
ELACC9-10RI6: Determine an author’s point of
view or purpose in a text and analyze how an
author uses rhetoric to advance that point of
view or purpose.
ELACC9-10RI8: Delineate and evaluate the
argument and specific claims in a text,
assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the
evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false
statements and fallacious reasoning.
ELACC9-10RI9: Analyze seminal U.S. documents
of historical and literary significance, including
how they address related themes and
 How
do I determine whether an
argument is sound or fallacious?
Partner Work
 On
a separate sheet of paper:
Put your names on your paper
Title your paper: Persuasive Techniques
Cite examples from Andrew Jackson’s
Speech for ethos, pathos, logos.
Explain how each example is an example
of ethos, pathos, logos, or a combination.
 “Words
taken from his speech.” This quote
illustrates (ethos, pathos, logos, or a
combination of…) by….
 The
state of being withdrawn or isolated
from the objective world, as through
indifference or disaffection.
 Use context clues to define the phrase
“cultural alienation”
Trail of Tears
 in
U.S. history, the forced relocation during
the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians to
areas west of the Mississippi River
 Approximately
100,000 indigenous people
were forced from their homes during this
 Sometimes
known as the removal era
Trail of Tears
 15,000
died during the journey West
 The
term Trail of Tears invokes the
collective suffering these people
 Most
commonly used in reference to the
removal experiences of the Southeast
Indians and the Cherokee Nation
Andrew Jackson’s Speech
“It will separate the Indians from immediate
contact with settlements of whites; free them
from the power of the States; enable them to
pursue happiness in their own way and under
their own rude institutions; will retard the
progress of decay, which is lessening their
numbers, and perhaps cause them gradually,
under the protection of the Government and
through the influence of good counsels, to
cast off their savage habits and become an
interesting, civilized, and Christian
Andrew Jackson’s Speech
 “Rightly
considered, the policy of the
General Government toward the red man
is not only liberal, but generous. He is
unwilling to submit to the laws of the
States and mingle with their population.
To save him from this alternative, or
perhaps utter annihilation, the General
Government kindly offers him a new
home, and proposes to pay the whole
expense of his removal and settlement.”
Logical Fallacies
 Using
this website – create a list of logical
fallacies and examples on page 16 in
your reading section
 On page 15 – cite examples of logical
fallacies in Andrew Jackson’s Speech and
from the Indian Removal Act