Simulations - Dr Matthew J Koehler

(Science) Education and
Matthew J. Koehler
CEP 909, 11-03-05
School Science vs. Practiced Science
aka…. Houston: We have a problem ….
School Science
Theories (models) are presented
Data is presented in support of the theory (model)
Theories (models) are proved as true, or factually correct
Theories (models) are “rigid”
Science as practiced
Theories (model) are created
Theories (models) are a conceptual undertaking (as well as
Data is for evaluating fit
Theories (models) are in flux
Science as Theory Building
NOTE - The views presented here are overly simplified. Science
isn’t really this clean cut, as the fields of science history and
philosophy of science have pointed out. But, this has some
utility that we will use here.
Use Theory
Teach to Kids
NOTE: Science Ed is often reduced to dissemination
of theories, and not all the cool stuff on the right.
Most reform efforts seek to remedy this situation by
including some or all of the stuff to the right.
Make a
Science as Theory Building
There is some phenomena or system that could be better
The motion of objects
The functioning of a body organ
How altruism can have an evolutionary explanation
How termites can build a mound with limited intelligence
Science as Theory Building
Collect observations (data)
Measure the luminosity and positions
of stars (e.g. Tyco Brahe)
Collect field information about species diversity (e.g. Darwin)
Measure time and position of falling objects (e.g. Galileo)
Dissect animals to collect information on the characteristics
of bodily organs
Science as Theory Building
Now, simply make a theory :) In other
words, mix together:
One part logic
One part art
One part inspiration
One part insight
One part magic (the part that nobody understands)
SIDEBAR - What’s a theory
We build the theory because we wish to understand
something. Indicators of this understanding:
Theories have many forms
Text (e.g. Darwin) - Mutation and Selection drive the
evolution of species
Equations (e.g. Newton) - F=mA
Models (e.g. Keppler)
Simulations (e.g. Start of the universe models)
Science as Theory Building
Theories are Evaluated. Usually through
comparisons to existing data. Or by “running
experiments.” How well do they ____________ ?:
How do they compare to rival theories?
Which theory accounts for the data? (empirical)
Which theory explains better? (conceptual)
Which is more compelling?
Do they make different predictions in some (yet) untested
Science as Theory Building
Theories are revised
To better predict
To better explain
This often necessitates collecting more observations
and starting the cycle all over again.
Most broadly, refer to any virtual experience.
Many of which are not particular to science
Online communications (virtual community)
Art (virtual depictions)
Training (Flight simulators)
The rest of this presentation focuses on
simulations in science education
Simulation in Science Education
Observing and collecting data
Theory Building
Collecting data virtually for data that is hard to get during school
hours (e.g. star positions)
Training for collection procedures (e.g. cow eye dissection)
Having kids write simulations as embodiments of theories (e.g. Star
Logo, Model_It! )
Theory Evaluation
Getting data faster - Virtual lab environments where you can “run
experiments” much faster than the real world
Conducting experiments - Simulation makes predictions for certain
conditions. Could compare results to “real world.”
Simulation in Science Education
Theory Revision
Same as Building and Evaluation above
Teaching Theories
Making tradition teaching of theories come alive, by linking
phenomena to the the theoretical explanations and
representations. (e.g. DiSessa’s Physics World, Snir’s
density world, etc.)
Pro and Cons of Simulation #1
PRO: Simulations afford the opportunity to do the
otherwise impossible, difficult, or impractical (e.g.,
launch a rocket, Dissect a Dodo bird)
Impossible: May distort reality for students (e.g. shooting
people in video games is rewarded)
Difficult: May also distort reality when difficult things are
Impractical?: Virtual pendulum, why not a real pendulum
Pro and Cons of Simulation #2
PRO: Simulations can focus on the relevant, and
ignore the irrelevant (i.e. they can make the
“phenomena” more ideal)
Physics - Movement of objects without friction
Biology - Distinctive body parts that are easier to identify
Who gets to decide what’s “relevant”?
What if the “irrelevant” is relevant?
Danger of oversimplifying
Confusing the theory with reality (Reality is more complex)
Hiding the process of construction underlying theories and
Pro and Cons of Simulation #3
PRO: Simulations can allow students to make
manipulations and see their effects
Opens up the process of theory (model) building and
Invites students to see causation between the mechanisms
in the model and the effects on the phenomena
Misrepresenting Reality: Manipulations might not be possible
in the real world (You can’t change the mouth on an existing
fish like you can in the virtual aquarium)
Cognitive overload: requires reasoning about multiple
causations, which may overload students’ cognitive
Pro and Cons of Simulation #4
PRO: Simulations can make stuff that is hidden in the
real world visible in the simulation (e.g. vectors of
momentum, a trail of movement, color to represent
temperature, etc).
Theories become visible
Connections between the accepted notations and the
phenomena being modeled.
Correspondence: Lack of correspondence between reality
and the simulation (far too many to mention).
Obscures the process of deciding what to make visible, and
what representations are profitable for that phenomena
(dependent on the developer of the system).
Pro and Cons of Simulation #5
PRO: Allows theory building and modeling to be more
visible accessible, assessable, and sharable to all.
Connections between the “sterile theory” and the rich
phenomena becomes more accessible (e.g., Newtonian
billiard ball simulations).
Requires theories to be fully specified.
In some cases, the simulations become so accessible, that
children can make them (e.g. StarLogo).
Immersive: The simulation can be so compelling, students
can forget to ask important questions like: Who’s doing the
theory building and modeling? Why should I believe them?
Does Simulation = Theory ?
It can be
Most scientific simulations explicitly or implicitly embed a
theory (Newtonian physics, water cycle, movement of the
solar system, etc.)
But not necessarily
Example: Cow-eye dissection. There isn’t a theory (in the
explanatory sense) embedded in the the simulation. It’s
more of a virtual training guide to a scientific procedure to be
Does Simulation = Model ?
I think a simulation is a model
A model doesn’t have to be a simulation
Every simulation has a simplified world, a model of some
more complex system. This includes the cow-eye dissection
(the model eye is less “messy” than a real one).
For example, a model airplane (to scale) doesn’t simulate
anything about a real plane (other than the relative
proportions and positions of real plane features). It doesn’t
virtually fly, predict when it would stall out, it’s terminal
velocity, nor its’ stability.
A theory might be the same as a conceptual model
Does Theory = Model ?
It often does
Most theories have models that instantiate them (Newtonian
physics has plenty of models that behave accordingly - for
example DiSessa’s moving ball model, Evolutionary theories
have many associated models - we saw some in StarLogo).
Doesn’t have to be
Model w/o a theory - Example: model airplane (to scale).
Theory without a model - Constructivism as an educational
theory (Although one might argue that the development of
the theory is not far along enough to warrant the creation of
a model yet).
The End … ?
Questions, comments, criticisms,
critical acclaim, … ?