Chapter 12 reading and study guide

Chapter 12: Blood Reading Guide and Review Questions
1. List the major components of blood.
2. Describe, in details, a red blood cell. You can draw one to HELP you describe it.
3. Distinguish between oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin.
4. Describe the life cycle of an RBC.
5. Define erythropoietin. What is its function?
6. Explain how vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies affect RBC production.
7. Distinguish between biliverdin and bilirubin.
8. Distinguish between granulocytes and agranulocytes.
9. Make a chart. List the 5 types of leukocytes. List their functions.
10. Explain the significance of a white blood cell count (as an aid to diagnosing disease).
11. Describe a blood platelet. Explains its many functions.
12. Make a chart. List the 3 types of plasma proteins. List their major functions.
13. Define lipoprotein.
14. Describe the relative densities of lipids and proteins.
15. Distinguish between low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein.
16. Describe how lipoproteins are removed from plasma
17. Define nonprotein nitrogenous substances. Name those commonly found in plasma
18. Name several (more than 3!) plasma electrolytes
19. Define hemastasis
20. Explain how blood vessel spasms are stimulated following an injury.
21. Explain how a platelet plug forms.
22. List the major steps leading to the formation of a blood clot.
23. Distinguish between fibrinogen and fibrin.
24. Explain how positive feedback operates during blood clotting.
25. Distinguish between a thrombus and an embolus.
26. Distinguish between an antigen and an antibody.
27. Explain why an exact match between donor and recipient blood is best.
28. Distinguish between Rh+ and Rh-blood.
29. How might a person become sensitized to Rh+ blood.
30. Define erythroblastosis fetalis. Explain how this condition may develop.
31. What is hemophilia? Describe symptoms and/or what results.
32. What is von Willebrand disease? Describe symptoms and/or what results.
33. Erythropoietin is available as a prescription drug. Why might athletes, in particular, abuse it?
34. How might a technique to remove A and B antigens from red blood cells possibly be used to increase
the supply of donated blood?
35. Blood typing problems: see attached worksheets!