WYAR Chapter 1 - Newark City Schools

While You Are Reading…
A New World
Name: ____________________________________________________
APUSH – Burris
Date/Period: _________________
1. What was the importance of the exposed land bridge
connecting Eurasia to North America?
2. Describe the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.
3. What were some characteristics of the Pueblo Indians?
4. Describe the eastern North American tribes.
5. Describe some common characteristics of Native American
6. How did most Native American societies view land and
7. Describe gender relations for most Native American societies?
8. How did Europeans view Native Americans?
9. What was the idea behind “Christian liberty”?
10. Describe European society (hierarchy and women’s rights).
11. As the Portuguese moved further down the African coast,
what occurred?
12. Describe slavery in Africa before the transatlantic slave
13. What was the reconquista, and why was it important?
14. Describe Columbus’ and Vespucci’s discoveries.
15. What helped inspire rapid European exploration?
16. How did Cortes and Pizarro conquer the Aztecs and Incas?
17. Describe the Columbian Exchange.
18. Describe the Spanish empire in America.
19. What were some common characteristics of those Spanish
who came to America?
20. What was the importance of the Protestant Reformation?
21. What was the relationship between the Spanish and Native
22. Describe the Black Legend.
23. Where did the Spanish extend in the American South and
24. What happened during the Pueblo Revolt?
25. Why did the Americans drop the atomic bomb?
26. What was the outcome of the Yalta conference?
27. Why did French explorers travel to the New World?
28. Describe the relationship between the French and the Native
29. Why did the Dutch travel to the New World?
30. Describe the relationship between the Dutch and Native