Hamlet Quiz's

Hamlet Quiz #1: Act I
1) Who appears to Hamlet in the forest?
His uncle
His father *
A close friend
his own spirit
2) Where does the story take place?
Elsinore Castle in Denmark*
Oxford castle
Leeds Castle in London
Buckingham Palace
3) Who does Hamlet’s mother get married to?
Hamlets father
4) Why does Claudius want Hamlet to be sent away?
Because he does not like Hamlet.
Because Hamlet is acting childish.
Because he does not want him to take the crown.*
Because he is afraid that Hamlet will start rumors, and create a bad reputation for him.
5) Who is Ophelia’s brother?
Laertes *
6) What is the wish of Hamlet’s Father?
To give him a proper funeral
To bury his body
To seek revenge*
To tell him how to obtain the throne
7) How long after the death of her husband did Queen Gertrude get married?
1 year
3 weeks
6 months
2 months *
8) Where does Polonius plan and prepare to leave for/
The following two questions are direct quotes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III. On a
separate piece of paper please fill in the name of the person whom you think is making the
statement, what they are saying, and why it’s important:
9) “ I find thee apt, and duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe
wharf, wouldst thou not stir in this. Now Hamlet, hear. ‘Tis given out that, sleeping in my
orchard, a serpent stung me. So the whole ear of Dennmark is by a forged process of my death
rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth, the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears
his crown.” (Dead King, p.29)
10) “As I do live, my honored lord, ‘tis true, and we did think it writ down in our duty to let you
know” (Horatio p.17)
Hamlet Quiz #2: Act II
1) Who does Polonius get Laertes?
2) Who offended Ophelia?
3) Who is Hamlet claimed to be in love with?
4) Why does Hamlet enter into a state of ‘madness’
Because he truly is
Because his father’s death made him that way
Because his mothers re-marriage made him that way
Because it was part of his plan to seek revenge *
5) Why do Hamlets friends come to visit him?
To help him tame his madness *
To pay their respects because of his father’s death
Because they haven’t seen him in a while
Because they were passing through Hamlet’s town
6) Why was it requested to Claudius that Prince Fortinbra’s armies be allowed safe passage
through Denmark?
Because he was going to get a large sum of money
Because they were going to attack the Poles*
Because they were travelling back home
Because they needed to practice
7) Where does Hamlet welcome his friends to stay?
In his room
In the guest room
8) What are the names of Hamlets good friends?
Fortibus and Laertes
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern *
Philip and Rosencrantz
Guildenstern and Barabbas
The following two questions are direct quotes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III. On a
separate piece of paper please fill in the name of the person whom you think is making the
statement, what they are saying, and why it’s important:
9) “ That hath made him mad. I am sorry that with better heed and judgment I had not quoted
him. I feared he did but trifle and meant to wrack thee; but beshrew my jealousy.”(Polonius, p38)
10) “O vengeance! Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave, that I the son of a dear father
murdered prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell must, like a whore, unpack my heart with
words and fall a cursing like a very drab.” (Hamlet p.59)d
Hamlet Quiz #3: Act III
1) What does Ophelia wish to give back to Hamlet?
Tokens of love *
His father’s ring
His belt
A love note
2) What does Hamlet criticize women for?
Not cooking well
Not cleaning well
Turning men into monsters *
Not being compassionate enough
3) Where does Claudius claim that he will send Hamlet?
4) Who does Claudius send to spy on Hamlet?
Polonius *
5) What does Hamlet warn Horatio that he will do?
Act strangely *
Burst out in song during the performance
Kidnap Ophelia
Run away
6) What was the purpose of the play being shown?
To entertain people
To show that Hamlets uncle killed his father *
Because Queen Gertrude wanted to watch a play
Because Hamlets friends were in town
7) What does Claudius do when the main purpose of the play is revealed?
Asks for an encore
Leaves *
8) When Hamlet attacks the person behind the curtain, who does he think he is killing?
Claudius *
The following two questions are direct quotes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III. On a
separate piece of paper please fill in the name of the person whom you think is making the
statement, what they are saying, and why it’s important:
9) “ My lord, I have remembrance of yours that I have longed long to redeliver. I pray you now
receive them.” (Ophelia p.64)
10) “This is the very coinage of your brain. This bodiless creation ecstasy is very cunning in.”
(Queen Gertrude p.91)
Hamlet Quiz #4: Act IV
1) Who witnesses the murder that Hamlet commits?
Gertrude *
2) What does Hamlet tell his friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he did with the dead
Chopped it up in pieces
Buried it
Didn’t tell them *
Threw it in the lake
3) Who turns Hamlet into king Claudius for the murder that he committed?
Gertrude *
4) What does the secret conversation between Gertrude and Claudius entail?
That they will execute Hamlet in England*
That they will send Hamlet to a far land
That they will seek counseling for Hamlet
They will punish him for the crime he committed
5) What does Claudius seek to protect?
His crown*
His wife
Anyone else from dying
Hamlets reputation
6) What does Claudius seek to protect?
His crown*
His wife
Anyone else from dying
Hamlets reputation
7) What does Claudius seek to protect?
His crown*
His wife
Anyone else from dying
Hamlets reputation
8) What does Claudius seek to protect?
His crown*
His wife
Anyone else from dying
Hamlets reputation
The following two questions are direct quotes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III. On a
separate piece of paper please fill in the name of the person whom you think is making the
statement, what they are saying, and why it’s important:
9) “ Mad as the sea and wind when both contended which is the mightier. In his lawless fit,
behind the arras hearing something stir, whips out his rapier, cries ‘a rat, a rat!’ and in his
brainish apprehension kills the unseen good old man.” (Queen Gertrude, p.94)
10) “ Follow him at foot; tempt him with speed aboard. Delay it not; I’ll have him hence
tonight. Away! For everything is sealed and done that else leans on th’ affair. Pray you make
haste.” (King Claudius, p.99)
Hamlet Quiz #5: Act V
1) Why was there an argument about Ophelia’s burial?
Because it looked like a suicide. *
Because Hamlet loved her and wanted her buried at the place of his choosing.
Because her father wanted her cremated.
Because they could not find her body.
2)What interesting fact does the gravedigger tell Hamlet?
That Hamlet really is not a prince
That he has been a gravedigger since Hamlet was born*
That he buried Ophelia’s body somewhere else
That he really is not a gravedigger
3)Who else attended Ophelia’s funeral amongst Claudius, Gertrude and ______
4)What kind of burial did Ophelia receive?
Christian *
5)What does Hamlet realize at Ophelia’s funeral?
That it was her that died*
That he killed her
That he doesn’t like where she was being buried
That he doesn’t like her outfit she is being buried in
6)What does the priest say to Laertes?
That he is a sinner
That to give Ophelia a Christian funeral would offend the dead*
That Ophelia needs another blessing
That he cant perform Ophelia’s burial
7)What does the king tell Gertrude NOT to do
Drink from the cup*
Steal Ophelia’s jewelry
Take Hamlet back
Divorce him
8)What interesting fact does the gravedigger tell Hamlet?
Because it looked like a suicide. *
Because Hamlet loved her and wanted her buried at the place of his choosing.
Because her father wanted her cremated.
Because they could not find her body.
The following two questions are direct quotes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III. On a
separate piece of paper please fill in the name of the person whom you think is making the
statement, what they are saying, and why it’s important:
9) “What is he whose grief bears such an emphasis, who phase of sorrow conjures the wandering
stars, and makes them stand like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I.” (Hamlet p.128)
10) “Bear Hamlet like a solider to the stage, For he was likely, had he been put on, to have
proved most royal; and for his passage the soldiers’ music and the rite of war speak loudly for
him. Take up the bodies. Such a sight as this becomes the field, but here shows much amiss. Go,
bid the soldiers shoot.” (Fortinbras, p.144)