partonomy) Is a (taxonomy) ONTOLOGY: Gene Ontology Nodes stand for: Originally: document/resource descriptors like MeSH, now: classes of particular entities as delineated by the meaning of the ontology labels Labels: unambiguous, self-explaining noun phrases “low voltage-gated potassium channel auxiliary protein activity” Links: Connect classes with superclasses Connect parts with wholes (taxonomy) (partonomy) Semantics: Taxonomy: All particular entities that instantiate one class, also instantiate all superclasses A part of B: All particular entities that instantiate A are part of at least one particular entity that instantiates B MeSH: Medical Subject Headings openGALEN ONTOLOGY: OpenGALEN ('SurgicalProcess' which IsMainlyCharacterisedBy {Performance IsEnactmentOf ('SurgicalFixing' which hasSpecificSubprocess ('SurgicalAccessing' hasSurgicalOpenClosedness (SurgicalOpenClosedness which hasAbsoluteState surgicallyOpen)) actsSpeclflcallyOn (PathologlcalBodyStructure which < Involves Bone hasUniqueAssociatedProcess FracturingProcess hasSpecificLocation (Collum whlch IsSpecificSolidDivisionOf (Femur whlch hasLeftRlghtSelectorleftSelect!on))>)))) ONTOLOGY: OpenGalen Nodes: Medical Concepts Labels: Artificial, Self-Explaining: “SurgicalOpenClosedness” Links: Taxonomic, partonomic, other relations Semantics: Description Logics T-Box (unary and binary predicates) Non partonomic relations as existential restrictions Sanctioning Closed-world semantics Better understanding SNOMED CT MeSH: Medical Subject Headings SNOMED CT SNOMED since 1965 Fusion with CTV 3 Principles of Formal Ontology Context Model Logic-based descriptions multiaxial nomenclature of medicine Nomenclature / Pathology 1965 SNOP 1970 SNOMED Embryo 1975 SNOMED im UMLS 1980 SNOMED II Fetus 1985 1990 IHTSDO 1995 2000 2005 SNOMED 3.0 SNOMED 3.5 SNOMED RT SNOMED CT Infant Child Adolescence SNOMED CT The current structure of SNOMED CT is a result of its evolution Represents several tendencies from decades of nomenclature, terminology, ontology, and classification system development Formal Language Nomenclature: Multiaxial Structure Benign neoplasm of heart = Thesaurus 64572001|disease|: {116676008|hasasociated morphology| =3898006|neoplasm, benign| ,363698007|finding site|=80891009|heart structure|} SNOMED CT Ontological Principles Sanctioning Clinically relevant classes SNOMED CT The current structure of SNOMED CT is a result of its evolution Represents several tendencies from decades of nomenclature, terminology, ontology, and classification system development Identification of elements of Terminology Ontology SNOMED CT The current structure of SNOMED CT is a result of its evolution Represents several tendencies from decades of nomenclature, terminology, ontology, and classification system development Terminology vs. Ontology What biomedical vocabularies have in common Hierarchy Node: • • • Code Label (Definition) Semantics B68 Taeniasis B68.0 Taenia solium taeniasis B68.1 Link Taenia saginata taeniasis B68.9 Taeniasis, unspecified Terminology vs. Ontology Dictionaries of Natural language Terms Hierarchically ordered Nodes and Links Formal or informal Definitions bla bla bla • Benign neoplasm of heart • Benign tumor of heart • Benign tumour of heart • Benign cardiac neoplasm • Gutartiger Herzumor • Gutartige Neubildung am Herzen • Gutartige Neubildung: Herz • Gutartige Neoplasie des Herzens • Tumeur bénigne cardiaque • Tumeur bénigne du cœur • Neoplasia cardíaca benigna • Neoplasia benigna do coração • Neoplasia benigna del corazón • Tumor benigno do corazón D18 Benign Neoplasm … Terminology Heart Neoplasms [MeSH]: Tumors in any part of the heart. They include primary cardiac tumors and metastatic tumors to the heart. Their interference with normal cardiac functions can cause a wide variety of symptoms Formal Ontology D18.0 Benign Neoplasm of Thymus Set of terms representing the system of concepts of a particular subject field. (ISO 1087) D18.1 Benign Neoplasm of Heart Benign neoplasm of heart (disorder) B68.9 [SNOMED CT]: Taeniasis, 64572001|disease|: unspecified {116676008|associated morphology| =3898006|neoplasm, benign| ,363698007|finding site|=80891009|heart structure|} Ontology is the study of what there is. Formal ontologies are theories that attempt to give precise mathematical formulations of the properties and relations of certain entities. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Terminology Dictionaries of Natural language Terms Hierarchically ordered Nodes and Links Formal or informal Definitions bla bla bla • Benign neoplasm of heart • Benign tumor of heart • Benign tumour of heart • Benign cardiac neoplasm • Gutartiger Herzumor • Gutartige Neubildung am Herzen • Gutartige Neubildung: Herz • Gutartige Neoplasie des Herzens • Tumeur bénigne cardiaque D18.0 • Tumeur bénigne du cœur Benign Neoplasm • Neoplasia cardíaca benigna of • Neoplasia benigna do coração Thymus • Neoplasia benigna del corazón „benign neoplasm of heart“ • Tumor benigno do corazón Entities of Language (Terms) Heart Neoplasms [MeSH]: Tumors in any part of the heart. They include primary cardiac tumors and metastatic tumors to the heart. Their interference with normal cardiac functions can Shared / cause a wide variety of symptoms D18 Benign Neoplasm … D18.1 Benign Neoplasm of Heart Meanings / Entities of Benign neoplasm of heart Thought (disorder) (Concepts) B68.9 [SNOMED CT]: Taeniasis, 64572001|disease|: unspecified {116676008|associated morphology| =3898006|neoplasm, benign| ,363698007|finding site|=80891009|heart structure|} „gutartige Neubildung des Herzmuskels” “neoplasia cardíaca benigna” Example: UMLS (mrconso table) Shared / Meanings / Entities of Thought Entities of Language (Terms) C0153957|ENG|P|L0180790|PF|S1084242|Y|A1141630||||MTH|PN|U001287|benign neoplasm of heart|0|N|| C0153957|ENG|P|L0180790|VC|S0245316|N|A0270815||||ICD9CM|PT| 212.7|Benign neoplasm of heart|0|N|| C0153957|ENG|P|L0180790|VC|S0245316|N|A0270817||||RCD|SY|B727.| Benign neoplasm of heart|3|N|| C0153957|ENG|P|L0180790|VO|S1446737|Y|A1406658||||SNMI|PT| D3-F0100|Benign neoplasm of heart, NOS|3|N|| C0153957|ENG|S|L0524277|PF|S0599118|N|A0654589||||RCDAE|PT|B727.|Benign tumor of heart|3|N|| C0153957|ENG|S|L0524277|VO|S0599510|N|A0654975||||RCD|PT|B727.| Benign tumour of heart|3|N|| C0153957|ENG|S|L0018787|PF|S0047194|Y|A0066366||||ICD10|PS|D15.1|Heart|3|Y|| C0153957|ENG|S|L0018787|VO|S0900815|Y|A0957792||||MTH|MM|U003158|Heart <3>|0|Y|| C0153957|ENG|S|L1371329|PF|S1624801|N|A1583056|||10004245|MDR|LT|10004245|Benign cardiac neoplasm|3|N|| C0153957|GER|P|L1258174|PF|S1500120|Y|A1450314||||DMDICD10|PT| D15.1|Gutartige Neubildung: Herz|1|N|| C0153957|SPA|P|L2354284|PF|S2790139|N|A2809706||||MDRSPA|LT| 10004245|Neoplasia cardiaca benigna|3|N|| Unified Medical Language System, Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, 2007: Example: UMLS (mrrel table) Shared / Meanings / Entities of Thought Shared / Meanings / Entities of Thought C0153957|A0066366|AUI|PAR|C0348423|A0876682|AUI | |R06101405||ICD10|ICD10|||N|| C0153957|A0066366|AUI|RQ |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |default_mapped_ from|R03575929||NCISEER|NCISEER|||N|| C0153957|A0066366|AUI|SY |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |uniquely_mapped_ to |R03581228||NCISEER|NCISEER|||N|| C0153957|A0270815|AUI|RQ |C0810249|A1739601|AUI |classifies | R00860638||CCS|CCS|||N|| C0153957|A0270815|AUI|SIB|C0347243|A0654158|AUI | |R06390094 || ICD9CM|ICD9CM||N|N|| C0153957|A0270815|CODE|RN|C0685118|A3807697|SCUI |mapped_to | R15864842||SNOMEDCT|SNOMEDCT||Y|N|| C0153957|A1406658|AUI|RL |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |mapped_from | R04145423||SNMI|SNMI|||N|| C0153957|A1406658|AUI|RO |C0018787|A0357988|AUI |location_of | R04309461||SNMI|SNMI|||N|| C0153957|A2891769|SCUI|CHD|C0151241|A2890143|SCUI|isa |R19841220|47189027|SNOMEDCT|SNOMEDCT|0|Y|N|| Semantic relations Example: UMLS Shared / Meanings / Entities of Thought Shared / Meanings / Entities of Thought C0153957|A0066366|AUI|PAR|C0348423|A0876682|AUI | |R06101405||ICD10|ICD10|||N|| C0153957|A0066366|AUI|RQ |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |default_mapped_ from|R03575929||NCISEER|NCISEER|||N|| C0153957|A0066366|AUI|SY |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |uniquely_mapped_ to |R03581228||NCISEER|NCISEER|||N|| C0153957|A0270815|AUI|RQ |C0810249|A1739601|AUI |classifies | R00860638||CCS|CCS|||N|| C0153957|A0270815|AUI|SIB|C0347243|A0654158|AUI | |R06390094 || ICD9CM|ICD9CM||N|N|| C0153957|A0270815|CODE|RN|C0685118|A3807697|SCUI |mapped_to | R15864842||SNOMEDCT|SNOMEDCT||Y|N|| C0153957|A1406658|AUI|RL |C0153957|A0270815|AUI |mapped_from | R04145423||SNMI|SNMI|||N|| C0153957|A1406658|AUI|RO |C0018787|A0357988|AUI |location_of | R04309461||SNMI|SNMI|||N|| C0153957|A2891769|SCUI|CHD|C0151241|A2890143|SCUI|isa |R19841220|47189027|SNOMEDCT|SNOMEDCT|0|Y|N|| INFORMAL Semantic relations Formal Ontology represents the world bla bla bla Terminology Set of terms representing the system of concepts of a particular subject field. (ISO 1087) Formal Ontology Ontology is the study of what there is (Quine). Formal ontologies are theories that attempt to give precise mathematical formulations of the properties and relations of certain entities. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Formal Ontology Organizing Entities Entity Types The type “benign neoplasm of heart” My benign neoplasm of heart Entities of the World Organizing Entities abstract Entity Types The type “benign neoplasm of heart” Universals, classes, (Concepts) Instance_of concrete Entities of the World Particulars, instances The benign neoplasm of my heart Organizing Entities abstract represents Entity Types The type “benign neoplasm of heart” Universals, classes, (Concepts) Entities of Language Instance_of Terms, names represents concrete The string „benign neoplasm of heart“ Entities of the World Particulars, instances The benign neoplasm of my heart Organizing Entities (the complication of my) benign heart tumor (die Komplikation meines) Gutartigen Herztumors represents Organizing Entities represents (the) benign heart tumor (is congenital) Terms, names (die Komplikation meines) Gutartigen Herztumors Entities of Language …are represented by terminologies Databases systems represent … Entities of the World Entity Types … are organized in formal ontologies Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals World Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals World Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Type 1 World Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Formal Ontology Is_a Subtype 1.1 World Type 1 Is_a Subtype 1.2 Is_a Subtype 1.3 Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Is_a Gastritis Hepatitis Is_a Pacreatitis Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Is_a Gastritis Hepatitis Is_a Pacreatitis Hierarchies, Types, Classes, Individuals Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Is_a Gastritis Hepatitis Is_a Pacreatitis Relations and Definitions Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Hepatitis has Location Liver Relations and Definitions Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Hepatitis has Location Liver Relations and Definitions Formal Ontology Inflammatory Disease Is_a Population Is_a Population of Virus Hepatitis caused by Viral Hepatitis has Location Liver Languages for formal ontologies Natural Language “Every hepatitis is an inflammatory disease that is located in some liver” “Every inflammatory disease that is located in some liver is an hepatitis” Logic x: instanceOf(x, Hepatitis) instanceOf(x, Inflammation) y: instanceOf(y, Liver) hasLocation(x,y) Logic is computable: it supports machine inferences but… it only scales up if it has a very limited expressivity SNOMED CT: Terminology and Ontology aspects bla bla bla Fully Specified Name Preferred Term Taxonomic Parents (isA) Synonyms Same structure for other languages Terminology Logical Restrictions Full-text definitions mostly missing Formal Ontology Terminologies vs. Formal Ontologies Terminologies Describe: Meaning of human language units “Concepts”: aggregate (quasi)synonymous terms Relations: informal, elastic Associations between Concepts …….. Description pattern: Concept1 Relation Concept2 Formal Ontologies Describe: entities of reality as they generically are – independent of human language “Types”: represent the generic properties of world entities Relations: rigid, exactly defined, quantified relationships between particulars Description pattern: for all instance of Type1 : there is some… Example Hepatitis - Liver Terminologies Concept Hepatitis: {Hepatitis (D), Leberentzündung (D), hepatitis (E), hépatite (F)} Concept Liver: {Leber (D), liver (E), foie (F)} Relations: Hepatitis – hasLocation – Liver Hepatitis – isA - Inflammation Formal Ontologies Type: Hepatitis: Description: ”Every hepatitis is an inflammatory disease that is located in some liver” “Every inflammatory disease that is located in some liver is an hepatitis” Example Hand - Thumb Terminologies Concept Hand: Formal Ontologies Type: Thumb: {Hand (D), hand (E), main (F)} Concept Thumb: Description: {Daumen (D), thumb (E), pouce (F)} Relations: Hand – hasPart – Thumb Thumb – partOf – Hand ”Every thumb is part of some hand” “Every hand has some thumb as part” ? Example Aspirin - Headache Terminologies Concept Aspirin: {Aspirin (D,E), Acetylsalicylsäure (D), ASS (D), acetylsalicylic acid (E), Acide acétylsalicylique(F)} Concept Headache: {Kopfschmerz (D), headache (E), céphalée(F)} Relation: Formal Ontologies Type: Aspirin: Description: ”For every portion of aspirin there is some disposition for treating headache” Aspirin – treats – Headache fuzzy complicated ! Strengths of Formal Ontologies Exact, logic-based descriptions of entity types that are instantiated by real-world objects, processes, states Representation of stable, context-independent accounts of reality Use of formal reasoning methods using tools and approaches from the AI / Semantic Web community Formal Ontologies: Limitations (I) Only suitable to represent shared, uncontroversial meaning of a domain vocabulary Supports universal statements about instances of a type: All Xs are Ys For all Xs there is some Y Properties of types are properties of all entities that instantiate these types (strict inheritance) Classification vs. Ontology Classification systems vs. Ontologies Classifications vs. Formal Ontologies Classifications Formal Ontologies A A A1 A2 A3 A4 A nec A nos “not elsewhere classified” “not otherwise specified” A1 A2 A3 A4 Classifications vs. Formal Ontologies Classifications Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus Formal Ontologies Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus In Pregnancy SNOMED CT: Classification aspects SNOMED CT and Classifications Many classes in classification systems cannot be adequately expressed in SNOMED Problem: SNOMED supports existential quantification and conjunction, but not negation Classifications contain classes defined by negation: Viral hepatitis (B15-B19) Excludes: cytomegaloviral hepatitis ( B25.1 ) herpesviral [herpes simplex] hepatitis ( B00.8 ) sequelae of viral hepatitis ( B94.2 ) B17 Other acute viral hepatitis B17.0 Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier B17.1 Acute hepatitis C B17.2 Acute hepatitis E B17.8 Other specified acute viral hepatitis Hepatitis non-A non-B (acute)(viral) NEC Knowledge Representation Continuum of knowledge Universally accepted assertions Consolidated but contextdependent facts Hypotheses, beliefs, statistical associations Domain Knowledge Formal Ontology ! Universally accepted assertions Consolidated but contextdependent facts Hypotheses, beliefs, statistical associations Domain Knowledge Instance-level Knowledge / Belief Working Hypothesis The patient was admitted with suspected appendicitis Unknown facts Allergies unknown Ruled-out facts No Pregnancy Absent corneal reflex Imprecise Patient reports “liver disease” Epistemic The diabetes was recently diagnosed Classification-related: Cause of death: A09 - Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin Diagnosis: B37.8 - Candidiasis of other sites Domain Knowledge Facts that are known to be true under certain circumstances: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause gout Context dependent facts: Hg2Cl2 is a diuretic drug Aspririn is an analgetic drug Facts about populations: Malaria is endemic in Mozambique Recommendations / Guidelines: Old patients with newly diagnosed Hypertension should be treated with diuretics or Ca channel blockers Basic scientific facts Many urokinase-type plasminogen activators are expressed in the kidney Results from clinical trials: One-lung overventilation does not induce inflammation in the normally ventilated contralateral lung. Default / canonic knowledge „Adult humans have 32 teeth“ Take home messages Ontologies describe classes of domain entities (ideally) by their inherent properties Classifications classify entities according to welldefined criteria Terminologies relate words and terms SNOMED CT is a hybrid terminology / ontology with elements of classifications Knowledge representation extends terminology / ontology by large (Computable) Ontologies are restricted to make universal statements of the type for all… some Practice of Good Ontology Practice of Good Ontology Learning good ontology practice from bad ontologies… Don’t mix up universals (Concepts, Classes) with individuals (Instances) Is_a = subclass_of: subclass-of (Motor Neuron, Neuron) (FMA, OpenGALEN) Is_a (Motor Neuron, Neuron) instance-of (Motor Neuron, Neuron) (FlyBase) But: instance-of (my Hand, Hand) instance-of (this amount of insulin, Insulin) instance-of (Germany, Country) not: instance of (Heart, Organ) not: instance of (Insulin, Protein) Taxonomic Subsumption Instance_of Class Membership Don’t use superclasses to express roles Is_a (Fish, Animal) Is_a (Fish, Food) ?? Is_a (Acetylsalicylic Acid, Salicylate) Is_a (Acetylsalicylic Acid, Analgetic Drug) ?? Be aware of the “rigidity” of entity types Partition the ontology by principled upper level categories Example: DOLCE’s Upper Ontology Endurant (Continuant) Physical Amount of matter Physical object Feature Non-Physical Mental object Social object … Perdurant (Occurrent) Static State Process Dynamic Achievement Accomplishment Quality Physical Qualities Spatial location … Temporal Qualities Temporal location … Abstract Qualities … Abstract Quality region Time region Space region Color region Source: S. Borgo ISTC-CNR Limit to a parsimonious set of semantically precise Basic Relations Barry Smith, Werner Ceusters, Bert Klagges, Jacob Köhler, Anand Kumar, Jane Lomax, Chris Mungall, Fabian Neuhaus, Alan L Rector and Cornelius Rosse. Relations in biomedical ontologies. Genome Biology, 6(5), 2005. Avoid idiosyncratic categorization Body structure (10) Acquired body structure Anatomical organizational pattern (…) Clinical finding (22) Administrative statuses Adverse incident outcome categories (…) Environment or geographical location Environment Geogr. and/or political region of the world Event (19) Abuse Accidental event Bioterrorism related event (…) Linkage concept Attribute Link assertion Observable entity Age AND/OR growth period Body product observable (…) Clin. history / examination observable (21) Device observable Drug therapy observable Feature of Entity (…) Organism (11) Animal Chromista Infectious agent (…) Pharmaceutical / biologic product (58) Alcohol products Alopecia preparation Alternative medicines (…) Physical force (21) Altitude Electricity (…) Physical object (8) Device Domestic, office and garden artefact Fastening (…) Procedure (23) Administrative procedure Community health procedure (…) Qualifier value (52) Action Additional dosage instructions (…) Record artifact Record organizer Record type Situation with explicit context (17) A/N risk factors Critical incident factors (…) Social context (10) Community Family Group (…) Special concept Namespace concept Navigational concept Non-current concept Specimen (45) Biopsy sample Body substance sample Cardiovascular sample (…) Staging and scales (6) Assessment scales Endometriosis classification of American Fertility Society (…) Substance (11) Allergen class Biological substance The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge Jorge Luis Borges "On those remote pages it is written that animals are divided into: a. those that belong to the Emperor b. embalmed ones c. those that are trained d. suckling pigs e. mermaids f. fabulous ones g. stray dogs h. those that are included in this classification i. those that tremble as if they were mad j. innumerable ones k. those drawn with a very fine camel's hair brush l. others m. those that have just broken a flower vase n. those that resemble flies from a distance" Be aware of ambiguities “Institution” may refer to 1. (abstract) institutional rules 2. (concrete) things instituted 3. act of instituting sth. “Tumor” 1. evolution of a tumor as a disease process 2. having a tumor as a pathological state 3. tumor as a physical object “Gene” 1. a (physical) sequence of nucleotides on a DNA chain 2. a collection of (1) 3. A piece of information conveyed by (1) Don‘t mix up ontology with epistemiology Is_a (Infection of unknown origin, Infection) Is_a (Newly diagnosed diabetes, Diabetes) Is_a (Family history of diabetes, Diabetes) „what is“ „what sth. knows about “ Don‘t mix up Ontology IDs with Terms • Glycerin Kinase • Glycerokinase • GK •Glyzerinkinase „how it is expressed in human language“ „what is“ „what sth. knows about “ Don’t underestimate Ontology Maintenance Formal Ontologies must always be maintained consistent (free of logic contradiction): prerequisite for machine reasoning adequate (correctly describe the domain) prerequisite to prevent erroneous deductions Maintenance load is much higher than with terminologies. Ontology maintenance is mainly task of domain experts. IT staff has supportive function Typical design and maintenance errors Aspects of Knowledge Representation Terminological Knowledge: What is known about the meaning of terms in a domain “neoplasm” has a broader meaning as “sarcoma” Ontological “Knowledge”: What is univocally accepted as generic properties of types of entities of a domain (often definitional or trivial): every hepatitis is located in some liver every cell has some cell membrane Terminologies and Ontologies represent this kind of Knowledge, but… Knowledge representation is more: Knowledge Representation in Practice: SNOMED CT Kent A. Spackman, MD, PhD Chief Terminologist, IHTSDO Clinical Professor, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland Oregon USA KR-MED 2008 Tutorial Phoenix – May 30, 2008 Tutorial 2nd Half Topics • Description logic basics • Concept model domains, ranges and attributes • Application of additional description logic features to special requirements: – – – Right identities: partonomies (SEP) Role groups: complex procedures, disorders, situations Role hierarchies: direct and indirect objects; causal and associational relationships • Composition and syntax – normal forms – SNOMED compositional syntax, KRSS, and OWL • Current redesign efforts – substances, observables, anatomy, events, conditions, organisms • The context model & negation • The terminology / information model interface DESCRIPTION LOGIC BASICS What is description logic? • Mathematical viewpoint: – A family of logics characterized by • Formal set-theoretic semantics • Proofs of correctness and completeness of computation • Proofs of algorithmic complexity (PSpace, NP-complete, NExpTime, etc) • Knowledge representation viewpoint: – A set of constructs for representing terminological knowledge (that which is always true of a meaning) – Algorithms and their implementations for performing: • Subsumption (testing pairs of expressions to see whether one is a subtype of the other & vice versa) • Classification (structuring a set of expressions according to their subsumption relationships) Constructs for a very simple DL: EL Name of construct Primitive concept name Notation Semantics A AI µ ¢ I Primitive role name R RI µ ¢ I £ ¢ I Top (everything) > ¢I Conjunction (AND) CuD CI \ D I Exists restriction 9R:C f xj9y.R I (x;y)^CI (y)g Concept definition (sufficient) A´ C AI =CI Primitive concept introduction Av C AI µ CI Reading DL expressions u is the symbol for Boolean conjunction – Short name: “and” – Operands are placed on either side: C u D – Both operands C and D must be true in order for the expression to be true 9 is the symbol for existential restriction – Short name: “some” – Operands follow the backwards E symbol: 9R¢C • R represents a “role” or relationship • C represents the value or target of the relationship – Requires that there be an instance of relationship named R to some instance of the class named C in order for the expression to be true The logic of green frogs How could you use EL to define a green frog? First, some concept names (A in the EL notation table): Frog Green GreenFrog Then a role name (R in the EL notation table): hasColor Now introduce a definition of GreenFrog, using Frog, Green, and hasColor, along with C u D and 9R¢C as follows: GreenFrog ´ Frog u 9 hasColor.Green The logic of green frogs How do we read these expressions? Usual DL syntax GreenFrog ´ Frog u 9 hasColor.Green KRSS syntax: (defconcept GreenFrog (and Frog (some hasColor Green))) Every instance of the class named GreenFrog is an instance of the class named Frog which also has a “hasColor” relationship to an instance of the class named “Green” And, every instance of the class named Frog which also has a “hasColor” relationship to an instance of the class named “Green” is an instance of the class named GreenFrog. The logic of green frogs Right hand side only: Usual DL syntax Frog u 9 hasColor.Green KRSS syntax: (and Frog (some hasColor Green)) SNOMED compositional syntax: Frog: hasColor = Green an instance of the class named Frog which also has a “hasColor” relationship to an instance of the class named “Green” Exercise for the reader: how do you represent frogs that are completely green? A SNOMED example • Headache is-a ache: finding-site = head structure – (and headache is marked as “defined” in concepts table). • The class “headache” is sufficiently defined as the set of instances of the class “ache” which also have at least one finding-site relationship to an instance of the class “head structure”. • And all instances of class “ache” with some findingsite relationship to an instance of “head structure” are instances of “headache”. • Now, is that what you mean when you say “headache”? EXPRESSIONS & COMPOSITION SNOMED CT Expressions • SNOMED CT coded information consists of structured (composed) collections of concept codes – These are called expressions – The meaning of an expression depends on the situation in which it is used Example • The SNOMED CT code for “fracture of femur” represents the meaning of “a break in a femur” – Depending on where it is used in a patient record, the code may mean • • • • The patient has a fractured femur The patient’s main diagnosis is a fracture of the femur The patient has a past history of fractured femur The patient is suspected of having a fractured femur …. etc – In a query it may be one of several criteria for retrieving the records of patients with particular types of injury – In an index to the clinical literature it might indicate a paper that is relevant to this condition Expressions can be pre-coordinated or post-coordinated • Pre-coordinated expression – Terminology producer provides a single ConceptId for the meaning • 31978002 – means “fracture of tibia” • Post-coordinated expression – A user composes a combination of ConceptIds to represent the meaning • 31978002 : 272741003 = 7771000 – (fracture of tibia : laterality = left) – In human readable form … “fracture of left tibia” Refinement and qualification: Two common ways to derive post-coordinated expressions • Refinement – Replacing value C with a more specific value C1 within an existing (defining) 9R¢C relationship in the definition, giving 9R¢C1 – Example • Fracture of femur – Defined as: finding-site = bone structure of femur – May be refined to: finding-site = structure of neck of femur • Yielding the new meaning: Fracture of neck of femur Refinement and qualification: Two common ways to derive post-coordinated expressions • Qualification (also called “subtype qualification”) – Replacing value C with a more specific value C1 within a qualifier 9R¢C relationship (found in the qualifying relationships in the relationships table), giving 9R¢C1 – Example • Bronchitis – Qualifier exists as: clinical-course = courses (any course value) – May be qualified to: clinical-course = acute (sudden onset AND/OR short duration) • Yields the meaning: Acute bronchitis • End results of refinement or qualification are post-coordinated expressions with an identical logical structure Compositional grammar (1) • Simplest expression is a single conceptid – For example • 71620000 • Optionally conceptId may be followed by a term enclosed in pipe delimiters – For example • 71620000|fracture of femur| • Concepts can be combined with a plus sign that means logical “and” (conjunction) – For example • 31978002|fracture of tibia| +75591007|fracture of fibula| Compositional grammar (2) • Refinements can be added after a colon For example 125605004: 363698007=29627003 • Refinements can be nested in parentheses For example 53057004|hand pain|: 363698007|finding site| =(76505004|thumb structure|: 272741003|laterality| =7771000|left|) • Refinements can be grouped in braces For example 71388002|procedure|: {260686004|method| =129304002|excision - action|, 363704007|procedure site| =66754008|appendix structure|} Note: the comma also means logical “and” in this expression Severe pain, left thumb Pain Finding site Thumb structure Laterality Severity Severe 22253000|pain|: 363698007|finding site|= (76505004|thumb structure|: 272741003|laterality|=7771000|left|), 246112005|severity|=24484000|severe| Left Severe pain, left thumb Hand Pain Finding site Thumb structure Laterality Severity Severe 53057004|hand pain|: 363698007|finding site|= (76505004|thumb structure|: 272741003|laterality|=7771000|left|), 246112005|severity|=24484000|severe| Left Subtype relationships • Every concept is a refined type of one or more other concepts • For example – “Pain in the leg” is a type of “pain” – “Pain in the leg” is a type of “lower limb finding” • SNOMED CT represents these defining relationships with the relationship type “is a” Subtype relationships Lower limb finding Pain Pain in lower limb Pain in calf A pain in the calf is-a pain the lower limb, and Pain in the lower limb is-a pain, and is-a lower limb finding Subtype relationships Lung disease Infectious disease Infectious pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia is-a infectious pneumonia, and Infectious pneumonia is-a lung disease, and is-a Infectious disease Why have subtype relationships? • Because when you selectively retrieve information you usually want to include subtypes • For example – When searching for “Deep Venous Thrombosis” you would usually want to retrieve all kinds of DVT including … • DVT of specific sites (e.g. lower limb) • DVT with particular causes (e.g. air travel related DVT) … and others Root Subtype hierarchy Clinical finding Looking from leaf to root Disorder Finding by site Disorder by body site Finding of body region Disorder of body system Finding of limb structure Disorder of cardiovascular system Disorder of extremity Vascular disease Thrombotic disorder Disease of vein Finding of lower limb Disorder of lower extremity Peripheral vascular disease Venous thrombosis Vascular disorder of lower extremity Deep venous thrombosis Thrombosis of vein of lower limb Deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity Leaf Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel DVT leg assoc w air travel Other defining relationships • The difference between two concepts may be represented by other defining relationships – Only relationships that are necessarily true are defining relationships • For example – “Pain in calf” has “finding site” “calf structure” Other defining relationships Lower limb finding Pain Pain in lower limb lower limb structure Calf structure Pain in calf A pain in the calf has finding site calf Pain in the lower limb has finding site lower limb Other defining relationships Bacterial disease Lung disease Bacterial pneumonia Lung structure RLL structure RLL bacterial pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia has finding site lung structure RLL bacterial pneumonia has finding site RLL structure Why have other defining relationships? • Other defining relationships – Confirm and enhance the accuracy of the subtype hierarchy • For example, all “pain” findings with a “finding site” of “lower limb” (or a subtype of lower limb structure) must be subtypes of “lower limb pain” – Enable concepts to be refined by increasing the specificity of a defined relationship • For example, a “pain in the foot” could be refined to specify a more precise “finding site” such as the “third toe of the left foot”, even if SNOMED CT did not include a specific concept for pain in a such a specific location. – Allow recognition of equivalence between different ways of expressing the same concept Primitive & sufficiently-defined concepts • A concept is “sufficiently defined” – if its definition is sufficient to distinguish it from all its supertype concepts • A concept is “primitive” – if it is not “sufficiently defined” Primitive & sufficiently defined concepts • Head injury – – – – Is a = Disease Associated morphology = Traumatic abnormality Finding site = Head structure Sufficiently Defined • Aching pain – Is a = Pain – Primitive • Headache – Is a = Aching pain – Finding site = Head structure – Sufficiently Defined The value of sufficiently defining concepts • Allows auto-classification – Consistent hierarchy and definition • Allows computation of equivalence and subsumption between – Different ways of expressing the same meaning • E.g. “open fracture of left femur” or – “fracture of bone” site=“femur”: laterality=“left” morphology=“open fracture” Different views of relationships • Stated view – The view that SNOMED CT modelers edit – Includes only the defining relationships that an author has explicitly stated to be true – (soon will be distributed in KRSS and/or OWL syntax) • Inferred view – The view distributed in the distribution file – Generated by auto-classification – Includes relationships inferred from the stated view – Excludes redundant relationships • Normalized view – The view best suited to comparing expressions – Reduces all values to their proximal primitive subtypes Auto-classification • Many relationships are inferred by autoclassification rather than authored directly • Auto-classification – Takes definitions “stated” by SNOMED authors and uses them to “infer” other relationships – Removes redundant (less specific) defining relationships – Creates a logically consistent parsimonious set of relationships • Review the results of classification – Although logically consistent … it may not be “correct” due to errors in “stated” definitions – Human errors that might otherwise be overlooked are often highlighted by auto-classification – Auto-classification is repeated frequently during authoring and the results are then rechecked An example of a stated view The diagram is a “directed acyclic graph”, or DAG, of the is-a relationships pain is a is a pain in lower limb lower limb structure is a pain in calf calf structure Auto-classification can add inferred relationships to the stated view pain is a pain in lower limb is a Inferred from other relationships lower limb structure is a is a calf structure pain in calf For the distributed inferred view less specific subtype relationships are removed In computer science terms this structure is called the “transitive reduction” i.e. the distributed is-a relationships are the transitive reduction of the DAG pain Redundant after adding inferred relationship is a pain in lower limb is a lower limb structure is a is a calf structure pain in calf In another view all the possible subtype relationships are stated directly • This is “transitive closure” view is useful for optimization • It can be computed from distributed data • SNOMED is likely to release this view later this year finding is a is a is a pain is a pain in lower limb is a is a pain in calf Description Logic Classifiers • Various DL Classifiers exist • SNOMED uses the Apelon TDE classifier – It has some limitations but performs well on a large database • Some other classifiers testing in past failed or became very slow with so many concepts • Others include – – – – FaCT++ (Fast Classifier of Terminologies) Pellet CEL RacerPro Definition of Normal Forms • In original RT work, dual independent modeling required exact agreement on stated definition – Resulted in unresolved arguments about modeling style • State most immediate parent concepts only, and only those relationships that have changed, or • State proximal primitives only, and all defining relationships • Defining a normal form allowed different modeling styles for different purposes or preferences Spackman KA. Normal forms for description logic expression of clinical concepts in SNOMED RT. Proceedings/AMIA Annual Symposium. :627-631, 2001. Illustration of need for normal form: basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of skin of eyelid • Multiple different ways to postcoordinate: – – – – – Disorder, M=BCC, T=skin of eyelid Malignant disorder, M=BCC, T=skin of eyelid Skin disorder, M=BCC, T=skin of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid, M=BCC Malignant neoplastic disorder of skin eyelid, M=BCC – Basal cell carcinoma (disorder), T=skin of eyelid – ... D D1 D3 D6 Basal cell malignancy D9 Neoplastic disorder Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 D2 Disorder of skin Neoplastic disorder of skin Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D11 Disorder D8 Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D5 Neoplastic Morphology Malignant Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D11 Neoplastic disorder of skin D8 Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D5 Skin structure of eyelid Neoplastic Morphology Malignant Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D11 Neoplastic disorder of skin D8 Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D5 Skin structure of eyelid Neoplastic Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 Malignant Morphology M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Malignant neoplasm Basal cell carcinoma D7 D9 D4 Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin Basal cell carcinoma D11 of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin D8 D5 Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Skin structure of eyelid Neoplastic Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 Malignant Morphology M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D11 Neoplastic disorder of skin D8 D5 Skin structure of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid Note that D1 through D11 are all sufficiently defined (non-primitive) Neoplastic Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 Malignant Morphology M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 BCC Morphology D3 Malignant neoplasm D4 Basal cell malignancy Neoplastic disorder of skin M=M1 T=T1 M=M2 D6 D7 Malignant neoplasm of skin M=M2 T=T1 M=M3 D9 Basal cell carcinoma of skin M=M3 T=T1 D5 Skin structure of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid T=T2 D8 Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid M=M1 T=T2 D10 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid M=M2 Attributes T=T2 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid M=M3 T=T2 D11 T2 T=T1 M=M1 M3 Disorder of skin and values are all inherited downwards (redundant ones are removed) Neoplastic Morphology Malignant Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Neoplastic disorder of skin Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D10 D8 D5 Skin structure of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Some valid forms for D11: D9 and T=T2 D11 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D10 and M=M3 D6 and D5 Neoplastic Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 Malignant Morphology M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Neoplastic disorder of skin Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D10 D8 D5 Skin structure of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Some valid forms for D11: D9 and T=T2 D11 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D10 and M=M3 D6 and D5 Neoplastic Morphology D Disorder M1 Skin structure T1 Malignant Morphology M2 D1 Neoplastic disorder D2 Disorder of skin T2 M3 BCC Morphology D6 D3 Basal cell malignancy D9 Malignant neoplasm D7 D4 Neoplastic disorder of skin Malignant neoplasm of skin Basal cell carcinoma of skin D10 D8 D5 Skin structure of eyelid Disorder of skin of eyelid Neoplastic disorder of skin of eyelid Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid Some valid forms for D11: D9 and T=T2 D11 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of eyelid D10 and M=M3 D6 and D5 Summary of BCC example: • Because of the many different valid forms, it is useful to define a “normal form” to which we can transform all expressions for comparison • In this case, the normal form combines the proximate primitive (disorder) with the nonredundant existential restrictions disorder : finding-site = skin of eyelid (body structure), associated-morphology = basal cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality) CONCEPT MODEL Procedure concept model (1) Procedure site Procedure site - direct Anatomical structure, Acquired body structure Procedure site - indirect Procedure Morphology Indirect morphology Procedure Morphologically abnormal structure Direct morphology Procedure device Direct device Device Indirect device Using device Using access device Endoscope and subtypes Method Action Direct substance Substance, Pharmaceutical / biologic product Procedure concept model (1) Procedure site Procedure site - direct Direct Object Anatomical structure, Acquired body structure Procedure site - indirect Procedure Morphology Indirect morphology Procedure Morphologically abnormal structure Direct morphology Procedure device Direct device Device Indirect device Using device Using access device Endoscope and subtypes Method Action Direct substance Substance, Pharmaceutical / biologic product Procedure concept model (2) Procedure Using substance Substances Using energy Physical forces Surgical Approach Procedural approaches Priority Priorities Has focus Clinical findings, Procedures Has intent Intents Recipient category Person, Family, Community, Donor, Group Route of administration Route of administration value Revision status Revision-value, Part of multistage procedure, Primary operation Access Open, closed, percutaneous (surgical access values) Attributes Procedures (1) • Method – The action being performed to accomplish the procedure • Does not include access (e.g., percutaneous) or approach (e.g., translumbar) – Values are subtypes of “action” • Procedure site • Values are subtypes of “anatomical concept” – Procedure site – direct • The site directly affected by the action – Procedure site – indirect • A site that is acted on but is not the direct target of the action appendectomy G method excision - action procedure site - direct appendix structure Attributes Procedures (2) • Morphology • Values are subtypes of “morphologically abnormal structure” – Direct morphology • The morphology to which the procedure is directed – Indirect morphology • A morphology that is acted upon, but is not the direct target of the action being performed Evacuation of intracerebral hematoma G method evacuation - action procedure site - indirect cerebral structure direct morphology hematoma Attributes Procedures (3) • Device • Values are subtypes of “device” – Direct device • The device to which the procedure is directed. – Indirect device • A device that is acted upon, but which is not the direct target of the action being performed Replacement of electronic heart device battery direct device pacemaker battery indirect device cardiac pacemaker Attributes Procedures (4) • Using device – Specifies the instrument utilized to perform the procedure – Value are subtypes of “device” core needle biopsy of larynx Using device core biopsy needle Using access device – Specifies the instrument utilized to gain access to the site – Value are subtypes of “endoscope” Endoscopic biopsy Using access device endoscope Attributes Procedures (5) • Using energy – Specifies the energy utilized to perform the procedure – Value are subtypes of “physical force” gamma ray therapy Using energy gamma radiation Attributes Procedures (6) • Access – Used to distinguish open, closed, endoscopic, and percutaneous procedures • Only used if access is specified in the name of the concept – Values are subtypes of “surgical access values” open reduction of fracture access open approach Surgical Approach – Specifies the directional, relational or spatial access to the site of a surgical procedure. – Values are subtypes of “surgical approach” transurethral laser prostatectomy Surgical approach transurethral approach Measurement procedure concept model Component Cell structure, organism, substance, observable Property Property of measurement Time Aspect Time frame Scale Type Nominal, narrative, ordinal, Quantitative, qualitative, Text, ordinal OR quantitative Has Specimen Specimen Measurement method Laboratory procedure categorized by method Measurement Procedure Attributes Measurement procedures • Has specimen – Specifies the type of specimen on which a measurement or observation is performed – Values are subtypes of “specimen” • Component – Specifies the substance or observable being observed or measured by a procedure – Values are subtypes of “substance”, “observable entity”, or “cell structure” creatinine measurement, 24 hour urine has specimen 24 hour urine sample component creatinine Clinical finding concept model (1) Finding site Acquired body structure, Anatomical concepts Associated morphology Associated with Clinical finding Morphologically abnormal structure Clinical finding, Substance, Physical object, Physical force, Events, Organisms, Pharmacological / Biological product, Procedure After Clinical finding, Procedure Due to Clinical finding, Event Causative agent Organism, Substance, Physical object, Physical force Has interpretation Findings values, Result comments Interprets Laboratory procedure, Observable entity, Patient evaluation procedure Clinical finding concept model (2) Clinical finding Pathological process Pathological process Clinical Course Courses Has definitional manifestation Clinical finding Occurrence Periods of life Severity Mild, Moderate, Severe Episodicity First episode, New episode, Ongoing episode Finding method Procedure Finding informer Performer of method, Subject of record Provider of history other than subject, Subject of record or other provider of history Attributes Clinical Findings (1) • Associated morphology – Specifies morphologic change seen at tissue or cellular level as a characteristic feature or the disease – Values are subtypes of “morphologically abnormal structure” • Finding site – Specifies the body site affected by a condition – Values are subtypes of “anatomical concept” open fracture of femur associated morphology fracture, open finding site bone structure of femur Attributes Clinical Findings (2) • Causative agent – Specifies the direct causative agent of the disease • Does not include vectors (e.g. not mosquito for malaria) – Values are subtypes of “organisms”, “substances”, “physical objects” or “physical forces” bacterial pneumonia causative agent bacteria Attributes Clinical Findings (3) • Due to – Used when one finding/disorder is a cause of another finding, disorder or procedure. Differs from Causative agent in that the cause is not an Organism, Substance, Physical Object, or Physical agent – Values are subtypes of “clinical findings” diabetic retinopathy • After due to diabetes mellitus – Specifies a temporal relationship between a Finding/Disorder and a Finding, Disorder, or Procedure when there is not necessarily a causal relationship – Values are subtypes of “clinical findings” or “procedures” post-viral disorder after viral disease Attributes Clinical Findings (4) Clinical Course – Specifies the course of a condition. – Used for acute and chronic conditions. – Not used to refer to rapidity of onset or severity of a condition. – Values are subtypes of “courses” acute myocardial infarction Clinical course acute Attributes Clinical Findings (5) • Episodicity – Specifies the particular episode of a finding that may recur – If an episode is not the initial episode and is not an ongoing episode, it is considered a new episode – Values are “first episode”, “new episode” & “ongoing episode” new onset angina episodicity • new episode Severity – Specifies the level of severity for a Disease concept. – Values are “mild”, “moderate”, and “severe” severe vertigo severity severe Attributes Clinical Findings (6) • Interprets – Specifies the “observable entity” or “function” being evaluated or interpreted by a finding. – Values are subtypes of “observable entity”, “biological function” or “measurement procedure” • Has interpretation – Specifies the judgement being made about an observable or function (e.g., presence, absence, degree, normality, etc.) – Values are subtypes of “findings values” or “result comments” decreased cardiac output has interpretation decreased interprets cardiac output Situation concept model Associated finding Associated procedure Clinical finding; or Observable / Observation with result Procedure Finding context value Finding context Situation with explicit context • Present, absent, possible • Unknown • Goal, risk, etc Context values for actions Procedure context • Done, not done • Planned, requested Temporal context value Temporal context • Current • Past, etc Subject relationship value Subject relationship context • Subject of record • Family member, etc Specimen concept model Specimen Specimen procedure Procedure Specimen source topography Body structure Specimen source morphology Morphology Specimen substance Substance Specimen source identity Person, Family, Donor, Device, Environment, Community Pharmaceutical/Biologic Product concept model Pharmaceutical / Biologic product Has active ingredient Has dose form Substance (substance) Type of drug preparation (product) Body structure concept model Body structure Laterality Left, Right, Right and left, (unilateral) Part-of Body structure Note: use of “unilateral” implies one side and not the other. This is a type of negation, and therefore unilateral procedures and unilateral findings actually must be in the situation hierarchy. RIGHT IDENTITIES Right identity (restricted role value maps) • RS⊑R • x Ry ⋀ y Sz → x Rz • allergyToAspirin v 9 causativeAgent.aspirinSubstance • aspirinProduct v 9 hasActiveIngredient.aspirinSubstance • allergyToAspirinProduct v 9 causativeAgent.aspirinProduct • Allows the automated inference that: – allergyToAspirinProduct v allergyToAspirin Right identity (restricted role value maps) • RS⊑R • x Ry ⋀ y Sz → x Rz • femurFracture v 9 site.femur • headOfFemurFracture v 9 site.headOfFemur • headOfFemur v 9 part-of.Femur • Allows the automated inference that: – headOfFemurFracture v FemurFracture • But this isn’t the purpose for which we use right identity in the current release ! Avoiding Right Identities by Using SEP Triplets Liver Structure XM0Ps Liver structure T-62000 Liver Liver Part T-D0535 Liver part Lobe of liver Entire liver 7N330 Liver ROLE GROUPS Role Groups • Certain defining relationships may be grouped to indicate the way they relate to each other • For example: – Laparoscopy inspects the peritoneal cavity – Appendicectomy excises the appendix – Laparoscopic appendicectomy • inspects the peritoneal cavity and • excises the appendix but does not • Excise the peritoneal cavity – Grouping action and site avoids misinterpretation Role groups • Another example Cholecystectomy and exploration of bile duct Method: Excision Procedure site: Gallbladder Method: Exploration Procedure site: Bile duct Role group 1 Role group 2 Role Grouping as a Compromise • Implementers and modelers fear/loathe nesting of expressions – Nesting violates simple flat frame-based model • Reality demands faithful representation • Role grouping attempted (with partial success) to hide the complexity – But it was misunderstood by some in DL community as being a proprietary hack Spackman KA, Dionne R, Mays E, Weis J. Role grouping as an extension to the description logic of Ontylog motivated by concept modeling in SNOMED. Proceedings/AMIA Annual Symposium. :712-716, 2002. Need for Role Groups • When a single concept may have more than one value for a particular attribute – for example, “bone fusion with tendon transfer” • method = fusion, site = bone, and • method = transfer, site = tendon • And, one attribute-value pair needs to be associated with another. – How can we specify that the fusion is done to the bone and not to the tendon? and that the transfer is done to the tendon and not to the bone? Role Groups as a Solution • Informally: – don’t nest or create sub procedures – simply “group” the attribute-value pairs • Using curly braces as a syntactic marker: { site=bone, method=fusion}, {site=tendon, method=transfer} • Or, in tabular form, use a “group” column: attr value group site bone 1 method fusion 1 site tendon 2 method transfer 2 Role Grouping Logical Form: A Nested Existential Restriction • C ⊑ 9 RRG :(9R1:C1 ⊓ 9R2:C2) ⊓ 9 RRG :(9R3:C3 ) • Distributed as three 4-tuples in relationships table: C R3 C3 0 C R1 C1 1 C R2 C2 1 – Role group numbers are arbitrary integers, and not designed to be stable across changes in the concept definition ROLE HIERARCHIES Role (attribute) hierarchies • Selected SNOMED CT attributes have a hierarchical relationship to one another known as “role hierarchies.” In a role hierarchy, one general attribute is the parent of one or more specific subtypes of that attribute. Concepts defined using the more general attribute can inherit concepts modeled with the more specific subtypes of that attribute. Role hierarchies – procedures • PROCEDURE DEVICE – – – – DIRECT DEVICE INDIRECT DEVICE USING DEVICE USING ACCESS DEVICE • PROCEDURE MORPHOLOGY – DIRECT MORPHOLOGY – INDIRECT MORPHOLOGY • PROCEDURE SITE – PROCEDURE SITE - DIRECT – PROCEDURE SITE - INDIRECT Role hierarchies – clinical findings • ASSOCIATED WITH role hierarchy: • ASSOCIATED WITH – AFTER – DUE TO – CAUSATIVE AGENT Summary of SNOMED’s use of DL SNOMED version Concept & RoleRole forming Operators axioms Language Role grouping Early work (1996-1999) (⊓, 9R:C)( ) EL No SNOMED RT (2000-2001) (⊓, 9R:C)(+) EL+ No EL Yes ELH+ Yes SNOMED CT (⊓, 9R:C)( ) (Jan02-Jan04) SNOMED CT (⊓, 9R:C)(+) (Jul04-present) R⊑ S Notation mostly follows Donini in Ch.3 Description Logic Handbook (+) means right identities were used CONTEXT MODEL Common patterns • Caveat: these are intended for illustrative purposes only, as examples of ways that system builders might simplify postcoordination for their clinical experts • They are full logical models for which the meaning can be represented in the interface and in storage with more than one split between the information model and terminology model Common patterns • • • • • • • • • • • Clinical finding present Clinical finding absent Clinical finding unknown History of No history of Family history of No family history of Observable + value Procedure done Procedure not done (Drug or procedure) contraindicated • Plus: – all the above with site, or site & laterality Clinical finding present Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-present (<finding>) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Abrasion of upper limb Situation Associated finding Finding context Abrasion of upper limb Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-present (abrasion of upper limb) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical finding absent Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-absent (<finding>) Current Current or specified time Subject of record No chest retractions Situation Associated finding Finding context Chest wall retraction Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-absent (chest wall retraction) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical finding unknown Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Unknown Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-unknown (<finding>) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Splenomegaly: unknown Situation Associated finding Finding context splenomegaly Unknown Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-unknown (splenomegaly) Current Current or specified time Subject of record History of <finding> Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context History-of (<finding>) Current In the past Subject of record History of MI Situation Associated finding Finding context Myocardial infarction Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context History-of (myocardial infarction) Current In the past Subject of record No history of <finding> Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context No-history-of (<finding>) Current All times past Subject of record No history of seizure Situation Associated finding Finding context seizure (finding) Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context No-history-of (seizure (finding) ) Current All times past Subject of record Family history of <finding> Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Family-history-of (<finding>) Current In the past Family member Family history of ischemic heart disease Situation Associated finding Finding context Ischemic heart disease Known present Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Family-history-of (ischemic heart disease) Current In the past Family member No family history of <finding> Situation Associated finding Finding context <finding> Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context No-family-history-of (<finding>) Current All times past Family member No family history of dementia Situation Associated finding Finding context dementia Known absent Group Temporal context Subject relationship context No-family-history-of (dementia) Current All times past Family member Switch to procedures • Slightly different: – Two attributes: • Associated-procedure • Procedure-context • Same: – Temporal context – Subject relationship context Procedure done Situation Associated procedure Procedure context <procedure> Done Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Procedure-done (<procedure>) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Tetanus booster given Situation Associated procedure Procedure context Booster tetanus vaccination (procedure) Done Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Procedure-done (booster tetanus vaccination) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Procedure not done Situation Associated procedure Procedure context <procedure> Not done Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Procedure-not-done (<procedure>) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Neurological examination not done Situation Associated procedure Procedure context Neurological examination (procedure) Not done Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Procedure-not-done (neurological examination) Current Current or specified time Subject of record Drug contraindicated Situation Associated procedure Direct-substance Procedure context Administration of medication <substance> Contraindicated Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Drug-contraindicated (<substance>) Current or specified time Subject of record Warfarin contraindicated Situation Associated procedure Direct-substance Procedure context Administration of medication warfarin Contraindicated Group Temporal context Subject relationship context Drug-contraindicated (warfarin) Current or specified time Subject of record Add site to previous patterns • • • • Clinical finding present + site Clinical finding present + site + laterality Clinical finding absent + site Clinical finding absent + site + laterality Clinical finding present + site Situation Associated finding <finding> Finding-site <site> Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site (<finding>,<site>) Bleeding finger Situation Associated finding bleeding Finding-site Finger structure Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site (bleeding, finger structure) Bleeding index finger Situation Associated finding bleeding Finding-site Index finger structure Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site (bleeding,index finger structure) Clinical finding absent + site Situation Associated finding <finding> Finding-site <site> Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known absent Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-absent-with-site (<finding>,<site>) No right femoral bruit Situation Associated finding Femoral bruit Finding-site Right femoral artery Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known absent Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-absent-with-site (femoral bruit,right femoral artery) No right femoral bruit Situation Associated finding bruit Finding-site Right femoral artery Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known absent Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-absent-with-site (bruit,right femoral artery) Clinical finding present + site + side Situation Associated finding <finding> Finding-site <site> Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context <side> Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site-and-side (<finding>,<site>,<side>) Right femoral bruit present Situation Associated finding bruit Finding-site Femoral artery Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Right Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site-and-side (bruit, femoral artery, right) Clinical finding present + site + side Situation Associated finding <finding> Finding-site <site> Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context <side> Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site-and-side (<finding>,<site>,<side>) Bleeding of left index finger present Situation Associated finding bleeding index finger structure Finding-site Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context left Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-present-with-site-and-side (bleeding, index finger structure, left) Bleeding skin, left index finger Situation Associated finding bleeding Finding-site Skin of index finger Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Clinical-finding-present-with-site-and-side (bleeding, skin of index finger, left) Known present Current or specified time Subject of record left Clinical finding absent + site + side Situation Associated finding <finding> Finding-site <site> Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context <side> Known absent Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-absent-with-site-and-side (<finding>,<site>,<side>) No right femoral bruit Situation Associated finding bruit Finding-site Femoral artery Laterality Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known absent Current or specified time Subject of record Clinical-finding-absent-with-site-and-side (bruit, femoral artery, right) right Using observables • Finding present + observable + value Finding present, observable + value Situation Associated finding Clinical finding Group Has-interpretation Interprets <value> <observable> Group Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Finding-present-observable-value (<observable>,<value>) Knee jerk reflex 2+ (out of 4) Situation Associated finding Clinical finding Group Has-interpretation ++ 260348001 Interprets Knee jerk reflex Group 271714006 Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Finding-present-observable-value (knee jerk reflex,++) Finding present, observable + site + value (assuming we approve a site attribute for observables) Situation Associated finding Clinical finding Group Has-interpretation Interprets <value> <observable> Group obs-site Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context <site> Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Finding-present-obs-site-value (<observable>,<site>,<value>) Left knee jerk reflex ++ (assuming we approve a site attribute for observables) Situation Associated finding Clinical finding Group Has-interpretation Interprets ++ Knee jerk reflex Group obs-site Finding context Temporal context Subject relationship context Left knee Known present Current or specified time Subject of record Finding-present-obs-site-value (knee jerk reflex, left knee,++) Procedure patterns • Procedure done + method + site • Procedure done + method + site + laterality Procedure done, method+site Situation Associated procedure procedure Group Procedure site - direct Method Group Procedure context Temporal context Subject relationship context <site> <method> Done Current or specified time Subject of record Procedure-done-plus-method-site (<method>,<site>) X-ray of wrist done Situation Associated procedure procedure Group Procedure site - direct Method Group Procedure context Temporal context Subject relationship context Radiographic imaging Done Current or specified time Subject of record Procedure-done-plus-method-site (x-ray, wrist) wrist Procedure done, method+site+side Situation Associated procedure procedure Group Procedure site - direct Laterality <site> <side> Group Method Procedure context Temporal context Subject relationship context <method> Done Current or specified time Subject of record Procedure-done-method-site-side (<method>,<site>,<side>) X-ray of left wrist done Situation Associated procedure procedure Group Procedure site - direct Laterality Group Method Procedure context Temporal context Subject relationship context Procedure-done-method-site-side (radiographic imaging, wrist, left) left radiographic imaging Done Current or specified time Subject of record wrist More specific patterns also possible • For example: – Suture of skin done + site + laterality Suture of skin done, site + side Situation Associated procedure Closure of skin by suture Group Proceduresite-indirect <site> Laterality Group Proceduremorphology-direct Method Temporal context Subject relationship context Laceration Closure by device Using-device Procedure context <side> Suture Done Current or specified time Subject of record Suture of laceration of skin of left index finger: done Situation Associated procedure Closure of skin by suture Group Proceduresite-indirect Skin of index finger Laterality Group Proceduremorphology-direct Method Temporal context Subject relationship context Laceration Closure by device Using-device Procedure context left Suture Done Current or specified time Subject of record REDESIGN PROJECTS Anatomy Redesign • Reintroduce part-of roles • Sufficiently define the S and P of the SEP triad • Align the E with the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) Reflexive roles • Plan to introduce reflexive “part-of” as a way of handling “SEP” model evolution proper-part-of v part-of ² v part-of S ´ 9 part-of . E P ´ 9 proper-part-of . E Suntisrivaraporn B, Baader F, Schulz S, and Spackman K. Replacing SEP-Triplets in SNOMED CT using Tractable Description Logic Operators. In Jim Hunter Riccardo Bellazzi, Ameen Abu-Hanna, editor, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'07), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 287-291, 2007. Substance Redesign • Remove inappropriate is-a relationships • Add new attributes and values • Many difficult decisions remain – How to represent “may be used as …” • Timolol may be used as an eye medicine for glaucoma • Timolol may be used as a cardiac beta blocker – Are H2CO3 and HCO3- the same or different? Do we represent the various anions of drugs also? organism redesign • Major steps: 1. organize SNOMED's taxonomy into a systematic and consistent Linnean hierarchy 2. remove all non-taxonomic information about living organisms from the taxonomic hierarchy 3. represent such information, when understandable, reproducible and useful, elsewhere in the terminology Current taxonomy includes: • Linnean taxonomic terms (“Canis familiaris”) • Common names for organisms (“Dog”) • Non-taxonomic information – Use and Circumstances • Laboratory fur-bearing animal – Pathogenicity • Parasite, pyogenic bacterium – Life cycle stage of organisms • Worm eggs Common names in the FSN: • Some organisms have many common names – Butorides virescens = green heron, green-backed heron, little green heron, crab-catcher, fly-up-the-creek, green bittern, poke, shitepoke, skeow, skow, and swamp squaggin • May be impossible to verify what organism is meant – Ex: Comte de Paris star frontlet (organism) ??? • A single common name may refer to more than one species: – Ex: Yellowhammer (organism) MAY BE A Emberiza citrinella, MAY BE A Colaptes auratus Non-taxonomic terms in a taxonomic hierarchy: • a subtype is always and necessarily a "kind of" its parent (this is what subsumption means) • interpolation of non-taxonomic terms in a taxonomic hierarchy violates this convention – these terms are often context-dependent rather than defining. • An elephant may be a domestic animal in India • a dog may be a food animal in Korea • Is a canary a “Wild bird--chordate” or a “Domestic fowl”? – Answer: Neither. It is Serinus canaria Further enhancements of the model • Attributes & values to represent contextual information about living organisms – Contexts of domesticity (domestic, feral, wild) – Contexts of use (food, laboratory, companion, service, breeding, etc) – Contexts of life stage (oocyst, larva, spore, trophozooite, etc) – Contexts of medical significance (parasite, renotrophic organism, pathogen)??? Qualifiers for organisms? • An organism might be qualified by non-taxonomic attributes/values, just as a disease might be qualified by severity, stage, episode, degree of control, etc. • But: – Type 2 diabetes that is out of control is not really a different type of disease; it is a different type of situation in which type 2 diabetes (the disease) is present. – Dairy cattle and beef cattle are not really different types of organisms; they are different types of contexts in which cattle (organisms) are used for different purposes. What about “infectious agents”? • The taxonomy of parasites, bacteria and other potentially pathogenic microorganisms is also a mixture of scientific names, common names, and contextual information • Attempting to convey “contexts of pathogenicity” creates errors in logic: – Ex: Helminth ISA Parasite? • Wrong. Most helminths are not parasitic – Ex: Fungus ISA Infectious agent? • Wrong. Most fungi are not infectious Observable Redesign • Separate processes, functions, and qualities • Add attributes that define observables in terms of: – – – – Properties they observe Timing Scales or units Techniques of observation • Add attributes that define qualities/properties in terms of: – the independent continuant in which they inhere DRAFT model of observables Observable entity COMPONENT Substances, functions, processes, activities, organisms, cell structures PROPERTY Properties SYSTEM / OBSERVABLE SITE Specimens, Sites TIME ASPECT Time aspects SCALE / UNITS Scale types, units TECHNIQUE techniques DRAFT alternative model of observables Observable entity PROPERTY INHERES IN TOWARDS properties independent continuant Functions, substances TIME ASPECT Time aspects SCALE / UNITS Scale types, units TECHNIQUE techniques Events, conditions, episodes • Need to define what is an event, what is a condition, what is an episode • Need criteria for deciding whether we need one code or two – – – – seizure, epilepsy: clearly different, so we need two codes tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia: same or different? low hemoglobin, anemia: same or different? rash of forearm: do we need both a disorder and a finding? Should we add more expressive DL features? • • • • • • • • • General concept inclusion axioms Transitive roles Reflexive roles Disjointness axioms Value restrictions Negation Disjunction Cyclic definitions Number restrictions General concept inclusion axioms • Extremely useful feature • Compatible with a polynomial-time structural subsumption algorithm • Allows us to say what is true in addition to what is sufficient – Gastric ulcer is located in the stomach, and in addition it necessarily involves the gastric mucosa Transitive roles • x Ry ⋀ y Rz → x Rz • Useful for causal/associational chains • Interaction with role hierarchy is interesting & useful • Example: Associated-with-after – Varicella (chicken pox) – An infection with causative-agent = varicella virus – Herpes zoster – Also has causative-agent = varicella virus, and occurs after varicella – Post-herpetic neuralgia – Occurs after herpes zoster (therefore occurs after varicella), but is not an infection with causative-agent varicella virus Reflexive roles • Plan to introduce reflexive “part-of” as a way of handling “SEP” model evolution proper-part-of v part-of ² v part-of S ´ 9 part-of . E P ´ 9 proper-part-of . E Suntisrivaraporn B, Baader F, Schulz S, and Spackman K. Replacing SEP-Triplets in SNOMED CT using Tractable Description Logic Operators. In Jim Hunter Riccardo Bellazzi, Ameen Abu-Hanna, editor, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'07), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 287-291, 2007. Value restriction 8R:C • Not an intuitive construct – person u 8hasCar:Jaguar – Includes people who have no car, but if they had one it would have to be a Jaguar . . . . Do we encounter this kind of concept in common-sense thinking? • Creates pernicious interactions with disjunction and negation that tend to make structural subsumption algorithms incomplete • But it was included in ALC and FL, so languages including it were studied extensively. Negation :C • Head injury without loss of consciousness headInjury u : lossOfConsciousness situation u 9 includes.headinjury u : 9 includes.lossOfConsciousness Disjunction C t D • Some high-level aggregators are naturally disjunctive • We can address this need partially by using navigation hierarchies Cyclic definitions, number restrictions • ? No significant need for these at present INFORMATION MODEL INTERACTIONS Interaction between Terminology and Information Models Clinical Decision Support Model + Inference Rules Terminology Model + Compositional Expressions Information Model + Patient Data Structures Diagram based on Figure 1 in Rector AL et al. “Interface of Inference Models with Concept and Medical Record Models” AIME 2001: 314-323 Terminology vs Information model What’s the issue? • Information model: – Determines and organizes the kinds of entities which carry values in a record – Loosely referred to as slots, facets, fields, questions • Terminology model: – Determines and organizes the kinds of entities which are the values – Variously referred to as the terminology or ontology or value sets Extremes (reductio ad absurdum) • Put all meaning in the terminology – A code (or terminology expression) for every meaning that needs to be expressed – Only one “field” in the record • What about dates, numeric values, names, places, and relationships between them? • Put all meaning in the information model – Two values: “yes” and “no” – A “question” for every meaning that needs to be expressed, and a field for every question • What about combinatorial explosion of subtypes of things in the real world? Representing the semantics of clinical data • For any given application – There needs to be a boundary between information model and terminology • without gaps or overlaps • There are several different choices for where to draw the boundary between • No single choice of boundary is globally the best • How can we achieve standardization for interoperability? Terminology – information model interaction: broad tasks required • Identify gaps and overlaps • Design a strategy to – Fill the gaps – Manage the overlaps • Demonstrate implementability TermInfo – Specific advice Act.code & Observation.value (1) • HL7 theory – – • code nature of observation value value of the observation Practical implementation – Simple for numeric observations – Reasonable for observations with coded results • • – Hemoglobin level (code) = 14g/dL (value) Visual acuity (code) = Can count fingers (value) Tricky for observations where the distinction between the nature and value is arbitrary • “Blood group AB” could be … 1. ABO Blood grouping (code) Blood group AB (value) 2. Blood group A antigen (code) Present (value) and Blood group B antigen (code) Present (value) 3. Blood group AB (code) TermInfo – Specific advice Act.code & Observation.value (2) • • The code-value split is even more arbitrary for general clinical observations For example – Finding of abdominal tenderness … 1. Examination (code) abdomen tender (value) 2. Abdominal examination (code) abdomen tender (value) 3. Abdominal palpation (code) abdomen tender (value) 4. Abdominal tenderness (code) present (value) 5. Abdomen tender (code) TermInfo – Specific advice Code and Value – guidance • HL7 code and value distinction should be used for – Numeric and non-numeric results of measurement procedures • A single coded attribute should express the full semantics – If there is no non-arbitrary reproducible distinction – Recommended Implementation • • Act.Code = ASSERTION • Observation.Value = Coded SNOMED expression Rationale – SNOMED CT clinical findings are • not just the value of a particular type of observation • equivalent to an observable or observation type with a value “Code-value” discussion • Not unique to HL7 • Suggests terminology-information model standardization efforts may benefit from each other