Manifest Destiny and the Age of Jackson

 Elected in 1828. Popular in the South
 Ran against John Quincy Adams who he said
was part of the aristocracy.
 The first President to come from humble
 Voting laws changed so that men no longer
had to be property owners in order to vote.
 Jackson appealed to these new voters by
saying he was a common man.
 “The People’s President”
 By 1828 the Democratic Republicans had
shortened their name to the Democrats.
 Spoils System: Jackson gave his political
supporters government jobs to reward them
for their efforts.
 Jackson and his Democrats hated the National Bank.
 He supported Southern farmers and many of them
thought the bank was corrupt.
Manufacturers in the North liked the Bank.
In 1832 Congress voted to renew the bank.
Jackson vetoed it. He said that the bank led to the
“advancement of the few at the expense of the many.”
The bank crisis led to the formation of the Whig Party.
Whigs wanted a strong federal government, protective
tariffs, and were loose constructionists.
 1828 and 1832 Congress passes tariffs on imported
goods, which benefit northern manufacturers but
hurts southern planters.
 South Carolina votes to nullify (void) the tariffs and
threatens to secede from the Union if the federal
government decides to use force.
 Jackson gets the authority to send troops to South
 Congress reduces the tariffs.
Tough Question:
What is the broader significance of the nullification
 Jackson removed thousands of Indians
living in the South.
 Many had adopted white American culture
and had schools, practiced Christianity, and
formed Constitutions with Republican
 The Native Americans thought their best
hope was to assimilate into white society.
 Between 1827 and 1830, Georgia seized the land
of Native Americans.
 This violated federal peace treaties with Indian
 John Marshall ruled in favor of the Indians.
 Tough Question of the Day: How does this
ruling fit in with the other rulings of the
Marshall court we have talked about so far?
(Think about Marbury v. Madison and
McCulloch v. Maryland.
 The Supreme Court ruled that the Federal
government had formed treaties with the
Native American tribes and the State
governments could not override Federal
 Again, the Marshall Court thought the
Federal government should hold more
power than the states.
 Jackson refused to enforce Worcester v. Georgia
 Congress passed the Indian removal act which moved
Southern Native Americans to what is now Oklahoma.
 Trail of Tears: In 1838 U.S. soldiers forced 16,000
Cherokees to walk from their lands in the Southeast to
Oklahoma. 4,000 died of disease and starvation on
their long hard journey.
How does this cartoon
portray Jackson’s use of
Was Jackson a man of
the people? Or power
 Manifest Destiny: The belief that God wanted
Americans to expand Westward.
 Westward expansion worsened tensions about slavery.
 Read Document 2b on pg. 15 of packet and answer the
 Louisiana Purchase
 Florida: 1821 Purchased from Spain under John Quincy Adams.
 Texas (1845): Texas they declared independence from Mexico,
but they were weak and wanted to be annexed by the United
States. Northerners didn’t want to accept another slave state into
the Union. They compromised by saying they would bring
Oregon into the Union at the same time as a free state.
annexation: The federal policy of adding territory (Texas) to the
United States.
 Oregon (1846): Agreement with Great Britain
 California and the Southwest(1848): Gained from the
treaty which ended the Mexican American war.
 Gasden Purchase: (1853) Purchased from Mexico.
Included New Mexico and Southern Arizona.
 Alaska (1867) Purchased from Russia