Art 1 Sketchbook Assignments fall 2015

These are the requirements for Art 1 Sketchbook Assignments:
You must complete a minimum of 3 assignments listed below in each 3-week period.
 Drawings should fill the ENTIRE sketchbook page (points will be deducted for small
 Include DETAILS (include textures & value, unless otherwise specified.)
 Spend a minimum of 60 minutes on each assignment.
 Each sketchbook assignment counts as a QUIZ grade!
 Sketchbooks handed in late will be accepted but 30 points removed for lateness, 2 days late
will receive a “0”.
objects! That means NOT from memory, photos, or imagination. (except where otherwise
noted). Pay close attention to proportions (size relationships)
YOU MUST LABEL EACH PICTURE at the top with the appropriate title (ex: SB #1:
Black & White Design)
Grading: Total 25 pts. Each
Size 0-5
Effort 0-10
Creativity 0-5
Label 0-5
25 pts.
Sketchbook Assignments:
Below are just some of the sketchbook assignments we have done throughout the years. Not
listed are the essential contour line & gesture drawings that are required throughout the year.
SB #1: Black & White Design: Using only simple geometric shapes (circles,
squares, rectangles & triangles) create an interesting composition with a focal point. Without
outlining any shapes use parallel lines to give different values for each shape. Use only
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines. You can also use Solid black or solid white to fill a shape.
Use a ruler & circle templates!! Medium: Sharpies
SB #2: Juxtaposition Drawing: Create a new object by combining 2 unrelated objects-one
needs to be from nature, the other needs to be mechanical. Render with full
shading. Medium:colored pencil
SB #3: Contour line: Look in your backpack or purse, pull out 5 things you use on a regular
basis (phone can not be one!) arrange them in an interesting way, then draw a contour line
drawing (outline only) of the composition. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #4: Scissor Metamorphosis: Use a pair of scissors as a beginning point, creatively transform
the scissors into something else- a monster, a robot, a machine, a vehicle, an animal. Change its
scale & it purpose. Render with full shading. Medium: colored pencils
SB #5: Student Choice: Choose your own subject and complete a drawing using skills &
techniques learned in class. Medium: Your Choice
SB #6: Preposterous Cross-links: Choose any 2 words below to combine together in one
Turtle Octopus
Rat Fish
Scissors Tire Clock
Medium: colored pencil
SB #7: Futuristic Mutation: Take an everyday object and use your imagination to redesign it
with a futuristic look.Medium: colored pencils
SB #8: Small world: What if you were the size of an ant, draw the view you would see if you
were in a forest looking at ground level looking up. You can have it look cartoon-like, add
fantasy creatures (keep them appropriate!) Medium: colored pencils
SB #9: Shoe: Draw one of your shoes from your closet. Or a shoe that you think is very
interesting (ballet, boot, etc.) ADD FULL SHADING Medium: colored pencil
SB #10: Wheels: Draw something with wheels (Real or imaginary). Medium: your choice
SB #11: 2D & 3D Arrows: Create a full page composition using a combination of 3dimensional and 2-dimensional arrows. Use overlapping to break up the spaces into interesting
positive and negative shapes. Medium: Outline with sharpie and fill the shapes with markers
SB #12: Non-objective: Create a non-objective drawing using lines, shapes (geometric) & coloruse a color scheme! Medium: Markers or colored pencils
SB #13: Pet Portrait: Draw a picture of your pet or the pet you would LOVE to
have. Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #14: Skateboard Deck Designs: create TWO designs for the bottom of a skateboard. You
can use realistic, abstract or non-objective designs. Keep it CLEAN &
appropriate. Medium: Sharpies & Markers
SB #15: Hand Value Study: Draw your hand in 2 different appropriate positions (both on the
same page). Render with full shading. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #16: Eye Study: Find 4 different eyes in magazines. Cut them out & glue them to your
sketchbook page. Draw the eyes underneath the picture & render with a FULL range of
shading. Medium: pencils or colored pencils
SB #17: Color Scheme: Choose your own subject, create an obvious focal point and complete
the drawing by coloring it in a color scheme of your choice. Label what color scheme you used
next to the title. Medium: Colored Pencils, Paint, or Markers
SB #18: Realistic VS Abstract: Choose one object to draw (an interesting one! NOT simple!)
Divide you sketchbook page in half with a pencil line. Label at the top of one side “Realistic” &
on the other side label “Abstract.” Under the Realistic side, use a pencil to draw the object as
realistically as you possibly can. On the Abstract side, distort your object so that it is still
somewhat recognizable-use abstracted colors to color it. Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #19: Crushed Soda Can: Draw a crushed soda can, include details like the logo. Render
with full shading.Medium: drawing pencils
SB #20: Worm’s Eye Point of View: Draw your choice of subject matter from a worm’s eye
point of view. From below looking up at the subject. Add shading to indicate highlights &
shadows. Medium: drawing pencil
SB #21: Bird’s Eye Point of View: Draw your choice of subject matter from a bird’s eye point
of view. From above looking down at the subject. Add shading to indicate highlights &
shadows. Medium: drawing pencil
SB# 22: Paper Airplane: Fold a paper airplane, place it in front of you & draw from direct
observation as accurately as you can. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencil
SB #23: Creative Hand Drawing: Trace you hand -yes I said Trace on your page. Use your
imagination to turn you hand into something different. Add details-make it
interesting! Medium: colored pencil
SB #24: Cloth Drawing: Draw the cloth that is hanging on the art room wall. ADD FULL
SHADING Medium:Drawing pencil or Charcoal pencil (spray when finished)
SB #25: Interactive Drawing & Photo: Fine a photo either of yourself or someone else (can be
from a magazine). Cut the person out & brainstorm how you can create a drawing that combines
the two so that they interact with each other. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencils
SB #26: Flat to 3D- Come Alive: Look at the two examples below of a flat drawing-mostly
lines/no shading that slowly transforms to become 3D with full shading. Design your own
drawing that morphs from flat to 3D.Medium: drawing pencils
SB #27: Visual Puns: Illustrate 2 two-word phrase using drawings of objects related to their
meanings. Example: hot dog, hair brush, two face, fish face, bone head Medium: colored pencil
SB #28: Procreate Or Sketchbook App Drawing: Use your iPad to create an ORIGINAL
drawing of subject matter of your choice. Medium: ipad
SB #29: Botanical Study: Find a flower or plant from nature. Study it carefully before drawing.
Draw the whole plant on 2/3rds of the page. Select 3 areas to “magnify” & draw smaller, partial
up-close drawings of those 3 areas including all the details. ADD FULL SHADING
Medium:watercolor, watercolor pencil, or drawing pencils
SB #30: Morphing Transformation: Choose 2 two objects (one animal & one man made) to
slowly morph into each other. You should have 6 drawings illustrating the transformation of one
object into the other. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencils
SB #31: Mixed Media Experiments: Have fun experimenting with mixed media techniques. Do
the experimenting on other paper, then cut out the different experiments & glue them in
your sketchbook. Label each experimentwith a brief description of how you created it. Try at
least 6 of these different experiments. Use up a minimum of 2 pages in your
sketchbook. Medium: various art supplies
SB #32: Collaged Music Sheet: Glue a music sheet onto a page in your sketchbook-Let it dry
completely (do at least one day in advance). Choose an image or two to draw with India ink &
draw it directly onto the music sheet. Add color with watercolors or colored pencils. Medium:
collage, ink, watercolors or colored pencils
SB #33: Wooden Mannequin Sketches: Use observational drawing skills to draw a wooden
mannequin in 3 different positions. Pay careful attention to proportions-goal is accuracy!
Medium: Drawing pencils
SB# 34: Line Inventory: See Liberty HS Art Teacher Page create an empty template — two
rows of four squares; one row of four vertical rectangles; and one row of four circles. When you
have drawn your blank template, place four different kinds of lines in the first row of squares.
Refer to the example below, but do not copy — come up with your own kinds of lines. Then,
invent a series of variations on each line in the remaining columns. Medium:ink or sharpie
SB #35: Tool Metamorphosis: Idea from Stan Winston School Choose a tool (hammer, ax,
wrench, pliers, drill) as a beginning point, creatively transform the head of the tool into
something else– a monster, a robot, a machine, a vehicle, and instruments, an animal, etc.
Change its scale & it purpose. Render with full shading. Medium:colored pencils