APUSH Topic 3 Ch. 4&5

Review Questions
Brinkley Ch. 4 and 5
Directions: In small groups, please take a few minutes to look over these
questions and come up with some thought provoking answers for discussion.
Chapter 4 Free-Response Questions
1. Until the 1750’s, Britain’s tradition of neglect influenced the way in which American society
developed as well as the way relationships evolved with its French and Indian neighbors in the
North American interior. Explain how this tradition of neglect specifically influenced the growth of
legislative assemblies, commerce with foreign nations, and the spread of religion in North America.
2. Dr. Brinkley states, “The French and Indian War had profound effects on the British Empire and
the American Colonies.” Provide specific examples to support this statement.
3. Explain the importance of the series of crises from the Sugar Act through the Coercive Acts. How
did each crisis change colonial attitudes toward the mother country?
Review Questions
Brinkley Ch. 4 and 5
Chapter 5 Free-Response Questions
1. On the eve of the American Revolution, to what extent had the colonists developed a sense of
their unity and identity as Americans?
2. How was it possible that 13 colonies were able to overcome the greatest military power in the
world and win the Revolutionary War?
3. Was the American Revolution more of a radical or conservative event in terms of the way in
which it shaped American political ideas and institutions?
Chapter 4 Terms
These terms contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how the American colonists begin to
develop a distinct American political, economic, cultural, and religious identity. While defining these
terms, demonstrate why each person, event, concept, or issue is important to a thorough understanding
of this chapter. The use of note cards for each term is highly recommended.
Albany Plan
Louisiana and New Orleans
Iroquois Confederacy
French and Indian War
Peace of Paris, 1763
Proclamation of 1763
George III
George Grenville
Sugar Act of 1764
Currency Act of 1764
Mutiny (Quartering) Act of 1765
Stamp Act of 1765
North Carolina Regulators
Stamp Act Crisis
Colonial boycotts
Sons of Liberty
Townshend Acts of 1767
Boston Massacre
Committee of Correspondence
Virtual and actual representation
Tea Act of 1773
Daughters of Liberty
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Quebec Act
First Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
Chapter 5 Terms
These terms contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the American Revolution and its
aftermath. While you define these terms, demonstrate why each person, event, concept, or issue is
important to a thorough understanding of this chapter. Use of note cards for these terms is highly
Common Sense and John Locke
Continental Congress
Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
George Washington
British surrender at Saratoga
Iroquois Confederacy
“militia diplomats”
French intervention in the war
Treaty of Paris
Female “Camp Followers”
Judith Sargent Murray
Small freeholders
State Constitutions
Virginia’s Statute of Religious
Land Ordinance of 1785
Treaty with Spain 1786
Public Domain
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Shay’s Rebellion